Guerra espiritual

Guerra espiritual

The Enemy Is Prowling
by Toni Weisz/Spiritual Warfare

Referencias de las Escrituras: 1 Peter 5:8, Romanos 8:1 y filipenses 4:13


Be sober, be vigilant; for your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8

I have been under a barrage of attacks by the evil one since I shared the gospel in a letter to two of my family members. I want them to hear the gospel one more time so they can have confidence that when they pass from this life to the next, they can know they are saved and will be in heaven when they die. Not only that, pero at the time of this writing, we have three, and possibly four, Recovery Bible Studies starting within the next few weeks. That’s a lot of women hearing the gospel, being healed and set free from the trauma of abortion and abuse.

The first week, the enemy used family. METROy kids were not in a good place, some hard conversations happened, and people were offended. Finally, they were able to communicate and work things out, without my help. The enemy was trying to get me to fret and worry and jump in and to take matters into my own hands (my old character defect of codependency and fear) instead of trusting God.

Luego on a Saturday, the enemy used people in spiritual leadership. We were in a group setting, but I felt ignored and not included in the discussions. God showed me from this example what not to do as a spiritual leader. I am to be aware of everyone in the group. We all need encouragement and to feel included.

Then on a Sunday, a leader at church made a weird comment. Again, God showed me how important my words are. They can uplift people or put people down. The enemy was trying to use spiritual leaders to pick my rejection wound, desiring to awaken my people-pleasing character defect (my old character defect of people pleasing, putting others before God, which is idolatry).

Then a few days later, tél enemy used a woman who was very involved in serving in this ministry for many years, to react in a peculiar way and say some hurtful things. This one hurt pretty deeply. Again, I did not react. I actually did not send a text I had written because honestly, I did not know what to say. En cambio, I prayed for her because obviously she is not in a good place. My old character defect of condemnation, listening to the lies of the enemy accusing me, was trying to make a comeback.

I was thinking to myself, “What in the world is going on?" Any one of these scenarios in the past would have pushed me over the edge, and I would have reacted badly or taken on rejection. Or my people pleasing would have kicked in and I would have scrambled around trying to make things right.

But because of the work God has been doing in my life over these 17 años, I am able to see with my spiritual eyes what is going on.

I am so grateful God healed my rejection wound and eso I no longer yearn for the approval of man. I want my life to please God. I am grateful there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus (ref. Romanos 8:1).

The accuser has no dominion over me. the Word of God has set me free, and the Holy Spirit protects me from the fiery darts of the enemy.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (filipenses 4:13)

I am so thankful to God for equipping the called. If God calls you to something, be confident that He will give you everything you need to succeed.

Preguntas para tomar en serio:

  1. What kind of spiritual warfare have you been experiencing lately?
  2. Have you noticed a pattern? When are you most vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks?
  3. Cómo podemos orar por ti?

Espero que este tema te haya sido útil.. Please reach out if you need to talk or need prayer. Envíeme un correo electrónico a:

Eres amado,

Nuestros sueños rotos

Nuestros sueños rotos

Nuestros sueños rotos
por Toni Weisz/Disciplinas espirituales


Referencias de las Escrituras

Jeremías 29:11 (NKJV)
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Isaías 61:7 (ESV)
Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; por lo tanto, in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy.

I never imagined I would abort my first child. I grew up in a large Italian family. (METROy mom was one of ten children.) At our family get-togethers, there were always children running around. I was the oldest granddaughter, so it was my job to look after the younger ones so the adults could talk without interruptions.

I loved children, and I even thought about getting a teaching degree. What happened to my childhood dreams? How did I go so far off the path I thought would be my life?

Sin destroyed my dreams. I decided that being the “good, quiet one” wasn’t working for me anymore. I wasn’t getting the love and attention I needed, so I decided to take matters into my own handsa true recipe for disaster.

En 12 años, I started experimenting with alcohol and began sneaking shots of Scotch whiskey while my parents were at my brother’s football practices. My sister and I were left at home to do the dishes for a short while, but that’s all the devil neededa little bit of time to get me alone and wanting.

My child-brain started thinking of ways to get my needs met but in unhealthy ways. This destructive path the enemy led me down was one of drugs, alcohol, numerous sexual partners, and then my abortion at 21. It was a dark and destructive journey. I hid in my secrets and was tormented by the devil.

How did I get here? One bad choice after another after another; it happens that fast.

I would continue in this self-destructive pattern for 22 años. Thankfully, God finally rescued me at the age of 34 when I heard the gospel for the first time. Jesus died on the cross for MY SINS. I had never heard that before. I desperately needed and wanted someone to take all my sins, shame, and guilt.

I needed a Saviorsomeone to love me just for me. I found all those things in a relationship with Jesus. I am so grateful for the love, forgiveness, and peace I found in Him.

God has turned my mourning into joy. He has given me a new name, a new life, and a new calling.

No matter what you have done in your past, God is able to forgive and redeem what the devil has stolen. You can still have a wonderful, fulfilling, God-glorifying life. It just may look a little different from your original plan. But rest assured, God is a good Father and has a good plan for your life.

Will you allow Him to help you dream new dreams?


Preguntas & Final Thoughts:

  1. What were some of your childhood dreams?
  2. Did the devil steal your dreams of having children and a family?
  3. How have you been able to move on and dream new dreams?
  4. Cómo podemos orar por ti?

I pray that the Lord will minister to your broken heart and give you new dreams. Please reach out if you need a listening ear or a word of encouragement. Email:

Eres amado,


Leer más de los blogs de Toni AQUÍ.
Herramientas que utiliza el enemigo para mantenernos en esclavitud (Parte 1-3)

Herramientas que utiliza el enemigo para mantenernos en esclavitud (Parte 1-3)

Herramientas que utiliza el enemigo para mantenernos en esclavitud (Parte 1): Miedo

by Toni Weisz/ Recovery Tools


Referencias de las Escrituras

2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given me the Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.


Question: What is preventing me from recognizing I have a problem?


Fear is a tool the enemy uses to keep me in my dysfunction: the fear of change, the fear of the unknown, and fear that if I do change, I will lose a relationship.

What are your fears? Make a list of them all.

What is preventing you from truly looking at your life and asking God to help you change?

When I truly ask and seek the truth, God shows me my wounds and the lies I believe about Him, myself, y otros. Once He shows me those areas, I accept them and seek His wisdom to change the things I can.

My areas of woundedness were once fear of rejection and abandonment, and believing the lie that if I was perfect, I would be loved. These fears caused me to become a people-pleaser and made me think I had to earn love from others and God.

I believed God would not forgive my sin of abortion, that my sin was too great. Now I know that was a lie from the enemy to keep me in bondage. I also believed I deserved to be emotionally abused because of my sins.

All this unhealthy thinking kept me in emotionally abusive relationships, isolation, depresión, and hopelessness. But God in His mercy and grace filled my heart with His unfailing love, giving me the courage to step out of the darkness into His beautiful transforming light.

He helped me recognize the root causes of these lies and how to shred those lies to pieces using the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.


Cómo podemos orar por ti?

I pray this topic has helped you to discover and conquer the fears and the root causes in your own life. Please reach out if you need prayer or a word of encouragement. Email:

Eres amado,

Tools the Enemy Uses Blog Toni Weisz Post-Abortion healing and recovery support group

Herramientas que utiliza el enemigo para mantenernos en esclavitud (Parte 2): Ocupación

por Toni Weisz/Herramientas de recuperación


Referencias de las Escrituras:

Salmo 46:10
Be still and know that I am God.

Efesios 2:89
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast.

Romanos 8:15–16a
For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.

Romanos 8:3839
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


I was always busy with so many things that I didn’t have time to think about the toxic relationships I had with some close family members. I was so involved in my children’s school and after school activities, teaching and serving at church, and raising my family that I did not have time to look at myself and recognize that I was enabling unhealthy behavior.

It was Fall of 2001, and I was pushing myself hard physically so I could compete against 24-year-olds in tennis at the age of 42. I would be exhausted, but I forced myself to work out anyway.

We attended a church where obeying the rules was the most important thing. It was all a show, y in the meantime, my spirit was so grieved I could barely feel the Spirit of God in me.

Then came September 11, and my husband was flying that day from Philly to CA. For many hours, I did not know where he was or how he was. When I watched planes crash into the Twin Towers, I just remember going into shock. John’s family was calling, and I had no information on his waquíabouts.

Shortly after that in October, I fell on the tennis court and hurt myself so badly that I had a huge bulge in my right hip area. As time passed, it got worse, and I could not walk after a while because the pain shot through my entire body. From Thanksgiving through New Years, I was confined to laying on the couch because I was unable to stand or walk for long periods of time.

I couldn’t do anything for several months. For the first time, I had to allow others to do things for me. It was very humbling. I had a complete mental, physical, emotional and spiritual breakdown. My children were in high school at that time, and they would sit at my feet on the couch and do their homework. I thank God for that special memory.

It was during the time of my confinement that God whispered to my heart, “I love you regardless of whether you serve me on all these committees at Church or you lay on the couch for the rest of your life. I love you the same. My love for you never changes. My love for you is not based upon your good works or being worthy to be loved; My love is based upon My Son’s death on the cross for your sins.”

God knew I was working for acceptance from others and Him. I was raised in a works-based religion, and I felt because of the sins from my pastall the drugs, alcohol, sex outside of marriage and my abortionthat I needed to make an atonement for my sins somehow. I didn’t understand that there was nothing I could do to earn salvation; it was a gift from God (ReF. Efesios 2:89).

It took 10 years for that truth to finally make its way to my heart. But once it did, it changed my whole world forever. I finally felt loved and accepted by God. I didn’t have to be good enough or check a box to be loved and accepted. I realized I needed to believe God’s Word. I can now say with confidence that I have been adopted by God, I am His child, and nothing can separate me from His love (Ref. Romanos 8:1516a, 3839).


Preguntas para tomar en serio:

  1. What are you doing to keep yourself so busy that you are not dealing with your stuff?
  2. What are you running away from?
  3. How can/did you stop the busyness in your life?
  4. Cómo podemos orar por ti?

Espero que este tema te haya sido útil.. Please reach out if you need prayer or a word of encouragement. Email:

Eres amado,



Herramientas que utiliza el enemigo para mantenernos en esclavitud (Parte 3): Puntos ciegos

por Toni Weisz/Herramientas de recuperación


Referencias de las Escrituras:

Salmo 119:18
“Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things out of Your Law.”

John 8:3132
“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you will be my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’”


Blind spots are areas in my life in which I have been wounded and where I cannot see my character defects, sins, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

My life was filled with destructive choices, all of which contributed to my woundedness and blind spots. Only God could show me these blind spots and help me to see what areas in my life I needed to work through and change.

In the past, a blind spot for me was being overly protective of my children. When I was a young mom and not a believer yet, I was fearful that God would punish me for my past abortion and take one of my children. I remember when my children hit tres years of age, Pensé, “Oh good, I don’t have to worry about that."

But I still parented out of fear because I didn’t want my children to make the same mistakes. They were not permitted to participate in many activities their public school friends participated in because of the church we were attending at the time.

God’s Word shined light in these dark areas that were hidden for so many years. This light set me free from my fears, helping me to trust Him to release my children into His capable hands and allow them to make their own choices.

Later on, I had to apologize to my children for not allowing them to do certain things but also for being way too protective of them. They knew my heart, and they forgave me.

Another area eso I had a huge blind spot was in my relationships with others. I did not see how I was allowing others to take advantage of me by manipulating and controlling me. I never developed a voice because I was fearful of rejection and abandonment, which caused me to accept this unacceptable behavior.

I felt I deserved to be abused because of my past sins, which was a lie from the devil. I hated myself and did not respect myself. So, how could I expect others to love and respect me? I allowed others to control and manipulate me because I put their opinions above God’s in my life.

Mi gentepleasing was out of control, and I could never say no because I didn’t want to disappoint others. Entonces, I ran around like an idiot, exhausted physically and emotionally drained and all along feeling very empty and unloved inside.

Why was I doing these things? Oh, yes, so others will see value in me and love me.

Bien, that never worked. The only one who ever saw value and worth in me was God.

Con el tiempo, God was removing the blindness, and I started seeing my unhealthy thinking. As I was seeking Him more and the truth about my past, He started revealing things to me that I did not see before.

I am so thankful for the day when God filled me with His love so completely that I finally stopped looking to humans to approve of me or love me. I was content solely in my relationship with the Lord. He was the only one I needed. This perspective changed my life forever. I am so grateful for God showing me my blind spots so I could know the truth, confess my sins, repent and be set free.

Ask God to show you what your blind spots are.


What areas has God revealed to you that were blind spots?

Can you share them with the group?

Cómo podemos orar por ti?

I pray this topic has helped you to discover blind spots in your own life. Please reach out if you need prayer or a word of encouragement. Email:


En su amor y servicio,


Leer más de los blogs de Toni AQUÍ.

Expectativas insatisfechas

Expectativas insatisfechas


Expectativas insatisfechas
por Luci Boudreaux/Perspectivas espirituales

Referencias de las Escrituras:

Hebreos 4:16
“Acerquémonos entonces con confianza al trono de la gracia para que podamos recibir misericordia y encontrar gracia que nos ayude en nuestro momento de necesidad”.

Salmo 27:1314
“Creo que miraré la bondad del Señor en la tierra de los vivientes.. espera al señor; sé fuerte, y deja que tu corazón tome valor espera en el Señor!"


Después de que entregué mi vida a Jesús a la edad 25, Estaba tan emocionado de ir con Dios y vivir para Él.. Después de años de abuso físico y mental por parte de otros y por mis propias malas decisiones de vida., que incluía el aborto, Estaba ansioso por empezar de nuevo. Y me atreví a soñar con una vida normal con Dios en el centro..

asistí a la iglesia, Estudié las Escrituras y salí con otras personas comocreyentes con mentalidad. Tenía grandes expectativas de cómo Dios cumpliría mis sueños de ser esposa y mamá.. Y ver a todas las familias jóvenes en la iglesia intensificó mi anhelo de tener mi propia familia..

Pasaron los años y mis esperanzas y sueños no se cumplieron., a pesar de mis oraciones. Me cansé de esperar en Dios, así que tomé el control y comencé a salir con un hombre que decía las cosas que quería escuchar., pero resultó ser lo opuesto al hombre piadoso con el que quería estar.. Puedes leer la historia completa sobre “El Ángel de Luz” en bajo lucio Bregistros, Aautobús Recovery.

Después de tres años de abuso y separación de Dios, Terminé la relación y entregué mi soltería al Señor.. Y no mucho después de esto, Conocí al hombre con el que he estado tan agradecida de estar casada 21 años! En esta difícil experiencia, Dios me enseñó que esperar en su momento y confiar en su sabiduría trae los mejores resultados..

Rápidoadelante hasta hoy, y otra vez, Dios me tiene en una posición para aprender a confiar y creer en sus promesas.. He estado sufriendo físicamente durante años con dolor en el tracto gastrointestinal y el estómago.. Tu podrias decir, Llevo estrés en mis entrañas! En los últimos meses, se ha vuelto debilitante. He estado leyendo y aplicando agresivamente lo que los expertos me dicen que haga., pero nada ha traído alivio. También busqué un profesional de la salud que pudiera ayudarme a curarme.. Pero mientras oraba por guía y buscaba durante meses, las puertas continuaron cerrándose.

Mi esperanza se estaba desvaneciendo mientras cuestionaba a Dios., “Whola? Wpor todo este sufrimiento? Wpor toda esta espera?"En mi estado debilitado, Creí la mentira de que Dios no traería sanidad. y que no escuchaba mis gritos de ayuda.

En este proceso, Dios me mostró que necesitaba un ajuste en mi perspectiva porque había perdido de vista lo que Él era y siempre está haciendo en la vida de Sus hijos.. Él me estaba ayudando a ver que estaba permitiendo que las preocupaciones de este mundo me afectaran., que estaba ansioso por muchas cosas, y se estaba manifestando en mi cuerpo descomponiéndose. Además, Estaba preparando el momento perfecto para que yo conociera al médico adecuado.. Ay como beneficio adicional, lo cual sé que era parte de su plan, I no solo reunió su pero era también capaz de ministrar a su preciosa madre que estaba de visita.

Dios no está en el negocio de satisfacer nuestros deseos y necesidades en lo que NOSOTROS creemos que es el momento perfecto.. Él quiere todo ser para nuestro bien supremo (corazón, mente y espíritu) y para su gloria. Al igual que Job, No podemos entender la mente de Dios., ni podemos ver los increíbles planes que tiene para nosotros. Tenemos que confiar en que Él nos ama más allá de nuestros sueños más locos..

Dios ha tenido su mano en las circunstancias de mi vida todo este tiempo.! Pero Él estaba esperando que yo le diera el control y confiara en sus promesas para mí., como SLa escritura nos guía. Y un pasaje a destacar es el Salmo. 25:9: “Él guía a los humildes en lo que es correcto, y enseña a los humildes hes camino."



¿Qué esperas y esperas en tu vida??

¿Tienes un testimonio de cómo Dios ha respondido a tu oración?es de una manera que te sorprendió y bendijo más allá de tus expectativas.?

Cómo podemos orar por ti?


Espero que este tema te haya sido útil.. Puedes alcanzarme en:






De regreso Blogs de Luci

Pensamiento apestoso: Mi visión distorsionada de mí mismo

Pensamiento apestoso: Mi visión distorsionada de mí mismo

Pensamiento apestoso: Mi visión distorsionada de mí mismo

por Toni Weisz/Pensamiento apestoso


Referencias de las Escrituras: Isaías 43:18–19, Salmo 62:6-8, Salmo 27:10, John 8:32, y romanos 5:9

Pensamiento apestoso refers to the negative or disturbing thoughts that torment us, especialmente cuando estamos DETENER (hinfeliz, Aenojado, lsolo o tenojado). We will be looking at our distorted view of self. Aprenderemos a discernir la verdad de las mentiras que hemos creído toda nuestra vida.. Nuestro objetivo es equiparte para que puedas tener la victoria en cada área de tu vida..

Isaías 43:18–19
“No os acordéis de las cosas pasadas, ni considerar las cosas de antaño. Mirad, haré algo nuevo, ahora brotará; ¿No lo sabrás?? Incluso haré camino en el desierto y ríos en el desierto”.

Salmo 62: 6–8
“Él sólo es mi roca y mi salvación; el es mi defensa; Preferiría que no me movieran. En Dios está mi salvación y mi gloria.; La roca de mi fuerza, y mi refugio, esta en dios. Confía en Él en todo momento, Tu gente; derrama tu corazón delante de él; Dios es un refugio para nosotros."

Salmo 27:10
When my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will take care of me.

John 8:32
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Romanos 5:9
Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.

I was the oldest of three and came from a strict second-generation, Italian-American family. My father and his two brothers and sister ran a family-owned construction company started by my grandfather.

My grandfather had a drinking problem. And my dad acted like an alcoholic even though he did not drink. I refer to his behavior as a “rageaholic.” He worked extremely long hours and was dealing with a lot of stress and family drama. No podía comunicarse de manera saludable sin enfadarse y alzar la voz.. He had a very short fuse. Entonces, cuando estaba en casa, Literalmente quisiera correr y esconderme..

My mom tried her best to control our home environment as not to cause my dad any stress. We had to be very quiet and obedient when he was home. The slightest thing could set him off. When my dad was at work, my mom had her own way of dealing with the chaos in our home. She yelled a lot too. It wasn’t a very calm or peaceful environment. But I believe they did the best they could. They were preoccupied with putting out fires that my sister and brother were starting. It was easy for me to hide in the shadows.

As a young child, how was I supposed to get the love and attention I needed? Después del “bueno, quiet one” persona was not working anymore, I started sneaking Scotch whiskey from my parents’ liquor cabinet at 12 años. Now I was really hiding because of all of my secrets, which now were piling up, and it became even more difficult to keep up my façade. Por 13, Me estaba drogando y consumiendo otras drogas.. En 16, I was having sex; then the unthinkable, my abortion at 21. My life was a disaster, one poor decision after another led me down a very dark path. I was very alone in this pit even though I had friends; no one really knew what I was suffering with because I wore the perfect mask. I was right where the evil one wanted me. Isolated, solo, and hiding in my secrets.

Now in my early 30’s after many years of destructive choices, Mecanismos de copia nocivos y adicciones., Mi autodesprecio estaba en su punto más alto. My depression would last for weeks at a time, and it was preventing me from functioning normally, and all the pain I had been stuffing all my life was coming out sideways. no tenia control sobre eso. Yo era como un volcán andante. I literally just wanted to end this torment of a life. But God gave me two children, and I wasn’t going to leave them without a mom. Entonces, I decided I needed to do something different because what I was doing was not working. I was tired of putting my mask on every day and pretending.

Sentí que no era digno de ser amado. De hecho, I thought I deserved to be emotionally abused by others because of my sin. No me veía como una persona valiosa para nadie., ni siquiera a dios. Este patrón destructivo continuaría hasta que yo fuera 34, cuando por la gracia de Dios, Escuché el evangelio y dentro 4 semanas fui salvo y le pedí a Jesús que perdonara mis pecados y fuera mi Señor y Salvador. El día más hermoso y memorable de mi vida es febrero. 6, 1994, cuando nací de nuevo.

Incluso después de mi salvación, I felt I had to work for love and approval from God and especially from others in leadership at Church. My people-pleasing was consuming my life, y Dios me mostró que esto es idolatría, that anything that I put above Him is a sin.

Over the past 20 años, God has slowly been showing me my character defects and areas of sin, my codependency, people-pleasing, and lack of clear boundaries and how I was enabling unhealthy behavior. I didn’t love or respect myself so how could I expect others to. I allowed people to walk all over me, to manipulate and control me, but slowly over time, I started putting up boundaries and using my voice.

God helped me to see myself through His eyes of love, care, and compassion. De nuevo en 2015 when struggling with rejection, I wrote out these words of affirmation that I read out loud to myself every day: Soy digno, soy amado, pertenezco, Soy aceptado, soy adoptado, Tengo confianza y soy competente., I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, soy un niño de Dios, Soy victorioso en Cristo, just to name a few. This is my Spiritual Armor; I put this on every morning to protect myself from the fiery darts of the enemy. Our battle is won and lost in our minds. What we believe about ourselves and about God matters. God’s word is truth, and the truth will make you free.

I hope I never take for granted the miracle that took place in my life 31 hace años que, when I received the gift of salvation through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross for me.


  1. How has your distorted view of yourself opened you up to all kinds of abuse and sin as a way to cope with your pain?
  2. How did you see yourself?
  3. Who does God say you are? Give examples of Biblical truth.
  4. What do you do to put your Spiritual Armor on daily to protect yourself from the enemy?
  5. Cómo podemos orar por ti?

I pray this topic has been helpful for you if you need to talk, you can text me or email me at:

Eres amado, Toni

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