


by Toni Weisz/Recovery Tools
Références bibliques: John 8:31–32, 36

John 8:3132, 36
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

"Donc, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”



You may have heard the familiar recovery term, “You’re only as sick as your secrets," and it is a true statement. Until we feel safe to share our secrets, we keep them locked up in a type of “Pandora’s Box,” where we keep all of our deepest and darkest secrets hidden, because we fear them coming out to expose the ugly truth.

For the postabortion woman, it is the truth that we terminated the life of our child. This horrible secret was our child. For those of us who have been abused, our fears of retaliation, rejection and judgment keep us silent. Where can we go to share in a safe place?

God doesn’t want us operating in secrets because He knows how destructive isolation and secrets are. I started secrets when I was 12 ans, hiding my drinking. Then it was getting high at 13, then sex at 16, and the worst offense was my abortion at 21.

My secrets and sins were piling up, and it became harder and harder to keep them from coming out. I feared my parents’ reaction, punishment and disappointment in me. I knew all of this was wrong, but I kept those secrets until I was 50 ans.

They had no idea about my destructive, coupable, sorted past because I wore a great mask. It was not an easy conversation, but I wanted them to hear it from me because I was starting this ministry and I didn’t want them to find out from another source. It needed to come from me. I felt a great release when I was finally able to share this with my parents.


D'abord, secrets keep us isolated from God and others, and that’s exactly where the enemy wants us. He wants us isolated and hiding because then he can torment us over and over again, until we realize what’s going on. Secrets keep us from the very people that can help us.

Second, the dysfunction is perpetuated and will continue as long as we nurture this thing, and protect it, like it was some prized possession. The secret needs to be exposed and brought into the light.

Third, secrets can hinder or prevent healing in our lives. Because of the abuse many of us have experienced in our past, we are already fearful of exposure, et we think this secret is a way to keep us safe. But actually it is causing us to stay sick. God gives us the courage to step out of isolation and secrets so we can be healed.

Fourth, secrets are destructive because they distort our view of reality, and we feel like we are all alone. Secrets are usually combined with lies that we believe about ourselves, Dieu, ou d'autres. God’s Word and the Holy Spirit help us to know the truth so we can walk in it and so these secrets and lies can no longer hold us back from becoming the women God created us to be.

God wants us free from bondage. Secrets keep us in chains and in darkness.

Jésus cunme to set the captives free.

Des questions à prendre à cœur:

  1. What secrets are you still holding onto?
  2. Why are you fearful to share them? Is it fear of retribution, fear of rejection, fear of hurting another person, fear of abandonment, or fear of judgment?
  3. When did you have the courage to share your secrets?
  4. How did you feel after you shared your secrets?
  5. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

Please be aware that even in Church, there are some people who are emotionally unsafe to share secrets with. Make sure it is a person/group you trust.

I pray you have the courage to trust God and allow Him to show you the areas of your life that need healing. Trust Him with your secrets.

If you need help, please reach out to me. M.y email is:


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Prière pour le réveil

Prière pour le réveil

Prière pour le réveil
by Toni Weisz/Spiritual Discipline

Références bibliques: Psaume 51:117, Psaume 139:2324,
2 Timothy 2:21, James 5:16, et Éphésiens 4:2931

Lire le Psaume 51:1–17

Dans Février 1970, revival broke out at Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky.

On Wednesday, Février 8, 2023 (53 années later almost to the day), revival again broke out on the campus at Ashbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. UNEfter chapel service, some students lingered for spontaneous worship, prayer, and confession. The revival continued for many days and spread to other universities, and many people traveled from all over the world to experience God in that place.


We are hungry for Ouiou, Seigneur. Just like in 1970, there was much turmoil in the world, the Vietnam War, protests, bad economy, high gas prices, inflation, and chaos all around, not much different today in our world. People are hurting. They are confused et fearful about what the future will bring. But our hope is in You, Seigneur. Only You know it all, see it all, and control it all.

We humble ourselves before you today and ask Your Holy Spirit to help us. We cry out as David did in the Psalms.

Psaume 139:23–24
Search us, O God, and know our hearts. Try us, and know our thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting.

Lord God, remove any blindness that may be keeping us from repenting of sin in our lives.

2 Timothy 2:21
Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.

We want to be clean vessels sanctified and useful in your kingdom work. Purify us by the Word of God and the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Father God, we are expecting You to move mightily to heal the brokenhearted and to heal all our wounds. We are waiting for you to heal us and our families from disease and demonic oppression, in the name of Jesus, nous prions.

We are praying for our family members, friends, and neighbors who do not know Ouiou yet, that Your Holy Spirit will break their hearts of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Have mercy upon them, O Lord. We are crying out to You for revival in our own hearts, our homes, our neighborhood, our state, our nation, and the world. Viens, Holy Spirit, and have Your will and Your way in us today.

We are surrendering all to You today. We are asking, seeking, and knocking on the door. Let revival continue right here and right now in us.

In the powerful name of Jesus, nous prions, amen.

James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Éphésiens 4:29-31
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, mais ce qui est bon pour l'édification nécessaire, qu'il puisse donner la grâce aux auditeurs. Et n'attristez pas le Saint-Esprit de Dieu, par qui tu as été scellé pour le jour de la rédemption. Laisse toute amertume, colère, colère, clameur, et que les mauvaises paroles soient éloignées de toi, de toute malveillance. And be kind to one another, tendre, se pardonner les uns les autres, even as God in Christ forgave you.


Preparation for Revival:

  1. Is there someone who you are harboring unforgiveness toward for something they did or did not do?

Would you like to confess that right now?


  1. Are you willfully going against what you know is right?

Would you like to confess that now?


  1. Is there something that you are unknowingly doing that is not honoring to God? Ask the Lord to show you so you can repent.

Would you like to confess that now?


  1. Are you angry with God because you are really struggling with loneliness, depression, loss of job, health issues, a relationship, and God is not moving fast enough and you are really suffering?

Would you like to confess that now?


Please reach out if you need prayer or encouragement. Ouiou can email me at:


Tu es aimé,


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Avez-vous été libéré?

Avez-vous été libéré?

Avez-vous été libéré?

Par Toni Weisz/Disciplines spirituelles

Références bibliques: John 8:31-32, 34-36, Romains 6: 12-14, and James 5:16

John 8:31-32, 34-36
So Jesus said unto the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.

Romains 6:12-14
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions. Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness. For sin will not have dominion over you, since you are not under the law but under grace.

Are you still struggling with a distorted view of yourself, Dieu, ou d'autres? When did that start for you?

It takes years and perhaps decades of hard work to undo the damage that was done to us as children, teens, and young adults.

How can we be set free to live the abundant life Jesus came to give us?

I’d like to share four keys that can help you be set free.

1.) I believe we need to confess sin daily.

Some questions to take to heart:

  • What are my motives?
  • Why am I so easily offended?
  • Why am I being taken advantage of by others?
  • Why can’t I say no?
  • Why am I fearful or anxious when I have to speak to a certain person?

When we have been mistreated, abused, or neglected or have an abortion in our past, we develop deep wounds which distort our thinking and emotional development. It’s only God who can help us heal in those areas and grow to our full potential.

I heard this statement, but I do not know who coined it:

"If you want to be forgiven, confess your sins to God. If you want to change, confess your sins to another person so they can help you be accountable."

James 5:16
Therefore, confess your sins one to another and pray one to another that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

2.) I feel a personal quiet time with the Lord is essential.

It’s hard for some of us to trust anyone, even God. Slowly, as you spend time with God, in His word, He will reveal His heart towards you. You will begin to see how much He does love you and how He cares about every part of your life. He never tires to hear about what’s going on in your life. He never slumbers. He is always available any time, day or night. That gives me great comfort knowing God is always there for me because so many people have let me down over the years. But God is always faithful.

3.) Sharing your story in a safe environment (such as our conference call) is therapeutic and condusive to healing.

It’s important for our healing that we can share our stories with others in a safe and loving environment without judgment. Once we do that, our secrets no longer have power over us.

Is there some part of your story you have not shared with others?

Now would be a good time to do that. If you cannot speak on the conference appel, then write it down and email it to me à:

By sharing our stories with each other, we can pray and encourage each other on our healing journey. You are not alone; that is a lie from the devil.

4.) We must be willing to do the hard work.

I am constantly reading books to help me heal and facilitate a healing group where women feel loved and safe. Our learning, healing and equipping is an ongoing process that will continue until the day we see Jesus. God is still healing me when I allow Him and the Holy Spirit to speak truth into my life. I have to be consciously listening to Him. Speak to God all day long. He is listening and waiting for you to call out to Him.

If you do these four things, it will help you to be set free in every area of your life.

Are you willing to allow Jesus to take you by the hand and lead you on this healing journey?

I pray this has been helpful for you. S'il vous plaît tendre la main. We are waiting to hear from you. Please go to our contact page to get our email and phone number.

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L'amour de mon Sauveur pour moi

L'amour de mon Sauveur pour moi


L'amour de mon Sauveur pour moi
By Toni Weisz/Abuse Recovery (Blogs de Toni)
Jérémie 31:3, 1 Corinthiens 13:3-8un, Isaïe 9:6, et Zéphanie 3:17

Jérémie 31:3
The Lord appeared of old to me saying: "Oui, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.”

Lord Jesus, what do you want me to say to the precious sisters reading this right now? You know each one intimately. What are some words of encouragement that you want them to hear from Your heart to theirs?

Petit oiseau, I want you to say to them, “I have loved you with an everlasting love. My love for you is pure, holy, righteous, gentil, gentle, and eternal. I am love; it is My character. I created love. I know many of you have been abused or neglected and you have felt rejection from those closest to you. I am so sad that you experienced those things. My desire is for every child to know they are loved from the moment of conception. If you only knew how much I loved you from a child, you would not have looked for it in other places and with other people. But your view of Me and My love were distorted by the father of lies. He doesn’t want you to know My love intimately because he knows the power of My love. It was My love for you that kept Me nailed to the cross so you could have eternal life with Me and the Father in Heaven. We loved you so much that the Father gave you the Holy Spirit, the Comforter to be with you always, so you would never have to walk alone again. All these things I am mentioning show you how precious you are to Me. I am so proud of you for stepping out of the darkness into My glorious light. You know that true healing only comes through Me, because I am the Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, and the Prince of Peace. I created you and I delight in you. I understand you better than you understand yourself. I know how to heal every broken part of your soul. Will you trust me today with your whole heart? Allow me to heal you in all your broken places. I want to do a miracle in your life. I will close with this. Zephaniah 3:17, ‘The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.’ You are my beloved.”


Des questions:

Do you trust God?

Do you know how much you are loved by Him?

Will you allow Jesus into those broken places where you have not allowed anyone else to go?

I pray you will experience the love of God in the innermost part of your being and be forever changed.


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Le courage de Marie

Le courage de Marie

Le courage de Marie

Par Toni Weisz/Disciplines spirituelles

Écritures: Luc 1:26-38, 1 John 1:9. Deutéronome 22:20-21, et les romains 8:28

Dans le livre de Luc, nous lisons à propos d'une adolescente incroyablement courageuse nommée Mary. Mary était un nom commun à l'époque; cela signifiait amer. Le peuple était amer parce que les prophètes se sont tus pendant 400 années. Il n'y a pas eu de révélation du tout entre l'Ancien Testament et le Nouveau Testament pendant tout ce temps. Ils se sont sentis amers parce qu'ils pensaient que Dieu les avait oubliés et Sa promesse de leur Messie.

On voit cet incroyable dialogue entre Marie et l'ange Gabriel. Il lui a dit, “Rejoice, highly favored one, le seigneur est avec toi; bénie es-tu entre les femmes! N'ayez pas peur, Marie, car tu as trouvé grâce auprès de Dieu. Il se mit à lui dire qu'elle concevrait et enfanterait un fils et appellera son nom Jésus. Dieu a puissamment utilisé cette jeune femme pour enfanter le Messie promis, Emmanuel—Dieu avec nous. Au lieu de fuir sa situation ou de paniquer, elle a prié et recherché la conduite du Seigneur. Why didn’t we trust God when we found ourselves with an unplanned pregnancy? Si vous Lui avez confessé ce péché, Il t'a pardonné. 1 John 1:9: « Si nous confessons nos péchés, Il est fidèle et juste pour nous pardonner notre péchés et pour nous purifier de toute iniquité ».

Mary aurait pu être lapidée parce qu'elle était enceinte hors mariage parce que c'était la loi à l'époque. Deutéronome 22:20–21 parle des lois relatives aux péchés sexuels. Non seulement Mary aurait pu être lapidée, mais Joseph, son mari, aurait pu abandonner la relation en rédigeant une lettre de divorce parce qu'ils étaient légalement fiancés l'un à l'autre. Mais Dieu a protégé Marie de ces deux conséquences parce qu'elle avait ne pas péché. Elle a été fécondée surnaturellement par le Saint-Esprit de Dieu. Elle était si courageuse et courageuse. Elle a risqué sa vie et sa réputation pour obéir à Dieu. Quel beau témoignage nous voyons dans sa vie.

Cette semaine sera 44 ans depuis que j'ai avorté mon fils, Joseph, en décembre 10, 1980. J'aimerais avoir le courage comme Mary d'avoir mon bébé, mais j'ai laissé la peur de l'homme me pousser à avorter mon bébé. Je ne peux pas changer mon passé, mais je peux apprendre de mes erreurs.

Dieu a utilisé mon avortement pour me mettre dans une relation avec Jésus. À présent, J'ai l'insigne honneur de marcher avec vous tous dans vos voyages de guérison. Dieu a certainement pris mes cendres, mes horribles péchés, et les a transformés en quelque chose de beau pour mon bien et sa gloire, et vous en faites tous partie. Je crois que Dieu fait que toutes choses concourent au bien de ceux qui l'aiment, à ceux qui sont appelés selon son dessein (Ref. Romains 8:28). Dieu, par l'oeuvre du Saint-Esprit, nous sanctifie continuellement et nous conforme à l'image de Jésus. Vous êtes tous si précieux pour lui; J'espère que vous le savez.

Des questions à prendre à cœur:

  1. Combien de temps s'est-il écoulé depuis votre dernier avortement ?(s)?
  2. T'accroches-tu toujours à ton secret de l'avortement(s)?
  3. Avez-vous permis à Dieu d'accéder à tous vos endroits brisés afin qu'il puisse vous guérir? Sinon, faites-lui confiance aujourd'hui. Il veut que tu sois guérie et entière afin que tu puisses devenir la femme qu'il a créée pour que tu sois.
  4. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

Je prie ce sujet qui vous a été utile. Please reach out if you need to talk or need prayer: I wish you a very blessed Christmas. God is still performing miracles today.

Tu es aimé,


Mary, Did You Know video

"Marie, Le saviez-vous?"


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