I define shame as a heavy, black wool cloak that covers my head and weighs me down.

Under it, my head and body are bent over, my eyes are cast down and my spirits are down.

I have feelings of despair, regret and weakness.

I feel all alone and isolated in this dark place.

I feel hopelessness and powerless to change this situation.

Shame tells me from my youth, “It’s all your fault.”

I suffer with an over-developed sense of responsibility; perfectionism and people-pleasing have made me vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks in this area.

I now recognize I don’t have to listen to those old tapes in my head anymore.

God has given me a new identity, a new purpose and a new life.

Discovering who I am in Christ changed everything.

God showed me that shame is a choice. I can have power over it and I can decide not to take it on.

The enemy may try to get me to take on shame, but I have the final say.

Christ in me helps me to make better choices.

I am not a victim of my circumstances. I am victorious in Christ

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippiens 4:13)

I am loved by God.

I have been adopted; I am not abandoned.

I am accepted; I am not rejected.

I am His child.


Dear One, you are loved by God.

Have you received His love?

How does God see you?

How do you see yourself?

In His love and service,


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