Pensamiento apestoso: Ansiedad

Pensamiento apestoso: Ansiedad

Pensamiento apestoso: Ansiedad

filipenses 4:6-7 and Matthew 6:25-26, 31 y 33

filipenses 4:6
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication (humbly asking) with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

mateo 6:25-26, 31, y 33
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not your life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather in barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? “Therefore do not worry, diciendo, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.”

El pensamiento apestoso se refiere a los pensamientos negativos que nos atormentan, especialmente cuando estamos DETENIDOS.: Hambriento, Enojado, Solitario o cansado; Pensamientos como una visión distorsionada de Dios y de uno mismo., pensamiento negativo, justificación, miedo, y ansiedad. Abordaremos cada uno de estos temas para que podamos discernir entre las mentiras que hemos creído a lo largo de los años y reemplazarlas con la verdad de Dios.. Nuestro objetivo es equiparte para que puedas tener la victoria en estas áreas..

I become anxious when I negatively project into the future without God in it. When I do this, I feel weak, hopeless, and discouraged. My head and eyes are cast down and I feel like giving up. But when I recognize I am looking inward, then I remind myself that my help comes from the Lord and I look up to heaven. God has promised us in His Word, that He will meet all of our needs. Are you not of more value than many sparrows? But unfortunately, I did not know Him nor did I trust Him, and as a result, I have made some very bad decisions because I did not trust Him with my future.

I thought I could minimize my anxiety by trying to control everyone and everything. But I realized this was impossible to do and it was very frustrating and emotionally draining. I used to jump in to fix and rescue people because I would become anxious about all the what ifs. I was sinning against God by not trusting Him with my marriage, my children, my business, and ministry. I remember in my journaling, God telling me, “Get out of my way you are preventing me from working.” IN ALL CAPS, TOO. God was not happy with me. God showed me that my lack of trust in Him was a sin and putting others before Him was an idol. I repented and turned away from my sin and turned to God and now I am not anxious about anything, because I know God will provide for all my needs and my family’s needs as well. I am finally free.

Let me ask you, what are you trying to control?

Are you feeling anxious?




La historia de Luci (Parte 1 & 2)

La historia de Luci (Parte 1 & 2)

Luci's Story: Inocencia Pérdida

(Click here to listen to the audio.)

Blog de Luci

La historia de Luci (Parte 1): Inocencia Pérdida

I was a happy child, playing outside, rain or shine. I enjoyed going to school, coloring, playing Jax, jump rope, hop scotch and all the things little girls like to do. But my favorite pass time of all was hanging with all sorts of animals I came in contact with in my neighborhood. Dogs were my very favorite; I loved them so very much! I suppose it was because of their incredible ability to give me unconditional love and lots of attention.

The first time I recall feeling something wasn’t right, that the “thing” someone was doing to me was intrinsically wrong, was around age 11. I woke in the middle of the night and two of my older brothers were standing over my bed and had their hands on me where they shouldn’t have. I was shocked at first and then I felt afraid! I couldn’t understand why they were doing this. I was so embarrassed that I just lay there pretending I was asleep. I can’t remember how many times it happened, probably a few. I must have blocked it out. I learned later on that blocking out details of the memory is very common when you’ve been violated. I also recall feeling shame, that I had to hide it and pretend it wasn’t happening. I just knew in my heart, true or not, that I would be blamed for this awful thing being done to me. I don’t know why they stopped but remember being so relieved that they did! As I grew older, I was very guarded since they were still trying to invade my privacy by coming onto the roof of my second-floor bedroom window to see what they could. I so hated that they didn’t treat me with respect.

Then at age 12, I met a man who was living in the neighborhood that was over 21 and a “recovering heroin” addict. He told me he was taking methadone although I had no idea what it was. He was a small man, soft spoken and spoke kind words. It seemed like he cared about me; unlike my brothers and father, who were hurtful and critical. He convinced me to go to his apartment nearby. Entonces, I went and found myself being raped. The strange thing was although I was a virgin and very afraid, he didn’t have to force me. I thought he cared and wanted to be with me. I was starved for affection from a father or brother figure and it seemed he was going to give it to me. I was extremely uncomfortable when he was on top of me. And there was pain when he penetrated. I never saw him after that day. But the feelings of being violated and taken advantage of, stayed with me for a very long time. De hecho, these feelings were part of what shaped the way I saw myself. That I was, as an object to be used for pleasure, not to be respected or confided in; I believed I was not lovable nor did I have any worth.

After that incident, I became promiscuous and was easy prey for older boys and men who took advantage of me to satisfy their sexual appetites. I had formed the opinion that if I wanted them to give me any attention, I had to give them sex. Ahora, I understand, that the only men who would expect a young woman to betray herself in this way are dysfunctional, perverted and selfish.

A la edad de 14, I was hitchhiking my way to school, which was common back in the 70’s, when a man picked me up but didn’t take me to my destination. He brought me to his apartment and we sat in his van as he urged me to come in “just for a few minutes”. I remember thinking that I didn’t want to go; I was so afraid of what he might do. Then he said “if you come in, I’ll take you to where you want to go”. I felt I had no choice. I had no idea where we were. Entonces, against my inner voice screaming NO, I went in and he promptly forced himself on me. I cried and begged him to stop the whole time. When he was done, he brought me to my school and dropped me off like it was an everyday thing for him! I couldn’t wait to get away, I felt sick and so dirty! I believed it was my fault and again, I felt so much shame. In my young and insecure mind, I believed I could have avoided it.

I never told a soul, not even the sister who I felt closest to; she took me in when I ran away from home but, not immediately. When I first left to get away from my extremely dysfunctional home environment, I lived on the streets and was exposed to very unstable people. This lifestyle was a hotbed for abusive behavior.

From that time until I was about 16, I was violated two more times, once in the park in broad daylight and twice on a dark road and then in a park (same man). There were other close calls that I was able to avoid but it seemed that every man I came in contact with wanted to take advantage of me and have sex. I had lost hope that any man could care for or cherish me as a person, as a woman.

From the age of 14-24, I can remember having sex with countless men along my journey. In my younger years, I would sleep with them and find myself crying, there were a couple that asked me why but I couldn’t explain it to them. All I knew was that it made me feel so empty and used, like an old garment to be discarded.

A la edad de 24, I met a man through a friend who also lived a promiscuous lifestyle. I assume he was attracted to me physically but it was most likely more the case that he saw me as an easy “score”. He wooed me by telling me what I wanted to hear. I was desperate for affection and attention from men. I remember asking him if he had protection and he said he had a vasectomy so I didn’t need to worry. Several weeks later when my menstrual cycle was late, I discovered he lied to me to serve his lustful desire. I was pregnant by a man who I barely knew! I had no idea what I was going to do and I felt like a fool to find myself in such a predicament. This wasn’t supposed to happen to me. I was single and carefree!

In my next blog, I will share with you, how I met Jesus and how He brought light into my dark existence. How He took this broken woman, who was deep in her sin and shame and loved her and healed her. I am still amazed by His love and grace in my life.

See Part 2 abajo.



Ver La historia de Luci (Parte 2) abajo.


La historia de Luci (Parte 2): Dios bendijo mi camino roto


In my last blog, (Parte 1) Inocencia Pérdida, I left off having just learned that I was pregnant by a man I knew nothing about, except for his name. He had lied to me, saying I couldn’t get pregnant, but there I was with this huge dilemma. I was a single “carefree” career woman who had no desire or emotional stability to carry or care for a child.

Because of my dysfunctional lifestyle and fear of intimacy in the healthy sense, I had very few friends in which to confide in. And the one woman who I did spend time with was the angry mother of a 10-year-old, unwanted girl; this woman is the one who introduced me to the man who I got pregnant by. When I told her I was pregnant and didn’t know what to do, she said “get rid of it, you don’t want this kid.” It made me so sad, and all I could think about is not wanting to end up resenting and treating my child with contempt the way she treated her daughter. In spite of my strong feelings of uneasiness, I scheduled an appointment for an abortion, at a place called the Presidential Women’s Center. And as I look back on my experience, there was nothing pro woman about this place. They were doing abortions by the score, making so much money on women who were fearful, uninformed and desperate! I remember feeling a sense of despair in the waiting room; there were no smiling faces, no peace or joy.

I was so afraid as I lay on that cold medical table, looking at the equipment around me that would ultimately suck my baby’s life from my womb. It took just a few moments to tear apart the little human life inside that God had so perfectly knit together! I can remember feeling a sense of intense sadness when it was over. I just got out of that dark place as quickly as I could. And I cried for months over this decision. I tried to go back to my life of partying and living as though my actions didn’t matter, but it wasn’t working; I was miserable and empty.

While trying to carry on and live my life in the midst of my hopelessness, God consistently introduced me to faithful followers of Jesus Christ. As they shared their lives, testimony and love for Jesus, I began to open up to the possibility of learning more about this “loving Savior.” I wondered to myself, if this God could love someone like me. One day I asked a woman who had been sharing, to borrow a Bible, and she was more than happy to do so!

As I began to read, I found myself fascinated with God’s amazing Word. I don’t remember what my reasoning was at the time, but I went to the back of the Bible and started reading in Revelation. I was so intrigued, and it all seemed so surreal with the incredible images, angels and the way that John described the Lord Jesus Christ! He was larger than life, so bright, with His white robe and golden sash, white hair and eyes that were like blazing fire! Prior to this, the only way I saw Him depicted was lifeless on the cross with a crown of thorns on His head.

Then I began to explore more of this incredible collection of writings. I went into the Gospel of John and then Romans. Shortly thereafter, while sitting in my apartment, just me and God, I prayed to Jesus, telling Him that if He was who His witnesses said He was, I wanted to KNOW Him! I asked Him to forgive my sins, enter my heart and be Lord of my life. When I sincerely opened myself up, I sensed an amazing change in my heart, my emotions and attitude. I felt an incredible sense of freedom and hope. I could actually sense a dramatic shift in my psyche and felt the closeness of God’s Spirit. It was the most incredible day of my life! I was free for the first time since I was a little child! And this transformation took place, precisely nine months after aborting my little child. Coincidence? I think not. God had a plan for my life, not only to be healed and set free from all the abuse and oppression of my past, but He would use me to lead others out of the darkness and into His loving arms.

That day, I went in a new direction, seeking to know God in every way I could. I began attending church and reading the Bible daily. I read the Gospels that taught me all about how and why Jesus came to earth, to save us from our sins, the second death and eternal separation from Him. As I continued to read on my own and with others, my faith and desire to share God’s love grew. I had a new purpose for my life, and it was sent from Heaven!

The journey with my Lord continues today and will never end; I am His for all eternity! Entonces, the Holy Spirit will continue to mold me into the image of Jesus until the day I go home or He returns. My peace and joy continue to grow as I draw closer the the one who loves me unconditionally! I have forgiven those who hurt me in my past, and I am completely free!

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36




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Pensamiento apestoso: Justificación: justificando mi pecado

Pensamiento apestoso: Justificación: justificando mi pecado

Pensamiento apestoso: Justificación: justificando mi pecado

Génesis 3: 8-13 y proverbios 11:14b

Y oyeron la voz del Señor Dios que se paseaba en el huerto al fresco del día., y Adán y su esposa se escondieron de la presencia del Señor Dios entre los árboles del jardín.. Entonces el Señor Dios llamó a Adán y le dijo, "Dónde estás?" Asi que el dijo, “Escuché tu voz en el jardín, y tuve miedo porque estaba desnudo; y me escondí”. Y él dijo, “¿Quién te dijo que estabas desnuda?? ¿Has comido del árbol del cual te mandé que no comieras??"Entonces el hombre dijo, “La mujer que me diste por compañera, ella me dio del arbol, y comí”. Y el Señor Dios dijo a la mujer, “¿Qué es esto que has hecho??“La mujer dijo, “La serpiente me engañó, y comí”.

El pensamiento apestoso se refiere a los pensamientos negativos que nos atormentan, especialmente cuando estamos DETENIDOS.: Hambriento, Enojado, Solitario o cansado; Pensamientos como una visión distorsionada de Dios y de uno mismo., pensamiento negativo, justificación, miedo, y ansiedad. Abordaremos cada uno de estos temas para que podamos discernir entre las mentiras que hemos creído a lo largo de los años y reemplazarlas con la verdad de Dios.. Nuestro objetivo es equiparte para que puedas tener la victoria en estas áreas..

Yo defino la justificación, más específicamente justificando el pecado, como la creencia de que estoy tomando una decisión correcta o razonable, cuando en realidad es todo lo contrario. He escuchado casi todas las excusas para justificar la elección de una mujer por abortar.; Yo tuve varios. Permití que el enemigo me aislara y me mintiera., tal como lo hizo con Adán y Eva cuando comieron del fruto prohibido y pecaron contra Dios. Como resultado de mi pecado, Me apresuré a tomar mi decisión y no pedir ayuda ni discutirlo con nadie.. Es con lo único que nosotras como mujeres no pedimos ayuda., porqué es eso? Hablamos con nuestros amigos o familiares sobre otras decisiones que tomamos., pero ¿por qué no este?? Creo que el enemigo inmediatamente ataca y comienza a inundar nuestras mentes con todo tipo de caos., junto con mentiras, miedo, y ansiedad. Esta combinación es abrumadora para nuestras mentes y luchamos por detener el ruido en nuestras cabezas para poder volver a la normalidad.. No tuve mi aborto hasta mi segundo trimestre, pero inmediatamente decidí que iba a abortar.. Tuve que esperar meses para realizarme el procedimiento porque no seguí el protocolo y comí antes de mi primer aborto programado así que tuve que reprogramar. tuve que hacer 2 citas de aborto! Tal vez Dios me estaba dando una manera de escapar, pero no estaba buscando su consejo. En cambio, me sentí justificada en mi decisión de seguir adelante con el aborto..

Las razones que utilicé para justificar mi aborto fueron las siguientes: Creí la mentira de que mi bebé sufriría graves deformaciones porque estaba consumiendo drogas fuertes., bebiendo excesivamente, y fumar 2-3 paquetes de cigarrillos por día. Todavía estaba en la universidad en Ohio sin trabajo y pensé que ya no podía tener un hijo.! Creí que el padre del niño me dejaría para criarlo solo.. Pero la razón más importante fue que tenía miedo de contarles a mis padres.. Lamento no haber tenido el coraje de admitir ante mis padres que cometí un error.. Nunca les di la oportunidad de opinar sobre mi decisión porque tomé el asunto en mis propias manos.. Mi miedo y mi orgullo me impidieron decir la verdad., Ojalá les hubiera dicho, porque hoy podría tener conmigo a mi hijo de 40 años. Pero no puedo volver atrás y cambiar mi pasado., Todo lo que puedo hacer es aprender de ello y entender por qué esta mujer destrozada y asustada no pudo decirles la verdad a sus padres.. Recuerdo cuando después de ver la película., "No planificado", Estaba en el lavabo de mi cuarto de lavado y el Espíritu Santo susurró a mi corazón., “Cada niño en el vientre es mío,"Las lágrimas llenaron mis ojos y respondí., “Lo sé Señor y te robé el bebé en mi vientre y lo siento mucho”.

El pecado nunca se justifica. Mirando hacia atrás a nuestros primeros padres, Adán y Eva. Vemos que señalaron con el dedo a otra persona para justificar su pecado ante Dios.. El intercambio es bastante interesante y hoy utilizamos las mismas tácticas.. En Génesis 3, después de que Adán y Eva comieran el fruto prohibido, Dios los esta llamando, "Dónde estás?“Dios llamó a Adán por su nombre queriendo que confesara su pecado pero en cambio justificó su pecado y acusó a la mujer que Dios le dio., y Eva igualmente acusando a la serpiente. En lugar de asumir la responsabilidad de sus pecados, culparon a alguien más. Su orgullo les impidió humillarse ante Dios y arrepentirse de su pecado.. Mi orgullo me impidió pedir ayuda a mis padres y a Dios en mi decisión de abortar.. En lugar de eso escuché al diablo, y sufrí durante años a consecuencia de mi decisión.

Estamos aquí para ayudarle a tomar decisiones que afirmen a Dios y glorifiquen sus vidas.. Proverbios 11:14b, “En la multitud de consejeros hay seguridad”. Comuníquese con usted si tiene dificultades para tomar buenas decisiones..

¿Puedo hacerte algunas preguntas??

¿Cuáles fueron tus razones para abortar?(s), que en su momento sentiste que estabas justificado?

¿Cómo ve su proceso de toma de decisiones ahora??

¿Cuáles fueron las mentiras que creíste??

¿Cuál es la verdad que Dios te ha mostrado??




Lea más publicaciones del blog de Toni aquí!

El Espíritu Santo: mi guía & Amigo

El Espíritu Santo: mi guía & Amigo

El blog de Luci

We receive this peace through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

If we have given our lives over to Jesus and are following Him we have the very spirit of Jesus Christ living in us! He is always present, interceding and guiding us into truth and peace, in and out of the storm.

What is His purpose? It is that you will live with peace and joy in your heart, knowing that He loves you and nothing will come between you and Him, no matter the situation. It is that you will be made righteous, that you may display the gifts of His Spirit and show Him to a dying world.

Prayer is always God’s plan to connect us to Him but now more than ever, we need to be praying earnestly for God to draw us to Himself and praying about all that’s happening around us.

We have access to the very Spirit of Christ in His Holy Spirit who will intercede for us when we don’t know what to ask for!

~ Romans 8:26-28

“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because[ the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

“Our prayers are not always answered by a specific action. Sometimes our prayers are answered with a shift in our attitude or in our emotions. After prayers we may find that confidence has replaced our fear, contentment has replaced our desire, hope has replaced our despair, comfort has replaced our grief, patience has replaced our frustration, joy has replaced our spirit of heaviness and love has replaced our anger. I know many of us are shaken by the events in the past few weeks so, let’s look at Isaiah and see how he coped:

When Isaiah’s life was shaken, he responded by looking up. Como resultado, he had a fresh vision of the Lord. This is the time to look up…from our knees! Let’s ask God to give us a fresh vision of Himself. Because, God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear… since He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Surely he will save you from…the deadly pestilence…You will not fear the terror of night…nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you…” Anne Graham Lotz





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