Miedo a la rendición

Miedo a la rendición

Miedo a la rendición

November 13, 2021

Miedo: Panic flight, causing of fear, terror (Strong’s Greek)

Surrender: Given out or over, surrendered, delivered (Strong’s Greek)


2 Timothy 1:7

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Salmo 25:20

“Keep my soul, and deliver me; let me not be ashamed, for I put my trust in You.”

Salmo 27:1-14

“1 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

2 When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh,

my enemies and foes

They stumbled and fell.

3 Though an army may encamp against me,

my heart shall not fear;

though war may rise against me,

in this I will be confident,

4 One thing I have desired of the Lord,

that will I seek:

That I may dwell in the House of the Lord

All the days of my life,

To behold the beauty of the Lord,

and to inquire in His temple.

5 For in the time of trouble

he shall hide me in His pavilion;

In the secret place of his Tabernacle

He shall hide me;

He shall set me high up on a rock.

6 And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me;

Therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy to His Tabernacle;

I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.

7 Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice!

Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.

8 when you said, “Seek My Face,"

My heart said to You, “Your face, Caballero, I will seek”

9 Do not hide your face from me;

Do not turn your servant away in anger;

You have been my help;

Do not leave me nor forsake me.

Oh God of my salvation.

10 when my father and my mother forsake me,

Then the Lord will take care of me.

11 Teach me your way, O Lord,

And lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies.

12 Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries;

For false witnesses have risen against me,

And such as breathe out violence

13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed

That I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

14 Wait on the Lord;

Be of good courage,

And He shall strengthen your heart;

Wait, I say, on the Lord!

When I say “fear of surrendering,” I’m not talking about our salvation. I’m talking about the things that we still hold onto that prevent us from completely surrendering our lives and will to Jesus.

Why do I still try to control my life, circumstances, and relationships? Why do I rely on myself instead of God?

Fear of surrender says that I believe that my way is better than God’s and that I trust myself more than the Lord to protect me, provide for me, and decide what’s best for me. It says that I am my own god.

When I am focused on my wounds from my past, I am not looking to Christ or to the liberty I now live in as His daughter.

Gálatas 5:1 says “Standfast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.”

Surrendering is a daily choice. Instead of surrendering to Jesus, am I running to activities or behaviors that will harm me and hold me back from freedom in Him? If so, what are those things?

Do I run to any detrimental outlets including or similar to the following?

  • Overeating, undereating, or obsessively controlling what I eat
  • Relationships that feed my negativity
  • Gossip
  • Judgment of others and having a critical spirit, which prevent me from recognizing my shortcomings and working on myself
  • Control of people and my environment (e.g., being a hover mother, bossing around spouses or friends)
  • Not trusting God to handle a situation and outcome for a friend or loved one
  • Obsessive cleaning and/or organizing
  • Substance abuse (e.g., of alcohol and/or drugs)
  • Compulsive shopping
  • Failing to take care of myself
  • Overexercising
  • Busyness in the name of God
  • Overworking or being overly career oriented
  • People pleasing instead of God pleasing

The fear of surrender is a demonic spirit to which we give opportunity for entry into our lives by not staying steadfast in our walks with God, not staying in the Word and renewing our minds, running to sin, and not keeping our eyes on Jesus.


  1. What things or old habits do you still run to that are preventing you from fully living a life surrendered to Christ today?
  2. What do you do to protect your mind and stay focused on the freedom that Christ has given you?
  3. Choose a scripture that you can memorize and speak out loud when you are struggling with surrendering a specific situation to God or ending an old habit. Please share it with the group.
  4. What specific thing can we be praying for you to be delivered from today?


God’s Beloved 1 John 3:2


Esclavitud familiar

Esclavitud familiar

I would rather go back to what is familiar, even if it is bondage…

Exodus 16:1-4a and John 3:16,

And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of Egypt. And the whole congregation of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness: And the children of Israel said to them, “Oh that we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat and when we ate bread to the full! For you have brought us out into the wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.” Then the Lord said to Moses, “Behold I will rain bread from heaven for you….”

When the trials of the children of Israel were too hard for them to bear, they wanted to go back to what was familiar: bondage in Egypt. They wanted to be in control; they felt safe knowing what to expect.

How many of us can relate to wanting to go back to the dysfunctional relationships or sins of our past because there is comfort in knowing what to expect? Change is hard because it’s unfamiliar, and there is no safety or comfort in it. But God doesn’t want us to stay in our dysfunction. He wants us healed. He came to set us free from our bondage to sin. He wants us to trust Him completely with every area of our lives.

God provided the children of Israel with bread that literally dropped out of the sky. He called it Manna, “Bread from Heaven.” If God did that for them, don’t you think He can help you too? I think the answer is Yes!!!

What is the spiritual factor to consider when I want to be in control, instead of God being in control?

I am saying to God, “I don’t trust You. I don’t believe You are good. I don’t believe You care about me.”

Entonces, what is the sin I am committing when I don’t trust God? The sin of unbelief.

Definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1 y 11:6: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Let me ask you, what are you still trying to control and refuse to release into God’s hands?

I learned at a very young age to take control of every area of my life; eso, unfortunately, was not a good thing. A 12-year-old is not mature enough to take on such a responsibility. I controlled my voice but I did not use it. I controlled how I performed in school, sports, and in anything I set my mind to do by practicing until I could do something perfectly. When I was older, I controlled my weight by taking speed and diet pills and exercising excessively. I controlled what others perceived about me by wearing a mask to hide my true feelings and identity. It wasn’t until I felt safe to let God in that I was able to relinquish control to Him. By spending time in His Word, I began to understand the heart of God and discovered how much He loves us and wants us to be set free from our pasts, so we can live the abundant lives He came to give us. It’s by relinquishing control to God that we are set free. There is beauty in surrender.

Why are you not trusting God to help you in this area? What are you afraid of?

Relinquishing control was not a comfortable thing for me because I didn’t trust others not to hurt me. I became very self-sufficient and proficient in all I did. I had a huge wall around my heart that no one was going to penetrate, not even God. I grew up with a distorted view of God. I thought He was angry with me and would punish me if I was out of line, which is what I heard and saw as a child. Church was dark; people there spoke in another language, and the atmosphere was not warm and welcoming. So I associated these attributes with God. I felt He was dark, harsh, and unloving, which could not be further from the truth. I was fearful about trusting God because I was afraid of being hurt again. I didn’t know God’s heart toward me. When I got saved in 1994 and came across this verse from John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life,” I started believing that God does love me. And once I received His love into my heart and believed that He died for me on the cross, I started trusting Him more with my heart. But it was a long process. I am so grateful today for His love. That truth changed my life forever.

I had everything under control, so I thought, until my life and health started spiraling out of control. I couldn’t afford stuff anymore and my health was failing, my marriage was on the brink of divorce, and I didn’t know what to do. I was plagued with suicidal thoughts because I just couldn’t deal with my depression and self-loathing anymore, due to the sins from my past. This was not a life; it was a prison. I was just surviving because I needed someone to take my pain away, someone I could trust to love and accept me for who I was. Did such a person exist?

Dear One,

I want you to know that there is such a person who loves and accepts you for who you are. His name is Jesus, and He is the only one who will love you right where you are. He will never hurt you or force you to do something against your will. He is kind, cariñoso, dependable, faithful, merciful, and forgiving. Jesus is your Savior and friend. Why not relinquish control of your life to God? Honestly, what do you have to lose at this point?

Eres amado,



What is the spiritual factor to consider when I want to be in control instead of God being in control?

I am saying to God, “I don’t trust You (Dios). I don’t believe You (Él) are good. I don’t believe You care about me.” So, what is the sin I am committing when I don’t trust God? The sin of unbelief.

Definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1 y 11:6: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


Leer más de los blogs de Toni AQUÍ.

La mujer con flujo de sangre

La mujer con flujo de sangre

Abortion Recovery Wpresagio Sapoyo GRAMOgrupo (ARWSG)

La mujer con flujo de sangre

Lucas 8:43-48 (NKJV)
ahora una mujer, tener un flujo de sangre durante doce años, que había gastado todo su sustento en médicos y no podía ser curada por ningún, vino por detrás y tocó la frontera (franja) de su vestidura. E inmediatamente se detuvo su flujo de sangre.. Y Jesús dijo, “¿Quién me tocó?Cuando todos lo negaron, Pedro y los que estaban con él dijeron, "Maestro, las multitudes se agolpan y te oprimen, y dices, ¿Quién me tocó?’” Pero Jesús dijo, “Alguien me tocó, porque percibí poder que salía de Mí.” Ahora bien, cuando la mujer vio que no estaba escondida, ella vino temblando; y cayendo ante él, ella le declaró en presencia de todo el pueblo la razón por la que lo había tocado y cómo fue sanada inmediatamente. Y le dijo a ella, "Hija, estar de buen ánimo; tu fe te ha hecho bien. Ve en paz."

Nosotras, las mujeres que hemos abortado, podemos relacionarnos con lo que esta mujer debe haber soportado durante tantos años.. Nosotros también sabemos lo que es gastar todo tipo de dinero en cosas que no nos curaron. Algunos de nosotros usábamos drogas y alcohol para medicarnos del dolor que habíamos guardado durante tanto tiempo.. Muchas de nosotras acudimos a médicos y terapeutas para ayudar a sanar el daño que nuestros abortos nos han hecho en tantas áreas de nuestras vidas.. Sabemos lo que es sufrir solo, estar aislado de los demás, y sentirse desesperado y deprimido. Estábamos desesperados por una cura, pero nada funcionó., hasta que llegamos al punto en que nos cansamos de existir y deseábamos la vida abundante que Jesús prometió que podríamos tener. Fue cuando casi habíamos perdido toda esperanza que encontramos a nuestro Salvador—Jesús, nuestro sanador. Lo arriesgamos todo, solo tocar el borde de Su manto porque sabíamos que si lo hacíamos, entonces seríamos sanados. Nos arriesgamos a exponernos porque sabíamos que solo Él podía sanarnos..

Se necesita fe en Dios y valor para salir a tocar el manto de Jesús para ser sanado. Ruego a Dios que te siga guiando en este viaje de sanación y que te fortalezcas en el Señor., para que podamos traer más mujeres a este ministerio para la curación. Que sigamos siendo Sus manos y pies en este mundo..


¿Cuáles son algunas de las cosas que intentó en el pasado para ayudarla a sobrellevar el dolor de su aborto??
El alcohol y las drogas fueron mi escape de mi dolor. Estaba tan cansada de usar una máscara y fingir que mi vida era perfecta. Al poco tiempo, Simplemente no podía funcionar bien en absoluto. Mi vida se estaba desmoronando, mi salud estaba fallando, y mi matrimonio estuvo al borde del divorcio. Estaba en un profundo estado de desesperación y depresión.. Solo quería detener este tormento de vida., pero no podía dejar mi 2 niños sin mamá. Me sentía sin esperanza y quería morir hasta el día que conocí a Jesús.. Él fue tan amable y amoroso conmigo.. Cuando escuché el evangelio por primera vez dentro 4 semanas, Corrí hacia Jesús y besé sus pies y le agradecí por quitarme el dolor y por amarme.. Nunca conocí el amor así antes.

¿Cuándo finalmente tuviste el coraje de tocar el manto de Jesús para la curación??

En 2010, después de sufrir de depresión severa de nuevo, quería morir. Estaba llorando en mi cama y le dije al Señor, “Ya no puedo hacer esto; ¿No puedes llevarme a casa??” Escuché al Espíritu Santo susurrar, "Confías en mí?" Yo dije, "Si señor, Confío en ti." "¿Crees que puedo cambiar esto para siempre?"?" Yo dije, "Si señor, Yo creo que tu puedes." Él dijo, “Entonces confía en Mí.” Inmediatamente después de eso, Tengo el nombre de un ministerio, y comencé mi trabajo de recuperación para Hijos Adultos de Familias Emocionalmente Desconectadas. Era una alta responsabilidad, grupo de apoyo de sanación interior al que asistí durante 5 años, además asistí a reuniones semanales de recuperación. Esto me dio herramientas y lo más importante, ya no me siento solo. Hubo otras mujeres que lucharon como yo. Eso me inició en mi curación de mi pasado y todo el comportamiento poco saludable que estaba tolerando de los demás.. aprendí límites, se hizo fuerte, me enfrenté a los matones por primera vez en mi vida, y usé mi voz. Aprendí a verme como Dios me ve y finalmente recibí Su amor en mi corazón.. nunca he sido el mismo. Gracias, Jesús, por salvar mi alma y sanarme.

Leer más de los blogs de Toni AQUÍ.