Nos rêves anéantis

Nos rêves anéantis

Nos rêves anéantis
par Toni Weisz/Disciplines spirituelles


Références bibliques

Jérémie 29:11 (NKJV)
Car je connais les pensées que je pense à toi, dit le Seigneur, pensées de paix et non de mal, pour te donner un avenir et un espoir.

Isaïe 61:7 (ESV)
Au lieu de ta honte il y aura une double portion; au lieu de déshonneur ils se réjouiront de leur sort; donc, in their land they shall possess a double portion; ils auront une joie éternelle.

Je n'aurais jamais imaginé avorter mon premier enfant. J'ai grandi dans une grande famille italienne. (M.y mom was one of ten children.) At our family get-togethers, there were always children running around. I was the oldest granddaughter, so it was my job to look after the younger ones so the adults could talk without interruptions.

I loved children, and I even thought about getting a teaching degree. Qu'est-il arrivé à mes rêves d'enfant? Comment suis-je allé si loin du chemin que je pensais être ma vie?

Le péché a détruit mes rêves. I decided that being the “good, quiet one” wasn’t working for me anymore. I wasn’t getting the love and attention I needed, so I decided to take matters into my own handsune vraie recette pour le désastre.

À 12 ans, I started experimenting with alcohol and began sneaking shots of Scotch whiskey while my parents were at my brother’s football practices. My sister and I were left at home to do the dishes for a short while, but that’s all the devil neededa little bit of time to get me alone and wanting.

My child-brain started thinking of ways to get my needs met but in unhealthy ways. Ce chemin destructeur que l'ennemi m'a conduit était celui de la drogue, de l'alcool, nombreux partenaires sexuels, puis mon avortement à 21. Ce fut un voyage sombre et destructeur. Je me suis caché dans mes secrets et j'ai été tourmenté par le diable.

Comment suis-je arrivé ici? One bad choice after another after another; it happens that fast.

Je continuerais dans ce schéma autodestructeur pendant 22 années. Heureusement, Dieu m'a finalement sauvé à l'âge de 34 quand j'ai entendu l'évangile pour la première fois. Jésus est mort sur la croix pour MES PÉCHÉS. j'avais jamais entendu ça avant. J'avais désespérément besoin et je voulais que quelqu'un prenne tous mes péchés, la honte, et la culpabilité.

J'avais besoin d'un Sauveurquelqu'un qui m'aime juste pour moi. J'ai trouvé toutes ces choses dans une relation avec Jésus. Je suis si reconnaissant pour l'amour, le pardon, et la paix que j'ai trouvé en Lui.

Dieu a transformé mon deuil en joie. Il m'a donné un nouveau nom, une nouvelle vie, et une nouvelle vocation.

Peu importe ce que vous avez fait dans votre passé, Dieu est capable de pardonner et de racheter ce que le diable a volé. Vous pouvez toujours avoir un merveilleux, épanouissant, God-glorifying life. It just may look a little different from your original plan. Mais rassurez-vous, Dieu est un bon Père et a un bon plan pour votre vie.

Lui permettrez-vous de vous aider à rêver de nouveaux rêves?


Des questions & Dernières pensées:

  1. Quels étaient certains de vos rêves d'enfance?
  2. Le diable a-t-il volé tes rêves d'avoir des enfants et une famille?
  3. Comment avez-vous pu passer à autre chose et rêver de nouveaux rêves?
  4. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

Je prie pour que le Seigneur s'occupe de votre cœur brisé et vous donne de nouveaux rêves. Please reach out if you need a listening ear or a word of encouragement. Email:

Tu es aimé,


Lire la suite des blogs de Toni ICI.
Outils que l’ennemi utilise pour nous maintenir en esclavage (Partie 1 à 3)

Outils que l’ennemi utilise pour nous maintenir en esclavage (Partie 1 à 3)

Outils que l’ennemi utilise pour nous maintenir en esclavage (Partie 1): Peur

by Toni Weisz/ Recovery Tools


Références bibliques

2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given me the Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.


Question: What is preventing me from recognizing I have a problem?


Fear is a tool the enemy uses to keep me in my dysfunction: the fear of change, the fear of the unknown, and fear that if I do change, I will lose a relationship.

What are your fears? Make a list of them all.

What is preventing you from truly looking at your life and asking God to help you change?

When I truly ask and seek the truth, God shows me my wounds and the lies I believe about Him, myself, et d'autres. Once He shows me those areas, I accept them and seek His wisdom to change the things I can.

My areas of woundedness were once fear of rejection and abandonment, and believing the lie that if I was perfect, I would be loved. These fears caused me to become a people-pleaser and made me think I had to earn love from others and God.

I believed God would not forgive my sin of abortion, that my sin was too great. Now I know that was a lie from the enemy to keep me in bondage. I also believed I deserved to be emotionally abused because of my sins.

All this unhealthy thinking kept me in emotionally abusive relationships, isolation, depression, and hopelessness. But God in His mercy and grace filled my heart with His unfailing love, giving me the courage to step out of the darkness into His beautiful transforming light.

He helped me recognize the root causes of these lies and how to shred those lies to pieces using the Sword of the Spirit, la Parole de Dieu.


Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

I pray this topic has helped you to discover and conquer the fears and the root causes in your own life. Please reach out if you need prayer or a word of encouragement. Email:

Tu es aimé,

Outils que l’ennemi utilise pour nous maintenir en esclavage (Partie 2): Occupé

par Toni Weisz/Outils de récupération


Références bibliques:

Psaume 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.

Éphésiens 2:89
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast.

Romains 8:15–16a
For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.

Romains 8:3839
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


I was always busy with so many things that I didn’t have time to think about the toxic relationships I had with some close family members. I was so involved in my children’s school and after school activities, teaching and serving at church, and raising my family that I did not have time to look at myself and recognize that I was enabling unhealthy behavior.

C'était fall of 2001, and I was pushing myself hard physically so I could compete against 24-year-olds in tennis at the age of 42. I would be exhausted, but I forced myself to work out anyway.

We attended a church where obeying the rules was the most important thing. It was all a show, et in the meantime, my spirit was so grieved I could barely feel the Spirit of God in me.

Then came September 11, and my husband was flying that day from Philly to CA. For many hours, I did not know where he was or how he was. When I watched planes crash into the Twin Towers, I just remember going into shock. John’s family was calling, and I had no information on his wiciabouts.

Shortly after that in October, I fell on the tennis court and hurt myself so badly that I had a huge bulge in my right hip area. As time passed, it got worse, and I could not walk after a while because the pain shot through my entire body. From Thanksgiving through New Years, I was confined to laying on the couch because I was unable to stand or walk for long periods of time.

I couldn’t do anything for several months. For the first time, I had to allow others to do things for me. It was very humbling. I had a complete mental, physical, emotional and spiritual breakdown. My children were in high school at that time, and they would sit at my feet on the couch and do their homework. I thank God for that special memory.

It was during the time of my confinement that God whispered to my heart, “I love you regardless of whether you serve me on all these committees at Church or you lay on the couch for the rest of your life. I love you the same. My love for you never changes. My love for you is not based upon your good works or being worthy to be loved; My love is based upon My Son’s death on the cross for your sins.”

God knew I was working for acceptance from others and Him. I was raised in a works-based religion, and I felt because of the sins from my pastall the drugs, de l'alcool, sex outside of marriage and my abortionthat I needed to make an atonement for my sins somehow. I didn’t understand that there was nothing I could do to earn salvation; it was a gift from God (Ref. Éphésiens 2:89).

It took 10 years for that truth to finally make its way to my heart. But once it did, it changed my whole world forever. I finally felt loved and accepted by God. I didn’t have to be good enough or check a box to be loved and accepted. I realized I needed to believe God’s Word. I can now say with confidence that I have been adopted by God, I am His child, and nothing can separate me from His love (Ref. Romains 8:1516un, 3839).


Questions to Take to Heart:

  1. What are you doing to keep yourself so busy that you are not dealing with your stuff?
  2. What are you running away from?
  3. How can/did you stop the busyness in your life?
  4. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

I pray this topic has been helpful for you. Please reach out if you need prayer or a word of encouragement. Email:

Tu es aimé,



Outils que l’ennemi utilise pour nous maintenir en esclavage (Partie 3): Angles morts

par Toni Weisz/Outils de récupération


Références bibliques:

Psaume 119:18
“Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things out of Your Law.”

John 8:3132
“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you will be my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’”


Blind spots are areas in my life in which I have been wounded and where I cannot see my character defects, sins, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

My life was filled with destructive choices, all of which contributed to my woundedness and blind spots. Only God could show me these blind spots and help me to see what areas in my life I needed to work through and change.

Dans le passé, a blind spot for me was being overly protective of my children. When I was a young mom and not a believer yet, I was fearful that God would punish me for my past abortion and take one of my children. I remember when my children hit three years of age, I thought, “Oh good, I don’t have to worry about that."

But I still parented out of fear because I didn’t want my children to make the same mistakes. They were not permitted to participate in many activities their public school friends participated in because of the church we were attending at the time.

God’s Word shined light in these dark areas that were hidden for so many years. This light set me free from my fears, helping me to trust Him to release my children into His capable hands and allow them to make their own choices.

Later on, I had to apologize to my children for not allowing them to do certain things but also for being way too protective of them. They knew my heart, and they forgave me.

Another area that I had a huge blind spot was in my relationships with others. I did not see how I was allowing others to take advantage of me by manipulating and controlling me. I never developed a voice because I was fearful of rejection and abandonment, which caused me to accept this unacceptable behavior.

I felt I deserved to be abused because of my past sins, which was a lie from the devil. I hated myself and did not respect myself. So, how could I expect others to love and respect me? I allowed others to control and manipulate me because I put their opinions above God’s in my life.

My peoplepleasing was out of control, and I could never say no because I didn’t want to disappoint others. Alors, I ran around like an idiot, exhausted physically and emotionally drained and all along feeling very empty and unloved inside.

Why was I doing these things? Oh, yes, so others will see value in me and love me.

Bien, ça n'a jamais fonctionné. The only one who ever saw value and worth in me was God.

Over time, God was removing the blindness, and I started seeing my unhealthy thinking. As I was seeking Him more and the truth about my past, He started revealing things to me that I did not see before.

I am so thankful for the day when God filled me with His love so completely that I finally stopped looking to humans to approve of me or love me. I was content solely in my relationship with the Lord. He was the only one I needed. This perspective changed my life forever. I am so grateful for God showing me my blind spots so I could know the truth, confess my sins, repent and be set free.

Ask God to show you what your blind spots are.

Des questions:

What areas has God revealed to you that were blind spots?

Can you share them with the group?

Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

I pray this topic has helped you to discover blind spots in your own life. Please reach out if you need prayer or a word of encouragement. Email:


In His love and service,


Lire la suite des blogs de Toni ICI.

Attentes non satisfaites

Attentes non satisfaites


Attentes non satisfaites
by Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual Insights

Références bibliques:

Hebrews 4:16
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Psaume 27:1314
“I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage wait for the Lord!"


After I surrendered my life to Jesus at age 25, I was so excited to go with God and live for Him. After years of mental and physical abuse by others and by my own poor life choices, which included abortion, I was anxious to start fresh. And I dared to dream for a normal life with God at the center.

I attended church, studied the Scriptures and hung out with other likeminded believers. I had great expectations about how God would fulfill my dreams to be a wife and a mom. And seeing all the young families at church intensified my longing to have my own family.

Years passed as my hopes and dreams went unfulfilled, in spite of my prayers. I got tired of waiting on God, so I took control and started dating a man who said the things I wanted to hear, but he turned out to be the opposite of the godly man I wanted to be with. You can read the whole story about “The Angel of Light” on under Luci’s Blogs, UNEautobus Rrécupération.

After three years of abuse and separation from God, I ended the relationship and surrendered my singleness to the Lord. And not long after this, I met the man that I’ve been so thankful to be married to for 21 années! In this difficult experience, God taught me that waiting on His timing and trusting His wisdom brings the best results.

Fastforward to today, and again, God has me in a place of learning to trust and believe His promises. I have been physically suffering for years with GI tract and stomach pain. You might say, I carry stress in my gut! In the last few months, it has become debilitating. I’ve been aggressively reading and applying what the experts tell me to do, but nothing has brought relief. I also searched for a healthcare professional that could help to heal me. But as I prayed for guidance and searched for months, the doors continued to close.

My hope was fading as I questioned God, "Why? Why all this suffering? Why all this waiting?” In my weakened state, I believed the lie that God would not bring healing et that He wasn’t hearing my cries for help.

In this process, God showed me that I needed an adjustment in my perspective because I had lost sight of what He was and is always doing in the life of His children. He was helping me see that I was allowing the cares of this world to affect me, that I was anxious about many things, and it was manifesting in my body breaking down. In addition, he was preparing the perfect time for me to meet the right doctor. UNEnd as an added bonus, which I know was part of His plan, I not only met her but was also able to minister to her very precious mother who happened to be visiting.

God is not in the business of meeting our desires and needs in what WE believe to be the perfect time. He wants everything to be for our ultimate good (heart, mind et spirit) and for His glory. Just like Job, we can’t understand the mind of God, nor can we see the incredible plans He has for us. We have to trust that He loves us beyond our wildest dreams.

God has had His hand on my life circumstances this whole time! But He was waiting for me to give Him control and to trust His promises for me, as Scripture guides us. And one passage to emphasize is Psalm 25:9: “He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble His way.”



What are you hoping and waiting for in your life?

Do you have a testimony of how God has answered your prayer in a way that surprised and blessed you beyond your expectations?

Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?


I pray this topic has been helpful for you. You can reach me at:






Comment surmonter les pensées négatives

Comment surmonter les pensées négatives

Comment surmonter les pensées négatives
by Toni Weisz/Spiritual Warfare

Références bibliques:
Matthieu 10:2931 et 1 Peter 5:5e9un

Lately, I have been really struggling during the day with negative intrusive thoughts. UNEnd then at night, I toss and turn for a few hours before I am able to fall asleep. I find that when my mind is not distracted with Christian music or radio, it immediately goes to certain people and situations from my past of the wrongs that have been done to me and my children. They keep coming back up one by one. I am continually trying to push them out of my head and forgive, but it’s a constant drip, drip, drip in my mind. I don’t feel peace and joy, et I don’t like the way this feels.

I am feeling inadequate and defensive. I have been triggered in the past by the phrase, "in the real world.” This is an old tape the enemy has been bringing up to me lately, and frankly, it has been working. I feel less than others because I don’t make as much money as they do. I find myself being harsh and prideful in my comments, desperately trying to convince myself and them that I do know what I am talking about and that I do live “in the real world.”

I was extremely triggered recently with a conversation I had with a family member. I felt my voice was getting louder, and I was defending myself as I was pushing back tears. I am thinking, “What in the world is going on?" That phrase, "in the real world,” came up, and then I just fell to pieces emotionally.

I was able to listen to his story and reasoning, and then I was able to apologize for responding the way I have been. It ended well, but I still feel vulnerable. I think a lot of this comes from my son’s prolonged illness and then his wife being equally ill. Neither one can work or take care of the other one. Heureusement, Mike is improving, and he is working hard to increase his body’s strength and capacity. But it is still hard.

I think, deep down, I am doubting God, even though in my journaling, He told me this trial will be over soon and Mike will be healed. It’s during the waiting that the enemy comes in to beat us down. He sees we are vulnerable and wants to inflict pain by reopening old wounds.

Dans 1 Peter 5:8, the Bible warns us to be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour.

He has been on the prowl for a while because I have been very vulnerable for a very long time. I have tried my best to stay in the Word, pray, and stay in community, but I think I need more.

I am confessing this to you because I need your prayers. I know that the spiritual warfare surrounding this ministry has always been intense and relentless. I know some of you have been equally vulnerable and weary because of the things that you deal with on daily basis.

Let’s take some time today to lift each other up in prayer to encourage one another. I want to walk in peace again. I want to feel the joy of the Lord in my heart. I want the enemy’s fiery darts to be extinguished and silenced, in Jesus' Name.

Our significance does not come from how much money we make or our status. It never has. Our significance comes from our relationship with Christ.

I hope these Bible verses encourage you:

1 Peter 5:5e9un
God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring line seeking whom he may devour. Resist him steadfast in the faith.

Matthieu 10:2931
Ne vendons-nous pas deux moineaux pour une pièce de cuivre? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs on your head are numbered. Ne crains donc pas, tu as plus de valeur que beaucoup de moineaux.


Des questions à prendre à cœur:

  1. What are you dealing with right now that the enemy is using to beat you down?
  2. How are you able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one?
  3. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

I pray this topic was helpful for you.

Tu es aimé,

Lire la suite des blogs de Toni ICI.
Prière pour le réveil

Prière pour le réveil

Prière pour le réveil
by Toni Weisz/Spiritual Discipline

Références bibliques: Psaume 51:117, Psaume 139:2324,
2 Timothy 2:21, James 5:16, et Éphésiens 4:2931

Lire le Psaume 51:1–17

Dans Février 1970, revival broke out at Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky.

On Wednesday, Février 8, 2023 (53 années later almost to the day), revival again broke out on the campus at Ashbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. UNEfter chapel service, some students lingered for spontaneous worship, prayer, and confession. The revival continued for many days and spread to other universities, and many people traveled from all over the world to experience God in that place.


We are hungry for Ouiou, Seigneur. Just like in 1970, there was much turmoil in the world, the Vietnam War, protests, bad economy, high gas prices, inflation, and chaos all around, not much different today in our world. People are hurting. They are confused et fearful about what the future will bring. But our hope is in You, Seigneur. Only You know it all, see it all, and control it all.

We humble ourselves before you today and ask Your Holy Spirit to help us. We cry out as David did in the Psalms.

Psaume 139:23–24
Search us, O God, and know our hearts. Try us, and know our thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting.

Lord God, remove any blindness that may be keeping us from repenting of sin in our lives.

2 Timothy 2:21
Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.

We want to be clean vessels sanctified and useful in your kingdom work. Purify us by the Word of God and the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Father God, we are expecting You to move mightily to heal the brokenhearted and to heal all our wounds. We are waiting for you to heal us and our families from disease and demonic oppression, in the name of Jesus, nous prions.

We are praying for our family members, friends, and neighbors who do not know Ouiou yet, that Your Holy Spirit will break their hearts of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Have mercy upon them, O Lord. We are crying out to You for revival in our own hearts, our homes, our neighborhood, our state, our nation, and the world. Viens, Holy Spirit, and have Your will and Your way in us today.

We are surrendering all to You today. We are asking, seeking, and knocking on the door. Let revival continue right here and right now in us.

In the powerful name of Jesus, nous prions, amen.

James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Éphésiens 4:29-31
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, mais ce qui est bon pour l'édification nécessaire, qu'il puisse donner la grâce aux auditeurs. Et n'attristez pas le Saint-Esprit de Dieu, par qui tu as été scellé pour le jour de la rédemption. Laisse toute amertume, colère, colère, clameur, et que les mauvaises paroles soient éloignées de toi, de toute malveillance. And be kind to one another, tendre, se pardonner les uns les autres, even as God in Christ forgave you.


Preparation for Revival:

  1. Is there someone who you are harboring unforgiveness toward for something they did or did not do?

Would you like to confess that right now?


  1. Are you willfully going against what you know is right?

Would you like to confess that now?


  1. Is there something that you are unknowingly doing that is not honoring to God? Ask the Lord to show you so you can repent.

Would you like to confess that now?


  1. Are you angry with God because you are really struggling with loneliness, depression, loss of job, health issues, a relationship, and God is not moving fast enough and you are really suffering?

Would you like to confess that now?


Please reach out if you need prayer or encouragement. Ouiou can email me at:


Tu es aimé,


Lire la suite des blogs de Toni ICI.