La femme au puits

La femme au puits

La femme au puits

by Toni Weisz/Spiritual Warfare


Écritures: John 4:4, 7-10, 13-18
But He needed to go through Samaria.

A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jésus lui dit, “Give Me a drink.” For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.

Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.

Jésus répondit et lui dit, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”

Jésus répondit et lui dit, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, mais celui qui boit de l'eau que je lui donnerai n'aura jamais soif. Mais l’eau que je lui donnerai deviendra en lui une source d’eau jaillissant en vie éternelle.

The woman said to Him, "Monsieur, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw.”

Jesus said, “Go call your husband, and come here.”

The woman answered and said, “I have no husband.”

Jésus lui dit, “You have well said, ‘I have no husband,’ for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly.”


We see in the Scriptures that Jesus goes out of His way to meet this broken, shame-filled, lonely woman. Why was she at the well at that time? She came in the heat of the day when no one else was there so she would not see the disdain on the other women’s faces, nor see them whispering about her. She was a sinner in their eyes. Even unbeliever’s have their standards of right and wrong. For those of us who have been labeled certain things because of our past sins, we might find it easier to isolate than to face their pointing fingers, their whispers, and harsh comments or cold shoulders.

But Jesus clearly goes out of His way to specifically speak to her, a Gentile, and a Samaritan at that. Jews hated Samaritans, and a man speaking with a woman was especially looked down upon. Jesus treated women with the same respect He showed men. That was radical for that day and time. Women were looked down upon as a piece of property with no rights.

Jesus goes after the lost sheep, which was once all of us, especially women who have abortion or abuse in our past. We feel safer isolating and not being seen in public because we find it easier. But Jesus breaks through those walls we have put up to protect ourselves because He knows He is the only one who can truly save us from the evil one who torments us day and night and that He only can heal us in all our broken places.

God showed me a vision of a dungeon, dank, dark, and musty, and women sitting in chains with no way to escape. Those are the women our ministry rescues from the evil one. Jesus showed me that I was to go into the dungeon, and I saw myself climbing down the stairs, holding tightly to His hand as I reach out to grab these women to lead them out of the door of this dark place into His glorious healing light.

Our eBook has a picture of a dungeon with butterflies effortlessly floating out of the dungeon, which is a picture of these precious women being rescued, guéri, and set free.

Les conduisant dans sa lumière. Toni Weisz. Mes cendres à la beauté

It reminds me of the old Fanny Crosby song,

“Rescue the Perishing.” (1869)

Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen,
Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.

Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.


Our ministry goes into the dungeons to rescue women who are still in bondage and chains. Thank God we are slowly going into more churches where these precious women are still hiding who are being tormented by the evil one. On August 18, 2024, I had the opportunity to go to Family Church in Downtown West Palm Beach to promote our ministry. I am grateful for our ministry partners: First Care Women’s Clinic in West Palm Beach, Filet de soins, La vie amoureuse, Choisissez Life Radio, Family Church in Jupiter, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, and Calvary Church in Jupiter. With our partnership with them, we are able to reach even more women with the help, hope, and healing of Jesus Christ. With our partnership with them, we are able to reach even more women with the help, hope, and healing of Jesus Christ.

Thank you all for your part in this ministry. Even if this is your first conference call, just you being here is vitally important to our work. Thank you to my courageous team of volunteers all over the country. If it wasn’t for you, we could not reach these women and take care of them the way we do. I am eternally grateful to each and every one of you.

Des questions à prendre à cœur:

  1. Where are you on your healing journey? Are you just starting or have you been working on it for many years?
  2. Where were you when Jesus found you? Were you like the woman at the well, hiding from others?
  3. How did you hear about our ministry?
  4. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

Je prie ce sujet qui vous a été utile. Si tu as besoin de parler, please email me at:


Tu es aimé,


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Un œil spirituel

Un œil spirituel

A Spiritual Eye View

by Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual Insights

Écritures: 2 rois 6:15-17 et Jean 3:3


2 rois 6:15-17
When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.

“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Seigneur, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

The king of Syria was at war with Israel, and Elisha the prophet was being given divine insight from God about the battle plans. Alors, he informed the king of Israel when and where his enemy would strike, which made the Assyrian king angry. Alors, he went after Elisha with his army. But the Lord protected him and his servant by giving them spiritual eyes to see and delivering them!

John 3:3
Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Jesus is saying here that those who haven’t submitted to the Lord Jesus are blind to the things that God is doing here on this earth.

Last week, I had to address a root canal that became infected. My heart sank as the dentist said, "Ouiou need to go back to the endodontist and deal with this. I dreaded it, remembering how hard it was the first time. It was long and difficult and led to extended complications from the antibiotics. I had an appointment for the next day, and they said that I may need surgery. Before rising that morning, I sought the Lord through devotion and prayer. There were no distractions or demands on me. It was just me and the Spirit of God in the quiet of the new day.

I got up and prepared for the long drive and potentially invasive surgery. Usually when I’m in the car, I listen to podcasts or praise music, but this day was different. I spent quiet time with the Lord and listened for His heart toward me as I drove down the peaceful mountain roads. It prepared me for His plans.

I started out feeling frustrated about having to divert my plans for the week. But then I asked Him to change my perspective on what I was to face. And He answered my prayer in a wonderful way.

Prior to leaving the house, I grabbed a letter I had just drafted for my brother who desperately needs Jesus. And in it, I shared my testimony, my heart for him to be saved and shared the gospel with him. I was going to look it over for editing while waiting on the doctor, but they called me in right away. As the assistant prepared me for the procedure, we began to talk about faith and matters of the heart. She wasn’t attending church at the time and said that reading the Bible was confusing. Alors, I encouraged her to ask the Lord to open her eyes to His truth before she started to read, et I pointed her to the Book of John. This Book of John provides a clear message of the gospel and the incredible love Jesus has for us!

While getting the dental work done, I prayed for her, the doctor, his family, and other loved ones that came to mind. The time was going too fast as I focused on eternal things. And as I prayed, the Holy Spirit prompted me to give this young lady the letter I wrote to my brother. D'abord, I thought it was odd, since it wasn’t written to her. But then I realized that this letter had my personal testimony and the salvation message laid out from the Scriptures. It was the perfect way to get the gospel to this precious woman. I was so excited and had no doubt that the Lord was guiding me. She was moved that I shared something so personal. And I pray it moves her to seek Jesus.

When I woke up this particular morning, I was focused on myself, the inconveniences of having my busy schedule altered, and the suffering I would endure. But when I refocused to see my day through the eyes of the Lord, I saw that the Spirit was doing an eternal working in my life and those around me!

D'abord, you must be born again in order to see what God is doing beyond your mortal existence. Have you reached out to Jesus and surrendered your life to Him? He loves you and is waiting for you to seek Him et repent of your sins. He will show you how to walk with Him.

Puis, it’s a daily asking, "Seigneur, help me see what Ouiou are doing in my life. Help me see the big picture that goes beyond myself, into Ouiour eternal plan.

Clear spiritual sight is vital for believers, and it involves learning to see as the Lord sees. This requires a shift in our perspective.

Des questions:

1. Are you asking God to open your eyes to eternal things?

2. Are you resisting what God wants to show you?

3. What has He revealed to you as you open up to Him?

4. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

I hope this topic has been helpful to you. S'il vous plaît tendre la main if you need to talk or want to pray:

His Servant,



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Paix dans ma tempête

Paix dans ma tempête

Paix dans ma tempête

By Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual Insights

Scripture verses: Isaïe 43:2, 2 Corinthiens 12:9, and Philippians 1:6

Isaïe 43:2
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

2 Corinthiens 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Philippiens 1:6
“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

In the last five years, life as I knew it has taken a very different turn. David and I moved to the Blue Ridge Mountains in 2017, to start the homestead we lovingly planned for so long. It includes multiple gardens, fruit and nut trees and raising animals. The first two years were wonderful as we established our homestead and became acquainted with our new community.

God led us to a great little country church, and we began ministering wherever He led us and were excited about being able to bless others with the bounty from our gardens! Then things began to happen that started chipping away at my view of God’s perfect future for David and me.

Since 2019, there have been a series of events that brought me from excitement to despair. After experiencing multiple health issues that included severe back pain, foot surgery, a severe case of covid, and chronic UTI’s, which led to more than two years of debilitating IBS and losing a beloved dog of 15 years after years of managing her decline. And while dealing with all these issues, I was having trouble fitting into our very different culture. I started believing and focusing on the lie that life is not good, God is ambivalent, things won’t change, and it will keep getting harder. And during this period, we were experiencing the difficult restrictions and changes Covid-19 brought for all of us, which increased my anxiety more.

At the start of this new season in our lives, I had certain expectations that clearly haven’t been met. I thought it would be so fun! I expected my health to maintain a certain level so I could do all the things I love at home and doing ministry for the Lord. But the opposite has happened. I’ve been praying and thinking on this for months and have come to realize that the Lord had a different plan for us. You might think that should have been obvious to me, but like many of us, I’m stubborn, and it’s not easy to give up on my idea of the life I desired to live. God’s ways are not my ways; that’s becoming clearer to me.

I currently have three beloved rescue dogs. And for the past several months, I’ve been dealing with some very stressful health issues for two of them. And the third one has ongoing IBS and arthritic issues. Last October, my youngest, Chloe, developed lesions on her tummy, which grew rapidly. I found myself in the ER vet where she was given treatment and meds but no diagnosis. I followed up with my local vet who performed major surgery to remove most of her mammary glands, followed by a series of tests. But the lesions continued to grow on her body. His diagnosis was an autoimmune deficiency, so he put her on steroids to manage the lesions, and this led to diabetes. Before we knew what she had, her symptoms were severe. They had us up multiple times through the night and cleaning up after her constantly throughout the day, which went on for weeks. After the diagnosis, I was dealing with daily injections and multiple blood tests.

I was physically and emotionally drained. I didn’t think I could do any of this, and if one more thing was added, I would just shut down! I found myself falling into a heap and crying at times. I was so overwhelmed that I failed to stop and ask Jesus to bring comfort. Then one of my other dogs started limping. After two months, he had surgery for a torn CCL. He is now crated and requires both of us to get him out as he cannot bear weight and needs a sling under his belly. His initial recovery will take over three months.

I’ve had to step away from a young girl’s ministry I had committed to, and it made me so sad. And I’ve had to step away from my social events, which I love. I prayed to God often, to bring healing for me and my husband who is dealing with health issues that will require surgery soon. And I really want my animals to be healthy and happy! I pleaded with the Lord, but nothing has changed. En fait, it seems to be getting harder.

There are seasons when we can feel overwhelmed and unable to focus on living out our God-blessed, joyful and healthy life because all we can see are the huge issues before us. I have been so focused on my overwhelming problems that I missed seeing my mighty God and loving Father, who is in complete control.

The question I have to ask myself is, do I want to have an easy life with very little or no spiritual growth or do I embrace all that God brings and give Him praise for developing my faith and strength? Because that is what our storms can bring! I want to focus on God’s control over the problem, not the problem itself because it brings peace to my heart. In order to receive all that God has, I have to exercise my trust and belief that He truly is in control. One way I practice this is to remember His faithfulness to me over the past forty-one years.

God knows. He is in direct control of every detail of our circumstances, knows what we need and calls us to Himself. And in that time, we are to enter His presence. When I find myself becoming agitated and impatient, I stop and tell the Lord how much I need Him, how much I need to redirect my perspective. I have to let go of those things I can’t control. And it has helped me so much! It occurs to me that God has lovingly allowed these trials so that I may grow in His strength, for His service and His glory! And when the next storm comes, I’ll be better prepared.

I want you to know that my connection with you all has helped me to see how much God is working in all of our lives. God called us to encourage and lift one another up, which builds our faith. And that is what I experience when we spend time together sharing our stories of how God is working in your lives. It’s such a gift!

Des questions à prendre à cœur:

1. Do you feel helpless in the storms in your life?

2. How are you responding to them?

3. What are these trials teaching you (humility, patience, endurance, deeper trust in Jesus, etc.)?

4. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

God bless you and thank you for allowing me to share.

Je prie ce sujet qui vous a été utile. Please reach out if you need to talk or want to pray:

His Servant,


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Ma blessure de rejet

Ma blessure de rejet

Ma blessure de rejet

Par Toni Weisz/Disciplines spirituelles

Écritures: John 4:13-14 et 1 Corinthiens 13:4-8un

John 4:13-14
Jésus répondit et lui dit, « Celui qui boit de l’eau aura encore soif, mais celui qui boit de l'eau que je lui donnerai n'aura jamais soif. Mais l’eau que je lui donnerai deviendra en lui une source d’eau jaillissant en vie éternelle.

1 Corinthiens 13:4-8un
L'amour souffre longtemps et est gentil; l'amour n'envie pas; l'amour ne se parade pas, n'est pas gonflé; ne se comporte pas de manière impolie, ne cherche pas le sien, n'est pas provoqué, ne pense à aucun mal; ne se réjouit pas de l'iniquité, mais se réjouit de la vérité; supporte toutes choses, croit tout, j'espère que tout, supporte tout. L'amour n'échoue jamais.

Pourquoi ai-je envie d'appartenir à ma famille terrestre?

Pourquoi cette blessure de rejet est-elle si profonde?

Pourquoi est-ce que je veux le plus ce que je ne peux pas avoir?

Le Seigneur parlant par le Saint-Esprit, "Parce que, cher petit oiseau, tu as été créé pour aimer et être aimé, surtout par ta famille. C'est comme ça que je t'ai créé. Le puits est sec, Petit oiseau. Sen espérant; Shaut, laissez tomber votre seau en attendant qu'ils le remplissent. Je peux seulement te combler. Je suis le Vivant Wmanger, jaillir dans la vie éternelle. WQuand tu bois cette eau, tu n'auras plus jamais soif. Viens, Petit oiseau, laisser M.e te remplit jusqu'à déborder. Permettre M.j'aime, si doux et si gentil, guéris tous tes endroits brisés. Let M.Ta paix te couvre comme une couverture chaude lors d'une fraîche nuit d'hiver, et laisse M.Votre joie remplit votre cœur et votre esprit d'espoir et de véritable contentement.. Permettez-vous M.e pour faire ça pour toi?"

"Oui, Seigneur, J'abandonne tout. Je veux Ouitu dois être mon tout en tout. Je veux Ouiou pour combler le désir de mon cœur. Je veux Ouious pour me valider et m'affirmer. Je veux Ouious pour me donner la paix que le monde ne pourra jamais me donner. Je veux Ouinotre amour coule à travers moi. Ton amour est doux, gentil, patient, pas gonflé, pas égoïste, ne s'accroche pas aux torts, mais au contraire, il se réjouit de la vérité, supporte toutes choses, croit tout, j'espère que tout, supporte tout. Votre amour ne faillit jamais.


Très Cher, Je sais que ton cœur a aussi été brisé. Je prie pour que vous permettiez à Jésus de vous guérir dans tous vos endroits brisés et de permettre à son eau vive de vous remplir..

Questions à poser horeille:

  1. Avez-vous été confronté à un rejet dans votre passé?
  2. Avez-vous encore parfois du mal à faire face au rejet, même maintenant?
  3. Que faites-vous pour vous aider à surmonter et à guérir cette blessure profonde?
  4. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous dans ce domaine?

Je prie pour que tu saches combien tu es aimé de Dieu. Il a un beau projet pour ta vie. Wchapeau que l'ennemi voulait faire du mal, Dieu peut se retourner pour votre bien et sa gloire. Veuillez nous contacter si vous avez besoin de parler:

Tu es aimé,


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