Peace in My Storm

Peace in My Storm

Peace in My Storm

By Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual Insights

Scripture verses: Isaiah 43:2, 2 Corinthians 12:9, and Philippians 1:6

Isaiah 43:2
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Philippians 1:6
“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

In the last five years, life as I knew it has taken a very different turn. David and I moved to the Blue Ridge Mountains in 2017, to start the homestead we lovingly planned for so long. It includes multiple gardens, fruit and nut trees and raising animals. The first two years were wonderful as we established our homestead and became acquainted with our new community.

God led us to a great little country church, and we began ministering wherever He led us and were excited about being able to bless others with the bounty from our gardens! Then things began to happen that started chipping away at my view of God’s perfect future for David and me.

Since 2019, there have been a series of events that brought me from excitement to despair. After experiencing multiple health issues that included severe back pain, foot surgery, a severe case of covid, and chronic UTI’s, which led to more than two years of debilitating IBS and losing a beloved dog of 15 years after years of managing her decline. And while dealing with all these issues, I was having trouble fitting into our very different culture. I started believing and focusing on the lie that life is not good, God is ambivalent, things won’t change, and it will keep getting harder. And during this period, we were experiencing the difficult restrictions and changes Covid-19 brought for all of us, which increased my anxiety more.

At the start of this new season in our lives, I had certain expectations that clearly haven’t been met. I thought it would be so fun! I expected my health to maintain a certain level so I could do all the things I love at home and doing ministry for the Lord. But the opposite has happened. I’ve been praying and thinking on this for months and have come to realize that the Lord had a different plan for us. You might think that should have been obvious to me, but like many of us, I’m stubborn, and it’s not easy to give up on my idea of the life I desired to live. God’s ways are not my ways; that’s becoming clearer to me.

I currently have three beloved rescue dogs. And for the past several months, I’ve been dealing with some very stressful health issues for two of them. And the third one has ongoing IBS and arthritic issues. Last October, my youngest, Chloe, developed lesions on her tummy, which grew rapidly. I found myself in the ER vet where she was given treatment and meds but no diagnosis. I followed up with my local vet who performed major surgery to remove most of her mammary glands, followed by a series of tests. But the lesions continued to grow on her body. His diagnosis was an autoimmune deficiency, so he put her on steroids to manage the lesions, and this led to diabetes. Before we knew what she had, her symptoms were severe. They had us up multiple times through the night and cleaning up after her constantly throughout the day, which went on for weeks. After the diagnosis, I was dealing with daily injections and multiple blood tests.

I was physically and emotionally drained. I didn’t think I could do any of this, and if one more thing was added, I would just shut down! I found myself falling into a heap and crying at times. I was so overwhelmed that I failed to stop and ask Jesus to bring comfort. Then one of my other dogs started limping. After two months, he had surgery for a torn CCL. He is now crated and requires both of us to get him out as he cannot bear weight and needs a sling under his belly. His initial recovery will take over three months.

I’ve had to step away from a young girl’s ministry I had committed to, and it made me so sad. And I’ve had to step away from my social events, which I love. I prayed to God often, to bring healing for me and my husband who is dealing with health issues that will require surgery soon. And I really want my animals to be healthy and happy! I pleaded with the Lord, but nothing has changed. In fact, it seems to be getting harder.

There are seasons when we can feel overwhelmed and unable to focus on living out our God-blessed, joyful and healthy life because all we can see are the huge issues before us. I have been so focused on my overwhelming problems that I missed seeing my mighty God and loving Father, who is in complete control.

The question I have to ask myself is, do I want to have an easy life with very little or no spiritual growth or do I embrace all that God brings and give Him praise for developing my faith and strength? Because that is what our storms can bring! I want to focus on God’s control over the problem, not the problem itself because it brings peace to my heart. In order to receive all that God has, I have to exercise my trust and belief that He truly is in control. One way I practice this is to remember His faithfulness to me over the past forty-one years.

God knows. He is in direct control of every detail of our circumstances, knows what we need and calls us to Himself. And in that time, we are to enter His presence. When I find myself becoming agitated and impatient, I stop and tell the Lord how much I need Him, how much I need to redirect my perspective. I have to let go of those things I can’t control. And it has helped me so much! It occurs to me that God has lovingly allowed these trials so that I may grow in His strength, for His service and His glory! And when the next storm comes, I’ll be better prepared.

I want you to know that my connection with you all has helped me to see how much God is working in all of our lives. God called us to encourage and lift one another up, which builds our faith. And that is what I experience when we spend time together sharing our stories of how God is working in your lives. It’s such a gift!

Questions to take to heart:

1. Do you feel helpless in the storms in your life?

2. How are you responding to them?

3. What are these trials teaching you (humility, patience, endurance, deeper trust in Jesus, etc.)?

4. How can we pray for you?

God bless you and thank you for allowing me to share.

I pray this topic has been helpful for you. Please reach out if you need to talk or want to pray:

His Servant,


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