Sus ojos están en el gorrión

Sus ojos están en el gorrión

Sus ojos están en el gorrión (Parte 1)
por Toni Weisz/Disciplinas espirituales


Referencias de las Escrituras: mateo 10:29-31, Isaías 61:1-3 y 1 John 4:7-8


mateo 10:29-31
¿No se venden dos gorriones por una moneda de cobre?? Y ninguno de ellos cae al suelo sin la voluntad de Tu Padre.. Pero hasta los pelos de tu cabeza están todos contados, No temas pues; valéis más que muchos gorriones.

Isaías 61:1
El Espíritu del Señor Dios está sobre mí., porque el Señor me ha ungido para llevar buenas nuevas a los pobres; Me ha enviado a vendar a los quebrantados de corazón., proclamar libertad a los cautivos, y la apertura de la cárcel a los presos;

1 John 4:7-8
Amado, amémonos unos a otros, porque el amor es de Dios; y el que ama ha nacido de Dios y conoce a Dios. Quien no ama no conoce a Dios, porque dios es amor.

En la tarde del lunes, Junio 5, 2023, mientras llevo a mi perro a pasear, Me encontré con un pajarito. La pobrecita aún no tenía ni plumas, y sus ojos estaban cerrados. Inmediatamente traje al perro y llamé a mi hija para preguntarle qué debía hacer.. Cuando le envié una foto del pájaro., ella dijo, "Mamá, es un cuervo”. Ella y yo odiamos a los cuervos por la forma en que viajan en un grupo llamado "asesinato" para aprovecharse de todos los pajaritos indefensos..

Llamé a muchas agencias de animales y una sugirió hacer un nido en el árbol donde estaba el nido original y los padres lo alimentarán.. Entonces, Luché tratando de encontrar mi nido improvisado y lo puse en el árbol.. Entonces para mi sorpresa, Un par de sinsontes vinieron varias veces y alimentaron al pajarito.. Le di gracias a Dios por enviarlos..

Odio ver a los débiles, vulnerable, abandonado, aprovechado y abusado o asesinado. Odio la caída cuando toda la naturaleza y la humanidad cayeron en pecado.. Anhelo ese momento en que no habrá más pecado., muerte, dolor, pena o lágrimas. Pensé, “Esta cosita tendrá suerte si logra pasar la noche.,”pero lo hizo para mi asombro..

El martes por la mañana, Miré por la ventana y vi un pájaro carpintero pelirrojo cerca del nido., y salí corriendo por la puerta para ahuyentarlo. Pensé, "Esto es Loco, no puedes hacer esto todo el día; Te volverás loco de pánico cada vez que llegue otro depredador.. Toni, tienes que entregárselo a Dios y rendirte”.

Pasó un rato y noté que el nido se había caído del árbol., Entonces busqué y encontré el pajarito y lo volví a poner en el árbol.. Los sinsontes volaban sobre mí para mantenerme alejado de este pájaro.. Traté de asegurarles, "Está bien."

Lloré y entré a la casa y escribí estos pensamientos.:
"Caballero, No puedo ayudar a todos y a todo.. no puedo salvar a nadie. Puedo proteger y ayudar a aquellos que Tú me traes., lo mejor que puedo, pero ultimamente, Necesito entregarte todo a Ti, ya sea un ave abandonada, los problemas de salud de mi hijo, una mujer que traes al ministerio o la salvación de un miembro de tu familia. Todo está en tus manos Señor; Te entrego el control.

Ver a los sinsontes cuidar de un cuervo, su enemigo, Escuché las palabras de Jesús, "Ama a tus enemigos, bendice a los que te maldicen, haced bien a los que os aborrecen”. (mateo 5:44)

Estos pájaros trabajando juntos para proteger y alimentar a este pequeño me recordaron el cuerpo de Cristo trabajando juntos para ayudar a los vulnerables., el débil, y los heridos en este mundo. en este ministerio, queremos que otros vean el corazón del Padre hacia ellos. Queremos que experimenten Su gran amor y compasión y que los cuidemos como Él lo haría..

Todo el tiempo estuve sosteniendo este pajarito en mis manos., Estaba pensando en el viejo himno., Sus ojos están en el gorrión. Los pasajes bíblicos de los que se tomó este himno están en Mateo. 10:29-31; “¿No se venden dos gorriones por una moneda de cobre?? Y ninguno de ellos cae al suelo sin la voluntad de Tu Padre.. Pero hasta los pelos de tu cabeza están todos contados, No temas pues; valéis más que muchos gorriones”.

Solo quiero que sepas, querido, que Dios te ve y te conoce tan íntimamente porque Él te creó. Y Él sabe cuántos cabellos hay en tu cabeza..

Ven a Él y trae tus sueños rotos., tu corazón roto, tu vida rota, y Él puede hacer algo hermoso con ello si estás dispuesto a confiar en Él..

Preguntas para tomar en serio:

  1. ¿Has podido amar a tus enemigos??
  2. ¿Has experimentado un momento en el que el cuerpo de Cristo trabajó en conjunto para ministrar a otros?? Puede dar un ejemplo? ¿Cómo se sintió eso??
  3. Cómo podemos orar por ti?
Sus ojos están en el gorrión, Sela

Oro para que conozcas el amor de Dios en lo más profundo de tu ser porque cuando lo haces, cambiará radicalmente tu vida para siempre. Por favor comuníquese si necesita hablar. Envíeme un correo electrónico a:

Eres amado,


Sus ojos están en el gorrión (Parte 2)
por Toni Weisz/Disciplinas espirituales


Tuve que hacer planes para poner a dormir a mi querido y leal amigo.. Teníamos a Mozzie para 12 años. Él fue mi compañero constante y mi protector.; realmente amaba ese papel, jajaja. Estaba casi ciego y sordo., y no podía caminar muy bien. Sabía en mi corazón que mantenerlo con vida sería egoísta de mi parte.. Había cumplido su propósito en esta tierra.. Ya era hora de que lo dejara ir.. Me di unas semanas para llorar y dejar ir.

En septiembre 1, 2023, Lo llevé al veterinario, y mientras estaba en la sala de espera, el Señor trajo la canción, Sus ojos están en el gorrión, en mi opinión. Con lágrimas en los ojos y la voz entrecortada, Le canté la canción a Mozzie mientras lo sostenía en mis brazos y lo mecía.. Fue un momento dulce y le doy gracias a Dios por ello.. No planeaba estar con él hasta el final., pero supongo que Dios quería que yo estuviera allí con él.. Me quedé con él hasta que sus ojos se cerraron y su corazoncito dejó de latir.. Le agradecí por ser un amigo tan fiel.. Le di gracias a Dios por el regalo de Mozzie..

A la mañana siguiente cuando me levanté, Me senté frente a mi computadora para comenzar mis devocionales matutinos.. El Señor susurró a mi corazón, “Estoy orgulloso de ti por la forma en que mostraste amabilidad y por cómo lo cuidaste tan bien.. Bendice mi corazón cuando amas a mis criaturas”. Sonreí y mi corazón se llenó de su amor.. Quiero complacerte, Caballero, en cada área de mi vida.

Por favor comuníquese si necesita hablar. Envíeme un correo electrónico a:

Eres amado,



Leer más de los blogs de Toni AQUÍ.
¿Quiénes son tus amigos del balcón??

¿Quiénes son tus amigos del balcón??

¿Quiénes son tus amigos del balcón??

By Toni Weisz/Recovery Tools

Referencias de las Escrituras: Hebreos 10:24 and Matthew 11:28–30

Balcony peeps (people) are individuals who cheer you on in your life. They are literally hanging over the railing of a balcony, cheering you on in your walk with Jesus and in the hard things you have experienced in your life. They are your cheerleaders.

Who do you see as your balcony peeps? Can you see their faces? Can you hear their words of encouragement?

Too many people, even in ministry, are not kind, gentle, cariñoso, or supportive. I have experienced a lot of pride lately in leadership roles, and it makes me very sad because I know that is not pleasing to our God.

In the book, Balcony People, the author talks about the toxic people in our lives and how much importance we put on their words instead of focusing on the positive people God has put in our lives that help stir us up to love and good works. (Ref. Hebreos 10:24)


Here is a poem by an anonymous source taken from the book, Balcony People by Joyce Landorf Heatherley:

I was hungry and you formed a humanities club to discuss my hunger.

I was imprisoned and you crept off quietly to your chapel to pray for my release.

I was naked, and in your mind, you debated the morality of my appearance.

I was sick and you knelt and thanked God for your health.

I was homeless and you preached to me of the shelter of the love of God.

I was lonely and you left me alone to pray for me.

You seem so holy, so close to God; but I’m still very hungry, solitario, frío, and still in pain.


How do we meet these women’s needs? They need a safe place to come to lay their burdens down. That’s why we do the Sunday Conference calls. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus to these dear precious women. We provide a community of women who have experienced the same trauma because we have walked the same walk. We know through experience what they are feeling.

They are yearning to feel deeply connected in a safe community. They have been used and abused and feel isolated in their pain, and they are vulnerable to the attacks of the evil one. They desire to be seen by others. They need love, support, and encouragement that one day, if they seek God with their whole heart, they will be healed. But it’s hard work, and that is what we are here for, to cheer them on and to help them heal from their past trauma. It is God that leads them to us, and it’s through the power of Jesus, the Word of God, and the work of the Holy Spirit that they are healed. We are just vessels God uses to accomplish this miraculous work.

We meet their spiritual needs as well as physical needs. We do not judge them for the things that have happened to them in their past because that does not define them. We love them, and we know they are weary with their pain and trauma from their past.

We are reminded of the words of Jesus in Matthew 11:28–30: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

I thank God for each of you on this call today. I know most of your stories, and I am in awe of God and the work He has been doing in your lives. I get to watch God miraculously heal your broken hearts, bodies, minds, and spirits. I am truly honored and humbled by the privilege to serve in this ministry and for each and every one of you.

Preguntas para tomar en serio:

  1. Who are your balcony peeps, your cheerleaders?
  2. Do you see them hanging over the balcony cheering you on? What are they saying to you?
  3. Who are you encouraging? For those that are just beginning your healing journey, take care of yourself and your family first, then you can reach out to others.
  4. How can we pray for you on your healing journey?

Please reach out if you need to talk this week. Send me a text at: 561-327-7274 o envíame un correo electrónico a:

Eres amado,

Leer más de los blogs de Toni AQUÍ.
Caballero, Quiero ser sanado

Caballero, Quiero ser sanado

Caballero, I Want to Be Healed

por Toni Weisz/Disciplinas espirituales

Referencias de las Escrituras: John 10:10b, Efesios 3:20, Isaías 41:10, Lucas 19:10 y Salmo 40:13


If we truly want to be healed from our past trauma, we must be willing to surrender all to God. We must step out and trust Him completely in this process even when it gets scary and it’s unpredictable and out of our control.

For those who have experienced abuse and abortion in our past, it is hard to let go of control because it was our protection, so we thought.

We have to come to the point where we don’t want to just survive, we want to live the abundant life Jesus came to give us (Read John 10:10b). We no longer want to just settle; we want to experience true love and acceptance, perhaps for the first time in our lives.

If you are reading this blog, you most likely have decided you want to be healed, too. You are courageous and tired of the life you were living and want more. You want to stop the cycle of dysfunction in your life and for future generations. This is a long and very hard process, but it is worth it.

If you are willing, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than what you can ask or think (Read Efesios 3:20). That’s the God we serve. He is not limited by time and space. He is eternal.

I remember back in 2006, when God called me to the postabortion ministry, starting a journal called, “Why are the relationships closest to me toxic?” God gave me awareness that there was something going on in my relationships with those closest to me. But what was it? I was the common denominator, so what was I doing to enable these toxic relationships?

I discovered over a ten-year period of relentlessly going to God as a broken surrendered woman, “Lord I want to be healed from all the pain, rejection, abuse and my abortion. I want to be set free from my peoplepleasing and fear of man. I want to know your love in the innermost parts of my being. I want to feel loved, cherished, and safe, but how do I get there?"

God was so gentle with me because He knew how fragile I was after a lifetime of pain, rejection and trauma. He was leading me with His righteous right hand on a path of healing that was so difficult at times, but it was also beautiful (Read Isaías 41:10).

I discovered the heart of God on this journey, and for that, I am most grateful. To know the Father’s heart towards us is life transforming. He is love, gentle, kind, faithful, peaceful, generous, powerful, and eternal. He is close to the abused, neglected, abandoned, and broken. He came to seek and to save the lost (Read Lucas 19:10). We were all that at one point. But God in His infinite wisdom, His abounding grace and love picked us up out of the pit and placed us on the rock, Jesus Christ our Lord, our strong foundation (Read Salmo 40:2).

Hallelujah!!! Gracias, Jesús.


Preguntas para tomar en serio:

  1. When did God show you the dysfunction in your life?
  2. What was your next step after your awareness?
  3. How is God healing you? Who or what did He use to accomplish this?
  4. Cómo podemos orar por ti?

Please reach out if you need prayer or a word of encouragement. You can email me at:

I watched this movie recently eso truly blessed my heart: Kendrick Brothers’ Show me the Father.

Here is the YouTube trailer:

I pray it blesses your heart also.


Eres amado,




Hago nuevas todas las cosas

Hago nuevas todas las cosas

I Make all Things New
By Toni Weisz/Spiritual Disciplines


Referencias de las Escrituras: Revelation 21:1–5, Efesios 2:8–9, Efesios 3:14–21

Revelation 21:1–5
Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”

God has given me, and those who serve with me in this ministry, a special privilege to walk alongside you courageous brave women on your healing journey. We have watched you come broken and scared to share your secrets of trauma from your past abortions and abuse. You are fearful of condemnation and judgement. Letting go of your secrets is not an easy thing, especially for those who have been carrying them for many decades.

But our merciful kind and loving Father doesn’t want you doing this alone anymore. He wants you healed to become the women He created you to be.

I have watched God in my own life take a broken, depressed, suicidal, tormented woman and lift me off the ground, and show me His great love, by opening my spiritual eyes to see that I was a sinner headed for hell.

My life was transformed when I heard the Gospel for the first time that Jesus was born of a virgin, vivió una vida sin pecado, was crucified, died, buried and rose again on the third day, to defeat death and Satan. He took my place on the cross, He paid my sin debt. I went running to Jesus to rescue me from the torment of a life I had been living for 34 años. I can never repay Him for the gift of salvation that He gave to me.

Efesios 2:8–9
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

Our healing process is a lifelong journey. I was amazed at how broken and dysfunctional I was when I started my healing back in 2006. All the time the enemy had me deceived that I was fine, no need to look at my past trauma because it was such a long time ago. “I was good.”

That could not be farther from the truth. You see, the evil one wants to keep us isolated sitting in darkness being tormented by him because then he has us exactly where he wants us.

But God does not want His daughters tormented anymore. He wants us to be healed and set free from the enemy and from our own distorted view of the truth. He wants us to have the courage to step out and trust Him to lead us. He wants us to use our voices and our testimonies to help others to step out also. It is a hard process, but it is so beautiful because Jesus gently leads us by His righteous right hand.

Jesus gave me a new life, a new song, and a new purpose. He has made all things new for me, and I know He can do this for you too if you will humble yourself before Him and trust Him. He loves you more than you can comprehend.

My prayer for you:
Efesios 3:14–21

For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; que Tú, estar arraigado y cimentado en el amor, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height—to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; para que seáis llenos de toda la plenitud de Dios.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amén.


If you’re wondering how you too can have this new life in Jesus:

Primero, we must have a relationship with Jesus our Savior. He is our healer. There is no true life change without Him. (Salvation)

Second, we must have courage to step out and trust Him. This is hard to do, but we must trust Him in this process. (Trust)

Third, we must spend time daily reading God’s Word and praying. (Daily Devotions)

Fourth, we must be accountable to others. (Accountability)

Fifth, we must continue to want to be healed in all our broken places. This is a lifelong process. (Perseverance)

Sixth, we then go out and share our testimony so other women will have the courage to step out and be healed. (Sharing Our Testimony)

Preguntas para tomar en serio:

  1. Where are you in your healing process? Salvation, Trust, Daily Devotions, Accountability, Perseverance, or Sharing Your Testimony?
  2. Are you ready to go to the next level in your healing?
  3. How can we encourage you on your healing journey?

Espero que este tema te haya sido útil.. Please reach out to me at:

Eres amado,



“You Make all Things New”
Big Daddy Weave


Cómo superar el trauma

Cómo superar el trauma

Cómo superar el trauma
By Toni Weisz/Abuse Recovery

Referencias de las Escrituras: Salmo 147:3, Salmo 27:10, Salmo 100:5

“Trauma can be more than a dark pit of despair or a spiral of depression. It has the potential to be our deepest source of empathy, strongest point of connection, and most forceful impetus (stimulus) for growth if we bravely choose to let others into both the brokenness and the mending. My brokenness becomes beautiful when I see trauma as an opportunity to grow.” (Excerpt taken from the devotional, Suffer Strong: How to Survive Anything by Redefining Everything, by Katherine and Jay Wolf.)

Salmo 147:3
He heals the broken in heart and binds up their wounds.

Salmo 27:10
When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.

Salmo 100:5
For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.

It takes courage to face the trauma from our past. This is not an easy process. De hecho, it is quite painful at times, and it is not for the faint of heart. That’s why many people don’t do it. They would rather live in their dysfunction because they know what to expect—it’s familiar.

Change can be hard, scary, and unpredictable. But it can also be beautiful, especially when we are able to come out on the other side of our pain and see the miraculous work God has done.

When I first started this ministry, the Lord encouraged me to be real.

When I am open and transparent with all of you, it gives you permission to share from your heart too. I have experienced tremendous healing as a result of doing these conference calls for the past 11 años. The work of the Holy Spirit, self-examination, and a safe community in which to share are the most important elements for true healing and the ability to break dysfunctional patterns and spiritual strongholds. This group gives me the courage to keep stepping out.

You’re only as sick as your secrets.

When I share my secrets in a safe and loving environment, it helps me to begin the healing process. It brings that secret thing into the light, and the devil no longer has power over me in that area. I am praying that each of you experience true healing in all of your broken areas. You are safe on our conference calls, dearly beloved of the Lord. What secrets are you still hiding?

I also needed to practice what I preached.

If I was telling you to stand up to the bully and use your voice, then I needed to do the same thing. This group has helped me to stay accountable and move forward in my own healing journey.

Say what you mean, but don’t say it mean.

God has shown me how to stay calm, to allow the other person to speak, and try to stay on topic. Then when it’s my turn, I share my perspective but in a way that honors God.

I apologize when I need to, but I don’t allow others to just dump on me or yell at me. I walk away or hang up because that’s not an acceptable way to communicate. I don’t allow others to be verbally abusive to me. By sharing with you, it also helped me to practice those same principles in my life.

God showed me He wanted to be first in my life.

Once I put God first in my life, then what others thought of me didn’t matter so much anymore. I was trying to please them so they would love me, but that never worked anyway. It only left me feeling empty, no amado, and depleted of my energy. I realized I could never make someone happy or sad; I didn’t have that kind of power. Only God can love me completely. Entonces, I go to God when I need something because most people are not able to give me what I need anyway.

They cannot give what they don’t have.

Only Jesus can meet all my needs. Jesus is the answer to every situation or problem I have. When I go to Him and ask Him to help me, to show me what’s going on and why I am struggling the way I am, He gives me wisdom and shows me what I need to do.


  1. What burdens are you carrying right now? Is it health, finances, loneliness, relationships, loss, sadness, or something else?
  2. Are you able to share how you are feeling right now?
  3. Cómo podemos orar por ti?

Remember: When your father and your mother forsake you, then the LORD will take you up. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations. He binds up the brokenhearted and heals all of your wounds.

Please reach out if you need prayer or just want to talk. Envíeme un correo electrónico a:

Eres amado,



Leer más de los blogs de Toni AQUÍ.