Pensée puante: Ma vision déformée de moi

Pensée puante: Ma vision déformée de moi

Pensée puante: Ma vision déformée de moi

by Toni Weisz/Stinking Thinking

Scripture References: Isaïe 43:1819 et Psaume 62:1819

Stinking Thinking refers to the negative thoughts that torment us (especially when we are ARRÊT (Hfaim, UNEen colère, Lseul ou Tirrité) ou disturbing thoughts, such as a distorted view of God, ourselves, ou d'autres. We will learn to discern the truth from the lies we have believed all of our lives. Our goal is to equip you so you can have victory in every area of your life.

Isaïe 43:1819
“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Psaume 62: 68
“He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.”

I was the oldest of three and came from a strict second-generation, Italian-American family. My father and his two brothers and sister ran a family-owned construction company started by my grandfather.

My grandfather had a drinking problem. UNEnd my dad acted like an alcoholic even though he did not drink. I refer to his behavior as a “rageaholic.” He worked extremely long hours and was dealing with a lot of stress and family drama. He was not able to communicate in a healthy manner without becoming angry and raising his voice. He had a very short fuse. Alors, when he was home, I would literally want to run and hide.

I had an overdeveloped sense of responsibility, and I took on shame very quickly as a child. My dad was very unpredictable and scary at times. As a result of this, I hid behind my wall to protect myself. I pretended to be the good, quiet one, in order to protect myself and to set myself apart from my sister (who was 15 months my junior) and my brother (who was born three years after her).

How was I supposed to get the love and attention I needed? After the “good, quiet one" persona was not working anymore, I started sneaking Scotch whiskey from my parents’ liquor cabinet. Like I said, my dad did not drink, so he did not know I was watering down his liquor until I overheard my uncle comment on it one day when he had a drink. I thought, “Oh no, I am in trouble now.” But nothing ever came from that.

Now I was really hiding because of all the sins I was pilling up while still keeping up the façade of the good, quiet one. By 13, I was getting high and doing other drugs. À 16, I was having sex. And at 21, I was pregnant and unmarried. My life was a recipe for disaster.

I felt very insecure because I started gaining a lot of weight from all the extra calories from the liquor and binging after getting high. I felt ugly, fat, unloved, seul, and depressed. I never developed my voice either, so all the stuffing I had been doing during my life was about to come out sideways, and I would not be able to control it. I would become like my father, a “rageaholic.”

After many years of destructive choices, unhealthy copying mechanisms and addictions, my self-loathing was at an all-time high. M.y depression was preventing me from functioning normally and all the pain I had been stuffing all my life was coming out sideways. I had no control over it. I was like a walking volcano. I literally just wanted to end this disaster of a life and stop the torment I was experiencing.

I felt I was not worthy to be loved. En fait, I thought I deserved to be emotionally abused by others because of my abortion. I did not see myself as a person of value to anyone, not even to God. This destructive pattern would continue until I was 34, when by the grace of God, I heard the gospel and within 4 weeks got saved and asked Jesus to forgive my sins and be my Lord and Savior. The most beautiful and memorable day of my life is February 6, 1994, when I became born-again.

Even after my salvation, I felt I had to work for God’s love and for the approval of others in leadership at Church. My peoplepleasing was consuming my life, and God showed me that this is idolatry, that anything that I put above God is an idol.

Slowly over time as He poured His love and grace over me and with many years of recovery, intensive innerhealing work, and involvement in highaccountability groups, God showed me His love for me was not based upon my good works et that it was only because of Jesus’ death on the cross on my behalf that I was now righteous before God.

I stopped striving to please people and only live my life to please God. As a result of this new mindset, I have become more dependent upon God and bolder and more courageous. I am so grateful for the wonderful adventure the Lord and I are on right now.



  1. How has your distorted view of yourself opened you up to all kinds of abuse and sin as a way of trying to cope with all the pain?


  1. How has your distorted view of yourself changed over the years as God has given you awareness and the courage to change?


Please reach out if you need prayer or someone to talk to. Ouiou can email me at:

Tu es aimé,

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Liberté en Christ

Liberté en Christ

John 8: 31-32, 34-36

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him. “If you abide in My word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”

Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

Quote from Ravi Zaccharias, “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.”

We were all born with a sin nature, because of Adam and Eve’s fall in the garden, when Eve took the fruit and ate it and gave it to her husband to eat also, that’s when sin entered into the world. Sin is destructive and we are all servants to sin. Because of our sin nature we are proud, selfish, liars, disobedient, drunkards, and murderers, etc. We do not have the ability to stop this destructive cycle until we meet the only one who has never sinned, His name is Jesus our Savior and Redeemer.

What does freedom in Christ mean? Freedom in Christ means I no longer belong to Satan and I am no longer a slave to sin, doing things that are ungodly. I have a new nature, the Bible says when I confess and repent (turn) of my sins and believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God, that I am born again. I am now born of the Spirit of God. I am adopted into God’s family. When I become born again the Holy Spirit now indwells me. I now have the ability with the help of the Holy Spirit to make good God glorifying decisions.

Jesus’s death on the cross paid my sin debt, He was my propitiation, my substitute, He paid the penalty for all my sins and the sins of the whole world when He died on the cross 2000 years ago. Because of His death for me, I am now blameless before God, my sins have been covered by the blood of the Lamb, all God sees is Christ righteousness. God rescued me from the clutches of the devil, who once held me captive, and placed me in the palm of His hand. I now belong to God.

As a believer in Jesus I have freedom from the Great White Throne judgment, which is for those who do not know Jesus as their personal Savior. There is a literal place called hell that was created for the devil and his angels. It grieves the Father that any one will be in hell. This is the reason I am sharing this with you today, it is God’s desire that no one should perish but all have eternal life, I am giving you this information now so if you are unsure of your relationship with Jesus now is the time to get that secured. I am available to talk, please email me at, and we will discuss this further so you can know for sure you have eternal life and that when you die you will be in heaven with Jesus.

If you are a believer you stand before the judgement seat of Christ, the Bema Seat, you are judged based upon things done on earth good or bad. You will receive rewards or you will have rewards taken away. You are guaranteed a home in heaven forever. A place where there is no more sorrow or death or crying, where God will wipe away the tears from our eyes.

I have freedom to live my life in a new way. Instead of being selfish and prideful I am a servant of God, I am His hands and feet in this world, to minister His love, grace, and compassion to all around me. I am now more concerned for others needs than my own. The least I can do is serve Him for what He has done for me. J'ai une nouvelle vie, un nouveau but, a new family and a home in heaven when I die. I also we see my sweet Joseph my son who I aborted 40 years ago. What a sweet day that will be, I can’t wait to kiss my son’s cheek and to hug his neck.


Discussion Questions

Have you ever confessed and repented (turned away) from your sins to God and do you believe that Jesus is the sinless Lamb of God that died on the cross for your sins?

If you are unsure of your relationship with Jesus, please email me so we can talk in greater detail.


God Bless you,


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Les limites - pourquoi sont-elles si importantes?

Les limites - pourquoi sont-elles si importantes?

Psaume 34:18, Jérémie 29:11, John 3:16

Personal boundaries, as defined by Psychology today, “Are the limits we set with other people, which indicate what we will accept and what we consider unacceptable behavior towards us. To know our boundaries comes from a healthy view of ourselves.” When that view is distorted due to emotional trauma as children (whether we did not get the love and care from our family which is a Type A Trauma or we were sexually, emotionally, or physically abused as children which is Type B Trauma). All these experiences as children cause us to have a distorted view of ourselves, Dieu, and others and it prevents us from maturing into healthy stable adults. (Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You, A Life Model Book)

This distorted view of ourselves especially those of us who have had abortions opens up the door to all kinds of unhealthy and destructive behavior. God created women to love and nurture their children and then we did the opposite. Our hopes and dreams as young girls are dashed, and we are now open to all kinds of unhealthy destructive coping mechanisms and ungodly behavior to deal with our pain. Our very souls are tormented and we feel desperately alone, depressed and even suicidal.

So how can we stop this destructive cycle of accepting and enabling unhealthy behavior from others? D'abord, we must realize we have a Savior and a friend who is the lover of our soul, and His name is Jesus. He is the only one that can heal our broken spirits, our broken bodies and our broken minds. Psaume 34:18 ESV “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves the crushed in spirit.” He is the only one that can take the disaster we have made of our lives and restore order and peace. And He alone can give us a new hope, new dreams, un nouveau but, and a new life. Jérémie 29:11 NKJV, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, dit le Seigneur, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

In childhood, I did not learn what healthy boundaries look like. I became a people pleaser at a very young age and as a result I allowed people to take advantage of me and treat me very poorly and I never said a word. I wondered why I never truly felt loved by others; what was it? I was allowing all kinds of unhealthy behavior because I didn’t love and respect myself, surtout après mon avortement. I now despised myself. I didn’t understand why others didn’t treat me with love, kindness and compassion. I realized they cannot give what they do not have. But that took many decades for me to come to that understanding. I also recognized that they did the best they could with what they had and I released them into God’s Hands and started praying for and forgave them.

We all have our wounds and issues from our past, which causes us to be self-consumed and blinded, and we cannot see how we are hurting others closest to us. Only God can give us awareness and the courage to stop accepting unacceptable behavior and establish healthy boundaries. For the first time, I used my voice to explain my boundaries and insist they be respected. There was some push back but I was not going to waiver. D'abord, putting up boundaries is hard to do. But as God heals us, we get stronger, bolder and more courageous, and we no longer want to just exist, we want to experience the abundant life Jesus came to give us. The first step in recovery is recognizing my life is unmanageable and I need God to help me.

Très Cher, I want you to know that God loves you so much that He sent His Son to die on the cross for you. (John 3:16) Have you received this gift of love and forgiveness from God? If not you can do that today? If you do know the Lord, then ask Him to help you to love yourself and to have courage to put up boundaries and no longer accept unhealthy behavior. He will help you if you ask Him, He did it for me and I know He will do it for you too.





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Pensée puante: Anxiété

Pensée puante: Anxiété

Pensée puante: Anxiété

Philippiens 4:6-7 et Matthieu 6:25-26, 31 et 33

Philippiens 4:6
S'inquiéter pour rien, mais en tout par la prière et la supplication (demandant humblement) avec actions de grâces, faites connaître vos demandes à Dieu; et la paix de Dieu qui dépasse toute intelligence, gardera vos cœurs et vos esprits par le Christ Jésus.

Matthieu 6:25-26, 31, et 33
« C'est pourquoi je vous dis, ne t'inquiète pas pour ta vie, ce que tu mangeras ou ce que tu boiras; ni à propos de ton corps, ce que tu mettras. Votre vie n'est-elle pas plus que de la nourriture et le corps plus que des vêtements? Regarde les oiseaux du ciel, car ils ne sèment ni ne moissonnent ni n’amassent dans des granges; pourtant votre Père céleste les nourrit. N'avez-vous pas plus de valeur qu'eux? « Ne vous inquiétez donc pas, adage, 'Qu'allons-nous manger?» ou « Qu'allons-nous boire?» ou « Que devons-nous porter?» Car après toutes ces choses, les païens cherchent. Car votre Père céleste sait que vous avez besoin de toutes ces choses. Mais cherchez d’abord le royaume de Dieu et sa justice et toutes ces choses vous seront données par-dessus. »

La pensée puante fait référence aux pensées négatives qui nous tourmentent surtout lorsque nous sommes HALT: Affamé, En colère, Solitaire ou fatigué; des pensées telles qu'une vision déformée de Dieu et de soi, pensée négative, justification, peur, et l'anxiété. Nous aborderons chacun de ces sujets afin de pouvoir discerner les mensonges auxquels nous avons cru au fil des années et les remplacer par la vérité de Dieu.. Notre objectif est de vous équiper pour que vous puissiez remporter la victoire dans ces domaines.

Je deviens anxieux lorsque je projette négativement dans le futur sans Dieu dedans. Quand je fais ça, je me sens faible, désespéré, et découragé. Ma tête et mes yeux sont baissés et j'ai envie d'abandonner. Mais quand je reconnais, je regarde à l'intérieur, puis je me rappelle que mon aide vient du Seigneur et je lève les yeux vers le ciel. Dieu nous a promis dans sa Parole, qu'Il répondra à tous nos besoins. N'as-tu pas plus de valeur que de nombreux moineaux? Mais malheureusement, Je ne le connaissais pas et je ne lui faisais pas confiance, et par conséquent, J'ai pris de très mauvaises décisions parce que je ne lui ai pas fait confiance pour mon avenir..

Je pensais pouvoir minimiser mon anxiété en essayant de contrôler tout et tout le monde. Mais j’ai réalisé que c’était impossible à faire et que c’était très frustrant et épuisant émotionnellement.. J'avais l'habitude de intervenir pour réparer et sauver les gens parce que je devenais anxieux à propos de toutes les éventualités.. Je péchais contre Dieu en ne lui faisant pas confiance pour mon mariage, mes enfants, mon entreprise, et ministère. Je me souviens dans mon journal, Dieu me dit, "Écartez-vous de mon chemin, vous m'empêchez de travailler." EN MAJUSCULES, AUSSI. Dieu n'était pas content de moi. Dieu m'a montré que mon manque de confiance en Lui était un péché et que mettre les autres avant Lui était une idole.. Je me suis repenti et je me suis détourné de mon péché et je me suis tourné vers Dieu et maintenant je ne m'inquiète de rien., parce que je sais que Dieu pourvoira à tous mes besoins ainsi qu'à ceux de ma famille. je suis enfin libre.

Laisse-moi te demander, qu'est-ce que tu essaies de contrôler?

Vous sentez-vous anxieux?




Pensée puante: Justification - Justifier mon péché

Pensée puante: Justification - Justifier mon péché

Pensée puante: Justification - Justifier mon péché

Genèse 3: 8-13 and Proverbs 11:14b

And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.” And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?” Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.” And the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”

La pensée puante fait référence aux pensées négatives qui nous tourmentent surtout lorsque nous sommes HALT: Affamé, En colère, Solitaire ou fatigué; des pensées telles qu'une vision déformée de Dieu et de soi, pensée négative, justification, peur, et l'anxiété. Nous aborderons chacun de ces sujets afin de pouvoir discerner les mensonges auxquels nous avons cru au fil des années et les remplacer par la vérité de Dieu.. Notre objectif est de vous équiper pour que vous puissiez remporter la victoire dans ces domaines.

I define justification, more specifically justifying sin, as the belief that I am making a right or reasonable decision, when in fact the opposite is true. I have heard almost every excuse to justify a woman’s choice for an abortion; I had several myself. I allowed the enemy to isolate me and to lie to me, just like he did to Adam and Eve when they ate the forbidden fruit and sinned against God. As a result of my sin, I rushed to make my decision and not ask for help or discuss it with anyone. It’s the one thing we as woman don’t ask for help with, why is that? We talk to our friends or family about other decisions we make, but why not this one? I believe the enemy immediately swoops in and starts flooding our minds with all kinds of chaos, coupled with lies, peur, et l'anxiété. This combination is overwhelming to our minds and we scramble to stop the noise in our heads so we can return to normal. I did not have my abortion until my second trimester, but I had my mind made up immediately I was going to have an abortion. I had to wait months to have my procedure because I didn’t follow protocol and ate before my first scheduled abortion so I had to reschedule. I had to make 2 abortion appointments! Perhaps God was giving me a way to escape, but I wasn’t seeking His counsel. Instead I felt justified in my decision to move forward with the abortion.

The reasons I used to justify my abortion were the following: I believed the lie that my baby would be severely deformed because I was doing heavy drugs, drinking excessively, and smoking 2-3 packs of cigarettes per day. I was still in college in Ohio with no job and I thought I can’t have a child now! I believed the father of the child would leave me to raise the child on my own. But the biggest reason was that I was afraid to tell my parents. I regret that I did not have the courage to admit to my parents that I made a mistake. I never gave them an opportunity to have a say in my decision because I took matters into my own hands. My fear and pride prevented me from telling the truth, I wish I would have told them, because I could have my 40-year-old son with me today. But I cannot go back and change my past, all I can do is learn from it and understand why this broken frightened woman could not tell her parents the truth. I remember when after watching the movie, “Unplanned”, I was at my laundry room sink and the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart, “Every child in the womb is mine,” tears filled my eyes and I replied, “I know Lord and I robbed you of the baby in my womb and I am so sorry.”

Sin is never justified. Looking back at our first parents, Adam and Eve. We see they pointed their finger at someone else to justify their sin before God. The exchange is quite interesting and we use the same tactics today. In Genesis 3, after Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit, God is calling to them, “Where are you?” God called Adam by his name wanting him to confess his sin but instead he justified his sin and accused the woman who God gave him, and Eve likewise accusing the serpent. Instead of taking responsibility for their sins, they blamed someone else. Their pride prevented them from humbling themselves before God and repenting of their sin. My pride prevented me from asking my parents and God for help in my abortion decision. Instead I listened to the devil, and I suffered for years as a result of my decision.

We are here to help you make life affirming God glorifying decisions in your lives. Proverbes 11:14b, “In the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Please reach out if you are struggling with making good decisions.

May I ask you a few questions?

What were your reasons for your abortion(s), that at the time you felt were justified?

How do you see your decision-making process now?

What were the lies you believed?

What is the truth that God has shown you?




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