Aborto: Nuestra única opción

Aborto: Nuestra única opción

Aborto: Nuestra única opción

By Toni Weisz/Spiritual Warfare

Scripture References: Génesis 3:15 and Genesis 1:27

Génesis 3:15“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”

Génesis 1:27“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

It takes courage to be healed from a past abortion. Going back to look at the sins that contributed to our abortion decision is hard.

Did I seek God? No.

Did I ask a Christian friend? No, I didn’t have any.

Did I ask my parents for help? I didn’t. How about you?

From the time we are little girls, the enemy’s plan is to isolate us. That way, he has us exactly where he wants us when we are faced with life-altering decisions: solo.

In the book of Genesis, we learn that Satan’s purpose was to destroy the seed of the woman who would give birth to the Messiah. God’s response to Satan in the garden describes the struggle that would ensue because of this purpose: “I will put enmity (hostility) between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel." (Génesis 3:15).

Since that very moment, every child in the womb has become a target for Satan to destroy. Satan hates humans because we are created in the image of God (ref. Génesis 1:27). He takes this hatred one step further by convincing women that abortion is a good thing. How sinister is that? It is evil and unnatural for a woman, a mother, to kill her baby. Those of us who’ve had an abortion have done just that.

How did we let this happen?

Here are a few questions we can ask ourselves to uncover the reason(s) behind our abortions. I’ve included my own answers.


  1. What were the circumstances that lead to your abortion(s)?

Toni: I was in college living an ungodly life filled with drugs, alcohol, and sex. I was running away from my past pain. I just wanted to escape from my life, and this sinful lifestyle gave me some relief for a little while. Entonces, when I found myself pregnant, I was fearful my child would be severely deformed from all the drugs and alcohol. I also feared my parent’s reaction.

  1. When you found out you were pregnant, who did you tell?

Toni: I told one of my housemates who also had an abortion; she said it was no big deal. She had just had one recently. I told one of my boyfriend’s sisters; she even told me where to make an appointment.

  1. Did you tell your parents? If yes, what was their reaction?

Toni: No, I was too fearful of their reaction, and I didn’t want to hurt them. I wish I would have had the courage to tell them. I made a mistake and needed help, but I did not have the courage to do that.

  1. Did you talk with the father of the baby? Did he have a say?

Toni: He just assumed I would have an abortion. He didn’t know what his role was. We really didn’t talk about it. The father of that baby is my husband, and we will be celebrating our 40th anniversary this year.

  1. Does your abortion decision still bring you deep pain and regret?

Toni: I still mourn the loss of my son, Joseph. But by the grace of God, He has healed me from my past abortion. And I look forward to the day when I will see my son face-to-face. Gracias, Dios, for this gift.

The members of My Ashes to Beauty are here to walk alongside you and to help you. This ministry offers you hope and healing through a relationship with Jesus, the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and a safe community to share your heart and your tears from your past abortion.

God wants His daughters healed and whole to live the abundant life He came to give them. Please reach out if you need additional help and healing. Envíeme un correo electrónico a: arwsg4u2@gmail.com.

Eres amado,



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Gracia asombrosa

Gracia asombrosa

Gracia asombrosa

by Toni Weisz/Abuse Recovery
Efesios 4:29-32 and Numbers 6:24-26

Efesios 4:29-32
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ forgave you.

In the Moody Handbook of Theology, Paul Enns defines God’s grace as the unmerited or undeserving favor of God to those who are under condemnation. I did not grow up in a home where grace was displayed instead of harsh punishment. As a child, this caused me to be fearful and to hide.

I went to a church that was big and dark inside, and they spoke in a foreign language. The school associated with this church was very much the same. Students were hit with rulers when they disobeyed. Because I did not see grace and love in these formative places, I believed God was harsh and angry and ready to hit me when I got out of line. I began to believe that my faith in God was based upon my good works, e.g., If I am good, I will be loved and accepted, but if I disobey, I will be severely punished. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why I didn’t run to God when I was 21, unmarried, and pregnant. I was fearful that He too would judge me harshly and punish me severely.

During my adult life, I once again encountered a harsh church environment. My husband and I and our family started attending a legalistic church for several years where it was all about following the rules with no room for grace. The Holy Spirit in me was so grieved that I could barely feel or sense His presence.

At first, I didn’t recognize it, but I was experiencing spiritual abuse. Even so, I wanted to serve Jesus. If that meant wearing dresses 24/7 and obeying ridiculous rules, then that’s what I would do. This spiritual oppression greatly affected my soul, and I felt like I was slowly dying inside. Desafortunadamente, my children (who were in high school at the time) were also subjected to this spiritual abuse. I was so grateful when we finally got away from that toxic environment.

Similarly, I have experienced harsh treatment from another ministry leader as well. I felt like I could never do anything right and was always under a microscope. Every little thing I did was magnified and made into a public example. I was so embarrassed and felt discouraged. But God called me to the abortion recovery ministry, and I was not going to stop until God told me to.

Then one day, God brought a leader into my life who was kind and gentle. She gave me permission to just be me and fostered a safe environment in which I could open up and share about the emotional and spiritual abuse I was experiencing. I trusted her, and she truly encouraged me. It was so refreshing to have a leader that was sweet and kind, just like Jesus.

In our ministry, we want each woman to feel safe and know that she can share her story without judgement. We encourage her to use her voice, perhaps for the first time in her life. We want her to see the love of Jesus in our words and our actions. God wants our words to speak hope and life into the lives of the women He brings to our ministry, and that is what we will always try to do.

God has given us His heart for these courageous women. We are honored to walk alongside them on their healing journeys. You too are welcome here, courageous woman. Come as you are; we are waiting for you.

Closing Thoughts
What is grace? Grace is a gift from God; it cannot be earned.

Grace is overlooking someone else’s faults and loving them where they are.

I am so grateful for God’s overwhelming love and grace in my life. This grace compels me to love others, to extend mercy, and to be kind to all people. This grace humbles me when I think about what Jesus did for me on the cross…a gift I can never repay.

Number 6:24-26
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”


Reflection Questions:

  1. Do you judge yourself or others harshly?
  2. Do others treat you harshly?
  3. Have you received God’s grace?
  4. Are you able to extend God’s grace to others?
  5. Cómo podemos orar por ti?

Por favor comuníquese si necesita hablar. You can email me at: toni@myashestobeauty.com.

Eres amado,


Leer más de los blogs de Toni AQUÍ.
El coraje de María

El coraje de María

El coraje de María

By Toni Weisz/Spiritual Disciplines

Scriptures: Lucas 1:26-38, 1 John 1:9. Deuteronomio 22:20-21, y romanos 8:28

En el libro de Lucas, leemos sobre una adolescente increíblemente valiente llamada Mary. María era un nombre común en ese entonces; significaba amargo. The people were bitter because the prophets were silent for 400 años. There was no revelation at all between the Old Testament and the New Testament for all this time. They felt bitter because they thought God had forgotten them and His promise of their Messiah.

We see this incredible dialogue between Mary and the angel Gabriel. He said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women! Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” He proceeded to tell her she would conceive and bear a Son and shall call His name Jesus. God used this young woman mightily to bring forth the promised Messiah, Emmanuel—God with us. Instead of running from her situation or panicking, she prayed and sought the Lord’s leading. Why didn’t we trust God when we found ourselves with an unplanned pregnancy? If you have confessed this sin to Him, He has forgiven you. 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Mary could have been stoned for being pregnant outside of marriage because that was the law back then. Deuteronomio 22:20–21 speaks about the laws pertaining to sexual sins. Not only could Mary have been stoned, but Joseph, her espoused husband, could have walked away from the relationship by writing a bill of divorcement because they were legally betrothed to one another. But God protected Mary from both of these consequences because she had not sinned. She was supernaturally impregnated by the Holy Spirit of God. She was so courageous and brave. She risked her own life and reputation to obey God. What a beautiful testimony we see in her life.

This week will be 44 years since I aborted my son, Joseph, on December 10, 1980. I wish I had the courage like Mary to have my baby, but I allowed the fear of man to push me to abort my baby. No puedo cambiar mi pasado, but I can learn from my mistakes.

God used my abortion to bring me into a relationship with Jesus. Ahora, I have the distinct honor of walking with all of you on your healing journeys. God has certainly taken my ashes, my horrible sins, and turned them into something beautiful for my good and His glory, and you are all a part of that. I believe that God makes all things work together for good to those who love Him, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Ref. Romanos 8:28). Dios, through the work of the Holy Spirit, is continually sanctifying us and conforming us to the image of Jesus. You all are so precious to Him; I hope you know that.

Preguntas para tomar en serio:

  1. How long has it been since your past abortion(s)?
  2. Are you still holding onto your secret of abortion(s)?
  3. Have you allowed God access to all your broken places so that He can heal you? If not, trust Him today. He wants you healed and whole so that you can become the woman He created you to be.
  4. Cómo podemos orar por ti?

Espero que este tema te haya sido útil.. Please reach out if you need to talk or need prayer: toni@myashestobeauty.com. I wish you a very blessed Christmas. God is still performing miracles today.

Eres amado,


Mary, Did You Know video

"Mary, Did You Know?"


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Te veré otra vez

Te veré otra vez

“Te veré otra vez, a Letter to my Baby

Revelation 21:4-5a
“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no pain, for the former things have passed away.” Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold I make all things new.”

John 14:3
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

I Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written, “Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor have entered in the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

My Letter to My Baby

Dear Joseph,

My precious child, I have loved you all of my adult life, and yet, I have never seen your face or held you in my arms. For that, I am very sorry. You were a gift from God, and I threw you away. I am so sorry for ending your life. God showed me what you look like. I saw a young man in his 30s on an airplane, and he had brown curly hair and blue eyes. I felt my spirit quicken. I whispered to the Lord, “Is that what my son looks like?” I felt the confirmation in my spirit.

I named you Joseph because what the enemy meant for evil, God turned around for my good and for His glory. He exchanged my ashes for something beautiful. Joseph, you inspired a ministry called My Ashes to Beauty to help other moms heal from their past abortions.

I know you are in heaven with Jesus—a place where there is no sadness, dolor, or sorrow. I can’t wait for the day that I can see you face to face in heaven where we will be together forever. I have pictured that scene over and over in my mind. I see you greeting me in heaven. I know you and you know me. We hug. With tears of joy streaming down my cheeks, you kiss me and I say, “I have waited for this moment for so long. Now we will never be parted again. I love you, Joseph.” You respond, “I love you, Mom.” Then, I will look to Jesus and thank Him for this precious gift of being reunited with my child in heaven and for the gift of salvation He gave me.

I will see you soon.

Love always,

As I was praying about the topic for today, this song came on my station, Scars in Heaven, by Casting Crowns. Here are some of the lyrics (to which I made some minor modifications):

Now what I would give for one more day with you Joseph (your child or children’s names).
Cause there’s a wound here in my heart where something’s missing. And they tell me that it’s gonna heal with time. But I know you’re in a better place where you are healed and whole and I will be too.
The only scars in heaven, they won’t belong to me and you.
There’ll be no such thing as broken, and all the old will be made new. And that thought makes me smile now, even as tears fall down. Is that the only scars in heaven are on the hands that hold you now.

Questions to Take to Heart:
What are your thoughts when you think about your baby (or babies)? What would you like to say to your baby (or babies)?

You can read more letters on our website: https://myashestobeauty.com/a-letter-to-my-baby/

I pray this blesses your heart.

Eres amado,


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Nuestra percepción de Dios y por qué es importante

Nuestra percepción de Dios y por qué es importante

colosenses 3:2
Pon tu mente en las cosas de arriba, no en las cosas de la tierra.

Romanos 12:1-2
No os conforméis a este mundo, sino transformaos mediante la renovación de vuestra mente., para que podáis comprobar cuál es esa buena, agradable y perfecta voluntad de Dios.

No recuerdo de dónde saqué esta cita pero tiene mucho sentido.. “La ciencia nos dice que los pensamientos repetitivos con el tiempo se convierten en surcos físicos en el cerebro que afectan el razonamiento., opciones, y eventualmente nuestras creencias”.

¿Cuál era tu percepción de Dios cuando eras niño??

¿Fue amable?, cariñoso, y accesible o frio, distante, y enojado?
Mi percepción de Dios cuando era niño era que Él era inaccesible y enojado y me castigaría por la más mínima ofensa., No era un Dios de amor sino de ira.. Crecí en una iglesia que veía castigo por la más mínima ofensa con gobernantes y regaños.. La gente allí era muy dura y crítica.. Y que Dios se trataba de seguir reglas. No vi el amor de Dios ahí.
Puedes leer mi Blog bajo pensamiento apestoso.: https://myashestobeauty.com/stinking-thinking-my-distorted-view-of-god/

¿Cómo te afectó eso mientras crecías??
Debido a mi visión distorsionada de Dios, cuando me encontré en malas situaciones, Decidí tomar el asunto en mis propias manos en lugar de preguntarle a Dios qué debía hacer.. No pensé que Él se preocupara por mí.. Estaba en tal oscuridad que no podía ver Su luz en absoluto.. Debido a las relaciones poco saludables que tenía con otras personas más cercanas a mí, que eran bastante manipuladoras y controladoras., No pensé que valía mucho para Dios ni para los demás.. Entonces, que importa lo que le haga a mi cuerpo, Mi bebé, u otras personas? Pero Dios aparecía de vez en cuando cuando sentía que Él estaba allí y estaba interesado en mi vida.. Pero no llegaría a conocerlo como mi Señor y Salvador hasta que fuera 34 años.

Efesios 3:16-19
que él te concedería, según las riquezas de su gloria, ser fortalecido con poder por Su Espíritu en el hombre interior; para que Cristo habite en vuestros corazones por la fe, que Tú, estar arraigado y cimentado en el amor, que puedas comprender con todos los santos cuál es la anchura, la longitud, la profundidad y la altura, para conocer el amor de Cristo que sobrepasa todo conocimiento.; para que seáis llenos de toda la plenitud de Dios.

¿Cómo ves a Dios ahora??
Ahora finalmente he recibido la hermosa obra redentora de Cristo en mi vida una vez que pude recibir Su amor en lo más interno de mi ser., esa verdad me cambio para siempre. Incluso después de que fui salvo, Permití que la gente abusara de mí y me usara porque no tenía límites., y porque no me amaba, los demás tampoco me trataron con amor y respeto. Pero una vez que su amor impregnó mi corazón, Tuve coraje para poner límites y comencé a cuidarme y amarme.. Fue lo más liberador y hermoso que he experimentado., conocer el amor de Dios por mí mismo. Sentir y saber en mi corazón., que no importa lo que haya hecho en el pasado él me ama.

¿Cómo te ve??
Estoy agradecido por la verdad de la palabra de Dios de que cada persona es creada a Su imagen y se le da un valor intrínseco y es creada con un propósito para Su reino.. Ya no estoy atado a Satanás y al pecado, sino que soy adoptado en la familia de Dios.; Soy hija del Rey de la Gloria. Él me amó tanto que murió por mí en la cruz.. Su amor es tan profundo, y ancho, y alto que no puedo comprenderlo, pero creo en mi corazón que soy apreciado y amado por Dios. Y estaré con Él para siempre en el cielo por toda la eternidad.. en julio de 2017 estábamos teniendo a mi familia extendida en la ciudad, mi hermana y mi hermano y sus familias. Como resultado, Empecé a sentirme ansiosa y comencé a sentirme rechazada por todos ellos., porque ves que aún no conocen al Señor, así que ya no soy parte de su familia. El rechazo fue una herida enorme para mí y puedo llegar allí muy rápidamente si no estoy cimentado en la Palabra.. Para combatir mi herida de rechazo, Dios me hizo escribir verdades bíblicas específicas sobre, “Quien soy yo en Cristo," dice así:

quien soy en cristo

Soy digno
soy amado
Soy aceptado
soy adoptado
Tengo confianza y soy competente.
soy un niño de Dios
Tengo el Espíritu Santo dentro de mí.
Soy victorioso en Cristo
tengo un hogar en el cielo
Nada podrá separarme del amor de Dios en Cristo Jesús mi Señor
no temeré ningún mal

Estoy muy orgulloso de ti por tener el coraje de dar un paso adelante y confiar en que Dios te sanará..

Estás a salvo su amada hermana..

Eres amado,

Salmo 147:3
Él sana a los que tienen el corazón roto y venda sus heridas. (NKJV)

Toni y el equipo en myashestobeauty.com

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