Pensamiento apestoso: Mi visión distorsionada de Dios

Pensamiento apestoso: Mi visión distorsionada de Dios

Proverbios 23:7a, Romanos 2:4d, 1 Corintios 6:20, y juan 3:16


El pensamiento apestoso se refiere a los pensamientos negativos que nos atormentan especialmente cuando estamos DETENER (hinfeliz, Aenojado, lsolo o tenojado) o tener pensamientos como una visión distorsionada de Dios y de uno mismo, pensamiento negativo, justificación, miedo, y ansiedad. Abordaremos cada uno de estos temas para que podamos discernir entre las mentiras que hemos creído a lo largo de los años y reemplazarlas con la verdad de Dios.. Nuestro objetivo es equiparte para que puedas tener la victoria en estas áreas..

Primero, la Palabra de Dios dice en Proverbios 23:7a, “Porque como él piensa en su corazón, él también.” Lo que pensamos de nosotros mismos dicta cómo nos vemos a nosotros mismos, Dios, y otros, y cómo respondemos a las cosas. Si nos vemos como hijos de Dios, amado, apreciado y adoptado en la familia de Dios, veremos que somos realmente especiales, apartado por Dios para buenas obras. Tendremos una visión más positiva del mundo. Si sentimos que no somos dignos de ser amados debido a nuestros pecados pasados, y no una persona de valor, nos sentiremos deprimidos, solitario, y sin esperanza. ¿Puedes ver que lo que pensamos determina cómo nos sentimos??

Mi primera visión distorsionada de Dios comenzó cuando era un niño muy pequeño. 6 o 7 años. Vi a Dios como un Dios enojado que era inaccesible.. Me dijeron cuando era niño, si hiciera algo mal dios me castigaría, Estaba constantemente esperando que el martillo cayera sobre mi cabeza cada vez que hacía algo mal.. La iglesia era antigua y tenía hermosos vitrales., pero por dentro estaba oscuro, frío, y la gente hablaba en latín. No vi el amor de Dios ahí. Todo lo que vi fueron reglas estrictas y castigos severos por desobedecer.. Vi a estudiantes golpearlos con reglas regularmente.. Esto me mantuvo escondido de nuevo, como lo hice en casa, cuando mi padre estaba teniendo uno de sus arrebatos de ira.

Es la bondad de Dios la que lleva al arrepentimiento. (Romanos 2:4d) Un método para modificar la conducta es mediante el miedo al juicio.; el otro es a través del amor. Dios quiere que le obedezcamos por amor y no por miedo. Si amas a alguien y él te ama, quieres pasar tiempo con esta persona, pero cuando piensas que alguien es una persona dura, No es alguien con quien te sientas seguro y cómodo.. Ves la diferencia? Dios es amor, y su gracia es inmerecida. Por lo que Jesús hizo por mí en la cruz., lo menos que puedo hacer es servirle y obedecer su palabra. fui comprado con un precio (1 Corintios 6:20); La preciosa sangre de Jesús pagó la pena por mis pecados y los pecados del mundo entero..

No vi el amor de Dios evidente en mi antigua iglesia.. No fue hasta que fui 34, cuando asistí a una pequeña iglesia bautista en Nueva Jersey, que escuché el evangelio por primera vez. El edificio era muy sencillo., sin vidrieras. Había una cruz en el frente donde estaba el predicador y un piano.. Pero una cosa que sí vi mostrada fue el amor de Dios que estas personas tenían.. Eso es lo que me atrajo a Jesús. Fue la predicación de la Palabra de Dios a través de la Biblia y el amor de Dios en las palabras y acciones y en los rostros de las personas que asistieron a esa pequeña iglesia..

John 3:16 “Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su hijo unigénito… ” Él nos amó tanto que dio a su Hijo para morir por ti y por mí.; esa es una imagen de amor sacrificado. Gracias, Jesús, por morir voluntariamente en la cruz por nosotros, Sé que es tu amor por el mundo lo que te mantuvo en esa cruz.

Creo que el enemigo está trabajando duro para distorsionar nuestra visión de Dios., para hacernos dudar de que Él realmente nos ama y se preocupa por nosotros. Mira a Eva en el jardín., la serpiente (Satán), el engañador y padre de la mentira, tratando de plantar semillas de duda en la mente de Eva sobre si se puede confiar en la Palabra de Dios. Me imagino que ella estaba pensando, “Dios me está ocultando algo bueno, Él realmente no me ama porque si lo hiciera, Él me daría todo lo que quiero”. Adán y Eva no sabían qué era lo mejor para ellos, y es lo mismo con nosotros; Tampoco sabemos qué es lo mejor para nosotros.. Dios nos dijo que no tuviéramos relaciones sexuales antes del matrimonio.. ¿Estaba ocultándonos?? No, En realidad Él nos estaba protegiendo., especialmente aquellos de nosotros que abortaríamos a nuestros bebés. Estaba tratando de protegernos a nosotros y a nuestros bebés..

Me di cuenta que era por amor que Dios no quería que tuviera relaciones sexuales fuera del matrimonio., porque quería protegerme. Si tan solo hubiera confiado en Dios y lo hubiera invitado a participar en mi proceso de toma de decisiones y creído que Él proveería para mi bebé y para mí., Entonces tal vez hubiera tenido el coraje de elegir la vida para mi bebé.. En cambio, mi visión distorsionada de Dios me hizo temer acercarme a Él con mis necesidades., cual era el enemigo'plan. Si el enemigo puede hacernos entrar en pánico y no buscar a Dios'sabiduría, disposición, y proteccion, entonces ha ganado la batalla.

¿Cuáles eran tus puntos de vista distorsionados sobre Dios cuando eras más joven??

¿Cómo lo ves ahora??




Leer más de los blogs de Toni AQUÍ.
Gracias Señor, por el don del perdón

Gracias Señor, por el don del perdón


Titus 1:2, Salmo 103:12, John 3:16

For almost a year after my salvation in February 1994, I struggled to believe that God would forgive my sin of abortion. The enemy lied to me and whispered in my ear, “God is not going to forgive you for this horrible thing you did. You are not worthy to be loved by anyone, especially God. De hecho, you deserve to be abused for what you did.” These lies tormented me and I felt compelled to somehow make penance for my sins. Coming from a works-based religion, I thought perhaps I could do something to earn forgiveness from God. Was there something else I needed to do? Was there some sacrifice I could make to earn His forgiveness? Was I a person of value in His eyes, that He would forgive and redeem me?

One day I heard preaching on the radio and the pastor said, “If I don’t believe God can forgive sin, then I am calling God a liar”. I knew God wasn’t a liar (Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began). Entonces, slowly I started to believe in my heart that I was forgiven. Sin embargo, it took almost a decade for that truth to finally take root in my heart, and I knew I was truly forgiven by God.

Forgiveness cannot be earned; it is a gift. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, I now have access to the Father. But first, I had to humble myself before Him, confess my sins and repent. I had to turn away from my old life and turn toward God.

Salvation truly is a miracle. I was plucked out of the world, adopted and placed into the family of God. This was only possible through the shed blood of Christ, the sinless Lamb of God, when He died on the cross for my sins and the sins of the whole world. All my sins were nailed to that cross when Jesus took my place. He was my substitute; He took my sins upon Himself so that I could be made righteous before God.

When God looks upon me, all He sees is Christ’s righteousness (Salmo 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us). God does not remember my sins anymore. I have been forgiven, redeemed, and adopted by God through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. It is the most beautiful gesture that anyone has ever done for me. I am so grateful to God for having mercy upon me and saving me.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Have you asked God to forgive your sins?

Have you received the gift of salvation?

Have you asked God to forgive your past abortion?

If not, please do not wait one more second. Come to God and confess your sins. He is patently waiting for you. Cry out to God today and receive the gift of forgiveness.

Please let us know if you have turned from your sins and turned to God so we can celebrate with you and disciple you on your spiritual journey.

Dios lo bendiga.



Further reading on this subject:

¿Por qué el perdón es tan importante para nuestro bienestar??

Leer más de los blogs de Toni AQUÍ.
Santidad para la vida humana

Santidad para la vida humana

El blog de Luci

As I write this, it is the 47th anniversary of Roe vs Wade when the US Supreme Court decided abortion will be “legal” in all 50 states.

Churches all across America recognize this 3rd Sunday in January each year, as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. It is a day when we as believers, thank God for the gift of life, we remember those who have died as a result of abortion, and we commit ourselves to protect the unborn.

To give you an idea of where we are, here are some statistics:

From 1973 to 2017 more than 60 million lives have been lost to abortion.

Every year, an estimated one million abortions are performed in the US.

As many as 2,500 unborn babies lose their lives in abortions every day.

4 out of 10 women who choose abortion identify as Christians and are attending church at least once a month. The sad truth is, many of us have been affected by what has been promoted as a quick fix to an inconvenience. Some of us have personal experience, some have a family member or know someone who has had an abortion.

But we have been lied to by the enemy of our souls. In John 10:10, Jesus says, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” And the enemy has been involved in the killing of God’s children since the beginning of time.

Some of you may have hearts that are burdened with sins from your past. For some sins, it is harder for us to receive the forgiveness Christ offers than for others. Especially those sins committed against the body. Sexual sin and abortion are difficult to share and receive healing for because they touch us so deeply and there is great shame and stigma attached to them.

I am passionate about this because it has affected me personally. And I suffered so much for my choice! I was alone and afraid; I had no one in my young life that could speak truth to me. I was fed the lie that it wasn’t a baby and that I would be better off without it. For many months after the procedure, I was deeply depressed and felt empty inside over my decision; I cried every night. After being witnessed to over and over, I turned to the Lord Jesus for forgiveness because the burden was too heavy. He turned my life around and immediately forgave me. But I had to work through a lot of emotional struggles. I look back on that time and since the Lord showed me His forgiveness, over time I learned to let go of the guilt and shame I was holding on to and receive healing from the Lord through His Word and other believers.

The Lord exposed me to some compassionate and amazing Christians who were involved in the pro-life movement. And they helped me work through the fallout and heal to the point that I was able to minister to other hurting women who were alone in their secret suffering. It was a great relief to get rid of the burden of myself hate!

And the cross is open to all; the Lord receives all that ask for His forgiveness. There is healing available for grieving hearts that regret their involvement in abortion. It is not the unforgivable sin. Our Savior went to the cross for all sins.

When our hearts are surrendered to Jesus, we make better choices for ourselves and others. And there is support and protection in the body of Christ. But there are people out there who don’t know this yet. It’s up to us to share Christ love and truth with the those He brings into our lives and our church.

As we often say, the courts can make abortion illegal but only God through his church can make it unthinkable. The good news is, the abortion rate is declining but there are still so many we can reach out to with God’s love and healing!



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