Life Affirming Alternatives
First Care empowers women facing crisis pregnancies to choose life for their unborn children while sharing the love and good news of Jesus Christ.
The Mysterious Providence of God: An Adoption Story
Click here to read this amazing story.
Creating a culture of love and life where people stop running to abortion centers and start running to the local church.
Embrace Grace is a wonderful ministry to help women who are pregnant.
For over 30 years, 4KIDS His Caring Place has provided homes and support for young women facing unplanned pregnancies.
The mission of Mary’s Home is to provide a Christian transitional pathway leading expectant women to a life of self-sufficiency and dignity for themselves and their babies.
The Tri-Area Pregnancy Resource Center (TAPRC) in Galax, Virginia is a locally organized and funded pro-life ministry that offers resources for women who are pregnant or think that they may be pregnant. All services are free and confidential.
The Legacy Center in Mount Airy, North Carolina is committed to helping women and men in crisis because of an unexpected pregnancy and those who have been harmed by abortion.
The Respect Life Ministry exists to uphold the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.
Abortion Recovery
To talk to someone or join a study, email Toni at:

“Sanctity of Human Life”
Offering healing after abortion with individual peer counseling, a support group, and a weekend retreat.
Helping a Post-Abortive Woman Find Her Voice (and Keep It): The Toni Weisz Story
Roland Warren’s Keynote at the 2020 Care Net National Conference
Listen to Toni Weisz on the Choose Life Radio Podcast (Click Here)
Authentically Ereka Podcast
S1E6: Interview with Toni Weisz and April Young of My Ashes to Beauty.
Click here for the link on Google Podcasts.
Life Beyond Rape
Kathi Aultman: Why I Am No Longer an Abortionist – Focus on the Family CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE
Discovering Abortion’s Impact on the Black Community Moved Me From Apathy to Action – Focus on the Family CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE
Hello dear friends, here is an article that Lisa from our Sunday conference call wrote in their Texas Right to Life website. Praise God for the hope and healing through Jesus Christ and My Ashes to Beauty. Love you all, Toni
Stephen Arterburn: Every Abortion Involves at Least One Man – Focus on the Family CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE
Pregnant at Harvard? | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson
Our Mission: To encourage and educate from a biblical worldview, utilizing the written and spoken word, focusing on the sanctity of human life from conception.
Tune in to listen to the Toni Weisz story/interview on
Go with “Goldie” on an amazing redemptive journey from being deeply troubled and persistently self-centered to being transformed.
Buy on Amazon
Goldie’s life story has been made into a movie for the big screen! Visit for details!
A victim of rape faces the most momentous choice of her life: to embrace or end the untimely life within her.Buy this book
Super Bowl champion Benjamin Watson goes on a journey to discover the truth about abortion in America.
Read this eye-opening info!
Rainbow in the Night: Life Story of Jane Goldie Winn
Jane “Goldie” Winn’s amazing book, RAINBOW IN THE NIGHT: A JOURNEY OF REDEMPTION. has been made into a movie for the big screen! Check out!
Sing a Little Louder
Inspired by the true story of an elderly man who in his youth witnessed the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust from the pews of his Church.
Way of Life: Sanctity of Life
Do you know how caring for unborn children, pregnant women, and victims of abortion fits into the broader story of how we follow the way of Jesus Christ? Share this short video during Sanctity of Human Life month (or anytime) to inspire and encourage your church.
Enjoy Crescendo, a short film that has been globally heralded and has won over 11 international awards and was screened at 100 events across America! “Crescendo is a celebration of the strength, beauty, fortitude and dignity of women,” said Pattie Mallette.
Your donations* are greatly appreciated and go to help other women step out of darkness and isolation into Jesus’ glorious healing light.
Thank you so much!
*This is not a tax exempt organization,
therefore, your donations are not tax-deductible.
Click the Donate button to be taken to PayPal
to make your secure donation or Scan the QR Code.

The photos of Toni Weisz were professionally done by Kim VanPortfleet.
Visit her website at: