Spiritual Warfare
The Enemy Is Prowling
by Toni Weisz/Spiritual Warfare
Scripture References: 1 Peter 5:8, Romans 8:1 and Philippians 4:13
Be sober, be vigilant; for your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8
I have been under a barrage of attacks by the evil one since I shared the gospel in a letter to two of my family members. I want them to hear the gospel one more time so they can have confidence that when they pass from this life to the next, they can know they are saved and will be in heaven when they die. Not only that, but at the time of this writing, we have three, and possibly four, Recovery Bible Studies starting within the next few weeks. That’s a lot of women hearing the gospel, being healed and set free from the trauma of abortion and abuse.
The first week, the enemy used family. My kids were not in a good place, some hard conversations happened, and people were offended. Finally, they were able to communicate and work things out, without my help. The enemy was trying to get me to fret and worry and jump in and to take matters into my own hands (my old character defect of codependency and fear) instead of trusting God.
Then on a Saturday, the enemy used people in spiritual leadership. We were in a group setting, but I felt ignored and not included in the discussions. God showed me from this example what not to do as a spiritual leader. I am to be aware of everyone in the group. We all need encouragement and to feel included.
Then on a Sunday, a leader at church made a weird comment. Again, God showed me how important my words are. They can uplift people or put people down. The enemy was trying to use spiritual leaders to pick my rejection wound, desiring to awaken my people-pleasing character defect (my old character defect of people pleasing, putting others before God, which is idolatry).
Then a few days later, the enemy used a woman who was very involved in serving in this ministry for many years, to react in a peculiar way and say some hurtful things. This one hurt pretty deeply. Again, I did not react. I actually did not send a text I had written because honestly, I did not know what to say. Instead, I prayed for her because obviously she is not in a good place. My old character defect of condemnation, listening to the lies of the enemy accusing me, was trying to make a comeback.
I was thinking to myself, “What in the world is going on?” Any one of these scenarios in the past would have pushed me over the edge, and I would have reacted badly or taken on rejection. Or my people pleasing would have kicked in and I would have scrambled around trying to make things right.
But because of the work God has been doing in my life over these 17 years, I am able to see with my spiritual eyes what is going on.
I am so grateful God healed my rejection wound and that I no longer yearn for the approval of man. I want my life to please God. I am grateful there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus (ref. Romans 8:1).
The accuser has no dominion over me. The Word of God has set me free, and the Holy Spirit protects me from the fiery darts of the enemy.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)
I am so thankful to God for equipping the called. If God calls you to something, be confident that He will give you everything you need to succeed.
Questions to take to heart:
- What kind of spiritual warfare have you been experiencing lately?
- Have you noticed a pattern? When are you most vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks?
- How can we pray for you?
I pray this topic has been helpful for you. Please reach out if you need to talk or need prayer. Email me at: toni@myashestobeauty.com.
You are loved,