Toni Weisz Regional Coordinator of Making Life Disciples

Toni Weisz is a Regional Coordinator with Care-Net’s Making Life Disciples (MLD).
Please contact her if you are interested in bringing this study to your church or small group.
Email her at: · Phone 561-327-7274.

Watch Toni’s Video AQUÍ


My Ashes to Beauty and MLD
Saves Another Baby

It was at the Luncheons 4 Life on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, that Sunny Marie was in the audience. I was sharing my abortion story and how I wish someone would have spoken life into my situation and how I wish I’d had a life disciple to turn to. Perhaps I would have made a different decision, pero instead I choose abortion.

After the presentation, she signed up to receive more information about MLD 2.0. She joined our class, which started on September 27, 2022, via Zoom with eight participants and dos facilitators. About tres weeks into the class, Sunny shared with the group that she didn’t know why she was supposed to take this class, but she just found out that her 16-year-old daughter was pregnant. It was an incredible journey for all of us to experience firsthand what MLD 2.0 looked like in the real world and not just in a small group setting.

Sunny also was an unwed teenager when she got pregnant, and she had the courage to choose life. She instilled these values in her daughter’s life. Sunny’s courage to choose life is a beautiful legacy to future generations. It has been hard for Sunny watching her daughter go through this as a teenager; it’s bringing up many memories from her past. But God is faithful.

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Gracias, Sunny for listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Here is a picture of Sunny with her grandson, born on June 10, 2023.

Sonny's Story. My Ashes to Beauty and MLD Saves Another Baby

In the beginning of December 2021, I received a call from one of our ministry partners telling me that a young woman was considering an abortion.

I instantly sent out a text to our core volunteer group for prayer. I contacted Grace, one of our volunteers, to see if she was able to meet with this young woman? They set up a time to meet.

During their meeting, Grace spent three hours listening to this young woman pour out her heart and share her concerns. In turn, Grace shared her abortion story, including her near-death experience due to complications from the abortion pill.


After the meeting, they stayed in close contact and even went to church together. Two weeks ago (May 2022), we had the pleasure of throwing this young woman a surprise baby shower. Because of God’s provision through Grace, a new baby will be brought into the world very soon, and a woman will be spared a lifetime of guilt, shame, dolor, and regret.

It truly only takes one person to make a difference when we are willing to be used by God in this way. MLD 2.0 will equip you to do the same thing.



Baby Shower for Midewilca · May 14, 2022 · Lighthouse Point, FL

Toni Weisz Regional Coordinator with Care-Net’s Making Life Disciples (MLD)
Baby Shower for Midewilca

Haciendo discípulos de la vida (MLD)
Is Such a Blessing

Haciendo discípulos de la vida 2.0 Guide & Handbook (Haga clic aquí)

Implementing Making Life Disciples (Haga clic aquí)

Caring for Those Considering Abortion

Testimonials for the MAKING LIFE DISCIPLES Class

The Making Life Disciples course was extremely helpful to equip me to minister in the church to those who find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy. As a post abortion woman, I found the abortion procedures very difficult and painful to watch, but I am grateful for the knowledge so I can help other women make an informed life-affirming decision. I didn’t have information on any alternatives to abortion, nor did I get any information regarding my abortion procedure. I am excited to be used by God to minister His love to those who are confused and stressed out regarding an unexpected pregnancy.

Bendiciones, Toni

The Making Life Disciples class fueled my passion to help others in a life affirming decision regarding abortion. It educates you and provides useful tools to help you share with others powerful information so they can be knowledgeable and have a support system available to them. I also learned better communication styles and boundaries when helping others in an unplanned pregnancy. I’m very thankful to have this tool at my fingertips as a guide when I’m assisting others in a church or any place else.

Bendiciones, Sharon

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