Laisser les choses derrière soi

Laisser les choses derrière soi

Laisser les choses derrière soi

by Luci Boudreaux/Abuse Recovery

Scriptures: Philippiens 3:12-17 et 2 Corinthiens 5:17

Philippians 3:12-17 “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Only let us hold true to what we have attained. Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us.”

2 Cor 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Le vieux est décédé; voir, le nouveau est arrivé.


From the time I was a young girl until the age of 25 when I surrendered my life to Jesus, I had established so many ungodly behavior patterns and unhealthy thinking (which led to unhealthy coping mechanisms) that I was having difficulty becoming the woman of God I knew He wanted me to be. I knew I was delivered from eternal damnation. But what about living an abundant life now?

I was unsure of myself, always secondguessing myself, very insecure and filled with painful memories, which made me angry and frustrated. It affected my relationship with the Lord and others. I knew what the Bible taught me; that Jesus loves me and cast away my sins as far as the east is to the west.

Just as 2 Corinthians 5:17 declares, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Le vieux est décédé; voir, le nouveau est arrivé.

I wanted to believe God’s promises were for me, but I knew who I had been, the things I had done. My faith and hope were weak, and the enemy was working hard to steal my hope for a better life. I was fearful to step out and trust God in all areas of my life that needed to be dealt with before I could move forward.

But one thing was constant and strong in my heart. And that is, I wanted to be healed and whole. I worked at it by spending time in God’s Word, in community with other believers, playing uplifting music, and listening to godly teachers who lived like they believed.

But I continued to struggle. I couldn’t understand why I was still stuck in this place and continuing to return to my old ways of thinking and doing.

Does this resonate with any of you?

You go to church, read God’s Word, listen to worship music, but it doesn’t seem to be moving you forward in your faith or healing. Perhaps you are holding onto that one thing that is weighing you down. Is it possible that pride is preventing you from dealing with it or asking for help?

At this point, I sought out ministries and two specific women counselors that understood my broken past and what it felt like to have no self-worth. I’m thankful that they had the courage to ask some hard questions that caused me to face my distorted thinking. These women saw beyond my pain to what God had for me. They taught me to understand my position in Christ and that I was a new creation; I no longer needed to revisit my past for the sake of condemning myself.

I learned how to recognize that the painful events of my past do not define me, nor do they have the power to control how I live my life today. I learned that healthy boundaries are important and that I have the power to use these experiences to forgive, which allows me to heal and help others in their journey. Alors, my past no longer has a hold on me; I now use it to glorify God!

I am a very different woman today. I embrace the truth that I am a daughter of the Most High et that I don’t need to fear anything in this world or in the spiritual realm! I am a warrior, an ambassador, who God promises to equip for every situation in my life so that I may walk in victory and display His character.

As Paul said in Philippians Chapter 3, we haven’t “arrived,” but we are focused on moving forward, towards the goal of becoming more like Jesus. In view of this, I see every situation that comes into my life as an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to teach me how to live out my faith. He allows situations (positive et negative), so, I submit to them, knowing it’s for His glory and my ultimate holiness.

God is doing a spiritually renewing work in each of us. And my desire is that we all draw closer to His heart. One of the spiritually powerful things in my life is spending time with like-minded believers who I can encourage and be encouraged by. It’s important for us to pay close attention and seek out those who walk in the way of Christ. Follow their example; you will become like those you spend the majority of your time with.

I encourage you all to use the issues we discuss in our conference calls to propel you into a better place. Don’t settle for less than God’s best for you! We can experience the abundant life here and now! Mais it takes a lot of courage to change!

Questions to Consider:

  1. Are you allowing your past to hinder you from moving forward in your healing journey?
  1. What is preventing you from embracing what God is calling you to?
  1. How may we pray for you?

We are here to help you in your journey. Please reach out if you need to talk. You can email me at:

Your friend,



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Le fils prodigue

Le fils prodigue


Le fils prodigue
By Toni Weisz/Abuse Recovery

Luc 15:11-24, Jérémie 31:3b-c, Luc 15:10, II Corinthians 5:21a, Éphésiens 2:1b, Luc 15:10, Révélation 7:9, Romains 8:15b-c, Révélation 19:9, et les romains 8:35

Luc 15:11-24

Then He said: “A certain man had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.’ So he divided to them his livelihood. And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal (wasteful) living. But when he had spent all, there arose a severe famine in that land, and he began to be in want. Then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate, and no one gave him anything.

“But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.” ’

“And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

“But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry.

Some have called this, “The Running Father,” instead of, “The Prodigal Son,” because it’s the actions of the father in these scriptures that give a glimpse into the very heart of God, our heavenly Father, towards us, His children. I can imagine the father looking to the horizon every day for a glimpse of his son returning home. And every day, losing hope that he would return. Then one day, he spots his son and is filled with compassion for him. He girds up his loins (takes his robe from back to front between his legs and tucks it into his belt) and runs to his son. During Biblical times, a man of his stature in the community would not do such a thing in public, but he didn’t care what others thought. I read that the son could have been banned from the town or humiliated publicly, because he dishonored his father and their town with his sinful actions. This was another possible reason why the father ran to his son; he wanted to protect him from the humiliation and judgement of others.

Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of the prodigal son. Didn’t we run away from the homes that God had given us in part due to the dysfunction, and/or we wanted to explore the world and live our lives our own ways? Tout en, our heavenly Father is watching and looking for us to return home to Him. How it must have broken His heart to see the destructive, ungodly choices we made. And yet, He loves us with an everlasting love; He yearns for us to come home to Him (Jérémie 31:3b-c). The angels in heaven rejoice over one sinner who repents (Luc 15:10).

God sent His Son to die for us so we could be set free from the judgment we deserved because of all our sins. I love the correlation between the prodigal son’s father and our heavenly Father. Jesus became sin for us (II Corinthians 5:21a) and was naked, beaten, and crucified, and He died for us. He was humiliated and tortured for me and you. When I think of what Jesus did on the cross for me, I am overwhelmed with gratitude because I know I didn’t deserve it, but I humbly receive this precious gift of salvation that cost God the most precious thing He had, His Son.

Lastly, we too were once dead in our trespasses and sins against God, (Éphésiens 2:1b) but when we confessed our sins, like the prodigal son, we were welcomed into the family of God. There was a celebration in heaven the day you received Christ as your Savior (Luc 15:10). God has clothed you in a beautiful white robe (Révélation 7:9), put a ring on your finger, and adopted you into His Holy Family (Romains 8:15b-c). One day, we will all be together for the great feast in heaven, the marriage supper of the Lamb (Révélation 19:9). Hallelujah! Merci, Jésus!

Merci, Father, for the gift of adoption into your family. I am no longer an orphan, a stranger, or an outcast; I am yours forever.

Note: To you precious ones who did not have good earthly fathers, it is hard to think of God as a good heavenly Father. Please know that God’s heart broke when he saw the abuse and neglect you suffered at the hands of your earthly fathers. God is not like your earthly fathers; He is kind, gentle, pure, holy, and faithful. He loves you with an everlasting love. Nothing can separate you from the love of God through Christ Jesus our Lord (Romains 8:35).

Des questions:

What was your relationship like with your earthly father?

Do you see God as a good and kind Father? Sinon, please explain.

Please reach out if you need to talk or you need prayer.

Tu es aimé,


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Avortement: Notre seule option

Avortement: Notre seule option

Avortement: Notre seule option

Par Toni Weisz/Guerre Spirituelle

Scripture References: Genèse 3:15 et Genèse 1:27

Genèse 3:15« Et je mettrai inimitié entre toi et la femme, et entre ta semence et sa semence; Il t'écrasera la tête, et tu lui écraseras le talon.

Genèse 1:27"Alors Dieu créa l'homme à son image; à l'image de Dieu, il l'a créé; mâle et femelle, il les a créés.

Il faut du courage pour être guéri d'un avortement passé. Revenir en arrière pour regarder les péchés qui ont contribué à notre décision d'avorter est difficile.

Did I seek God? Non.

Did I ask a Christian friend? Non, I didn’t have any.

Did I ask my parents for help? je n'ai pas. Et vous?

Depuis le temps qu'on est petites filles, le plan de l'ennemi est de nous isoler. De cette façon, il nous a exactement là où il nous veut quand nous sommes confrontés à des décisions qui changent la vie: seul.

Dans le livre de la Genèse, nous apprenons que le but de Satan était de détruire la semence de la femme qui allait donner naissance au Messie. La réponse de Dieu à Satan dans le jardin décrit la lutte qui s'ensuivrait à cause de ce but: "Je mettrai l'inimitié (hostilité) entre toi et la femme, et entre ta semence et sa semence; Il t'écrasera la tête, and you shall bruise His heel." (Genèse 3:15).

Depuis ce moment précis, chaque enfant dans l'utérus est devenu une cible que Satan doit détruire. Satan hait les humains parce que nous sommes créés à l'image de Dieu (ref. Genèse 1:27). Il va encore plus loin dans cette haine en convainquant les femmes que l'avortement est une bonne chose. Comme c'est sinistre? C'est mauvais et contre nature pour une femme, une mère, tuer son bébé. Those of us who’ve had an abortion have done just that.

Comment avons-nous laissé cela arriver?

Voici quelques questions que nous pouvons nous poser pour découvrir la raison(s) derrière nos avortements. J'ai inclus mes propres réponses.

Des questions:

  1. Quelles ont été les circonstances qui ont conduit à votre avortement(s)?

Toni: J'étais à l'université, vivant une vie impie remplie de drogue, de l'alcool, et le sexe. Je fuyais ma douleur passée. Je voulais juste m'évader de ma vie, et ce style de vie pécheur m'a soulagé pendant un moment. Alors, quand je me suis retrouvée enceinte, J'avais peur que mon enfant soit gravement déformé par toutes les drogues et l'alcool. Je craignais aussi la réaction de mes parents.

  1. Quand tu as appris que tu étais enceinte, à qui as-tu dit?

Toni: J'ai dit à une de mes colocataires qui s'est aussi fait avorter; elle a dit que ce n'était pas grave. Elle venait d'en avoir un récemment. J'ai dit à l'une des sœurs de mon copain; elle m'a même dit où prendre rendez-vous.

  1. As-tu dit à tes parents? Si oui, quelle a été leur réaction?

Toni: Non, J'avais trop peur de leur réaction, et je ne voulais pas leur faire de mal. J'aurais aimé avoir le courage de leur dire. I made a mistake and needed help, but I did not have the courage to do that.

  1. Avez-vous parlé avec le père du bébé? A-t-il eu son mot à dire?

Toni: Il a juste supposé que j'aurais un avortement. Il ne savait pas quel était son rôle. On n'en a vraiment pas parlé. The father of that baby is my husband, and we will be celebrating our 40th anniversary this year.

  1. Votre décision d'avortement vous apporte-t-elle toujours une profonde douleur et des regrets?

Toni: Je pleure encore la perte de mon fils, Joseph. Mais par la grâce de Dieu, Il m'a guéri de mon avortement passé. Et j'attends avec impatience le jour où je verrai mon fils face à face. Merci, Dieu, pour ce cadeau.

Les membres de My Ashes to Beauty sont là pour vous accompagner et vous aider. Ce ministère vous offre espoir et guérison à travers une relation avec Jésus, la Parole de Dieu, le Saint-Esprit, et une communauté sûre pour partager votre cœur et vos larmes de votre avortement passé.

Dieu veut que ses filles soient guéries et en bonne santé pour vivre la vie abondante qu'il est venu leur donner. S'il vous plaît tendre la main si vous avez besoin d'aide supplémentaire et de guérison. Email me at:

Tu es aimé,



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Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace
par Toni Weisz/Abuse Recovery
Éphésiens 4:29-32 et les chiffres 6:24-26

Éphésiens 4:29-32
Ne laissez aucune communication corrompue sortir de votre bouche, mais ce qui est bon pour l'édification nécessaire, qu'il puisse donner la grâce aux auditeurs. Et n'attristez pas le Saint-Esprit de Dieu, par qui tu as été scellé pour le jour de la rédemption. Laisse toute amertume, colère, colère, clameur, et que les mauvaises paroles soient éloignées de toi, de toute malveillance. Et soyez gentils les uns envers les autres, tendre, se pardonner les uns les autres, comme Dieu pour Christ t'a pardonné.

Dans le Moody Manuel de Théologie, Paul Enni définit la grâce de Dieu comme la faveur imméritée ou imméritée de Dieu envers ceux qui sont sous la condamnation. Je n'ai pas grandi dans une maison où la grâce était affichée. J'ai vécu et été témoin d'un jugement sévère pour les plus petites infractions. En tant qu'enfant, cela m'a fait peur et me cacher parce que je ne voulais pas subir ce traitement de la part de mes parents. Je suis allé dans une église qui était grande et sombre à l'intérieur et ils parlaient dans une langue étrangère. L'école associée à cette église était à peu près la même. Des étudiants ont été frappés par des dirigeants lorsqu'ils ont désobéi. Parce que je n'ai pas vu la grâce et l'amour dans ces lieux de formation, J'ai commencé à croire que ma foi en Dieu était basée sur mes bonnes œuvres: si je suis bon, Je serai aimé et accepté, mais si je désobéis, je serai sévèrement puni. C'est peut-être l'une des raisons pour lesquelles je n'ai pas couru vers Dieu quand j'étais 21, célibataire, et enceinte. J'avais peur que lui aussi me juge durement et me punisse sévèrement.

Au cours de ma vie d'adulte, J'ai de nouveau rencontré un environnement d'église difficile. Ma famille et moi avons fréquenté une église légaliste pendant plusieurs années où il s'agissait de suivre les règles sans place pour la grâce. Le Saint-Esprit en moi était si attristé que je pouvais à peine sentir ou sentir sa présence. D'abord, je ne l'ai pas reconnu, mais je subissais des abus spirituels. Toutefois, Je voulais servir Jésus. Si cela signifiait porter des robes 24/7 et obéir à des règles ridicules, alors c'est ce que je ferais. Cette oppression spirituelle a grandement affecté mon âme et à l'intérieur j'ai commencé à mourir lentement. Malheureusement, mes enfants (qui étaient au lycée à l'époque) ont également été soumis à cet abus spirituel. J'étais si reconnaissant quand nous nous sommes finalement éloignés de cet environnement toxique.

De la même manière, J'ai également subi des traitements durs de la part d'autres dirigeants du ministère. Dans ces situations, J'avais l'impression de ne jamais pouvoir rien faire de bien et j'étais toujours sous un microscope. Chaque petite chose que j'ai faite a été amplifiée et transformée en un exemple public. J'étais tellement découragé. Jusqu'au jour où, Dieu a amené un chef qui était gentil et doux. Elle m'a donné la permission d'être simplement moi et a favorisé un environnement sûr dans lequel je pouvais m'ouvrir et partager les abus émotionnels et spirituels que je subissais.. Je lui ai fait confiance et elle m'a vraiment encouragé. C'était tellement rafraîchissant d'avoir un chef doux et gentil, tout comme Jésus.

Dans notre ministère, nous voulons que chaque femme se sente en sécurité et sache qu'elle peut partager son histoire sans jugement. Nous l'encourageons à utiliser sa voix, peut-être pour la première fois de sa vie. Nous voulons qu'elle voie l'amour de Jésus dans nos paroles et nos actions. Dieu veut que nos paroles parlent d'espoir et de vie dans la vie des femmes qu'il amène à notre ministère et c'est ce que nous essaierons toujours de faire. Dieu nous a donné son cœur pour ces femmes courageuses. Nous sommes honorés de marcher à leurs côtés dans leurs parcours de guérison. Toi aussi tu es le bienvenu ici, femme courageuse. Viens comme tu es; nous t'attendons.

Réflexions finales
Qu'est-ce que la grâce?
La grâce est un don de Dieu; ça ne se gagne pas.

La grâce ignore les défauts de quelqu'un d'autre et les aime là où ils sont.

Je suis tellement reconnaissant pour l'amour et la grâce écrasants de Dieu dans ma vie. Cette grâce m'oblige à aimer les autres, étendre la miséricorde, et d'être gentil avec tout le monde. Cette grâce m'humilie quand je pense à ce que Jésus a fait pour moi sur la croix... un cadeau que je ne pourrai jamais rembourser.

Numéro 6:24-26
« Que le Seigneur vous bénisse et vous garde; Le Seigneur fait briller son visage sur toi, Et sois gentil avec toi; Le Seigneur lève sa face sur toi, Et vous donner la paix.


Questions de réflexion:

  1. Vous jugez-vous sévèrement?
  2. Jugez-vous les autres durement?
  3. Avez-vous reçu la grâce de Dieu?
  4. Êtes-vous capable d'étendre la grâce aux autres?

Tu es aimé,



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Notre perception de Dieu et pourquoi c'est important

Notre perception de Dieu et pourquoi c'est important

Colossians 3:2
Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Romains 12:1-2
Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

I can’t remember where I got this quote from but it makes a lot of sense. “Science tells us that repetitive thoughts over time become physical ruts in the brain that effect reasoning, choices, and eventually our beliefs.”

What was your perception of God as a child?

Was He kind, loving, and approachable or cold, distant, and angry?
My perception of God as a child was that He was unapproachable angry and would punish me for the slightest offense, He was not a God of love but of wrath. I grew up in a church that I saw punishment for the slightest offense with rulers and scolding. The people there were very harsh and critical. And that God was all about following rules. I did not see the love of God there.
You can read my Blog under stinking thinking:

How did that affect you growing up?
Because of my distorted view of God, when I found myself in bad situations, I decided to take matters into my own hands instead of asking God what I should do. I didn’t think He cared about me. I was in such darkness I could not see His light at all. Because of the unhealthy relationships I had with others closest to me which were quite manipulative and controlling, I didn’t think I was worth very much to God or others. Alors, what does it matter what I do to my body, my baby, or others? But God was showing up ever now and then when I felt like He was there and He was interested in my life. But I would not come to know Him as my Lord and Savior until I was 34 ans.

Éphésiens 3:16-19
That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the width and length and depth and height – to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

How do you see God now?
I now have finally received the beautiful redeeming work of Christ in my life once I was able to receive His love into the inner most part of my being, that truth changed me forever. Even after I was saved, I allowed people to abuse me and use me because I had no boundaries, and because I didn’t love myself, others didn’t treat me with love and respect either. But once His love permeated my heart, I had courage to put up boundaries and I started taking care of myself and loving myself. It was the most freeing and beautiful thing I have experienced, to know the love of God for myself. To feel and know in my heart, that no matter what I have done in the past He loves me.

How does He see you?
I am grateful for the truth from God’s word that every person is created in His image and is given intrinsic value and is created with a purpose for His kingdom. I am no longer bound to Satan and sin instead I am adopted into the family of God; I am a daughter of the King of Glory. He loved me so much He died for me on the cross. His love is so deep, and wide, and high that I cannot comprehend it, but I believe in my heart I am cherished and loved by God. And I will be with Him forever in heaven for all eternity. In July of 2017 we were having my extended family in town, my sister and brother and their families. Par conséquent, I started feeling anxious and started feeling rejected by all of them, because you see they do not know the Lord yet, so I am not apart of their family anymore. Rejection was a huge wound for me and I can go there very quickly if I am not grounded in the Word. To Combat my rejection wound God had me write out specific Biblical truths about, “Who I am in Christ,” it goes like this:

Who I am in Christ

I am worthy
I am loved
I belong
I am accepted
I am adopted
I am confident and competent
I am a child of God
I have the Holy Spirit within me
I am victorious in Christ
I have a home in heaven
Nothing can separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus my Lord
I will fear no evil

I am so proud of you for having the courage to step out and trust God to heal you.

You are safe her beloved sister.

Tu es aimé,

Psaume 147:3
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (NKJV)

Toni and the Team at

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