Un œil spirituel

Un œil spirituel

A Spiritual Eye View

by Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual Insights

Scriptures: 2 rois 6:15-17 and John 3:3


2 rois 6:15-17
When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.

“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Seigneur, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

The king of Syria was at war with Israel, and Elisha the prophet was being given divine insight from God about the battle plans. Alors, he informed the king of Israel when and where his enemy would strike, which made the Assyrian king angry. Alors, he went after Elisha with his army. But the Lord protected him and his servant by giving them spiritual eyes to see and delivering them!

John 3:3
Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Jesus is saying here that those who haven’t submitted to the Lord Jesus are blind to the things that God is doing here on this earth.

Last week, I had to address a root canal that became infected. My heart sank as the dentist said, "You need to go back to the endodontist and deal with this. I dreaded it, remembering how hard it was the first time. It was long and difficult and led to extended complications from the antibiotics. I had an appointment for the next day, and they said that I may need surgery. Before rising that morning, I sought the Lord through devotion and prayer. There were no distractions or demands on me. It was just me and the Spirit of God in the quiet of the new day.

I got up and prepared for the long drive and potentially invasive surgery. Usually when I’m in the car, I listen to podcasts or praise music, but this day was different. I spent quiet time with the Lord and listened for His heart toward me as I drove down the peaceful mountain roads. It prepared me for His plans.

I started out feeling frustrated about having to divert my plans for the week. But then I asked Him to change my perspective on what I was to face. And He answered my prayer in a wonderful way.

Prior to leaving the house, I grabbed a letter I had just drafted for my brother who desperately needs Jesus. And in it, I shared my testimony, my heart for him to be saved and shared the gospel with him. I was going to look it over for editing while waiting on the doctor, but they called me in right away. As the assistant prepared me for the procedure, we began to talk about faith and matters of the heart. She wasn’t attending church at the time and said that reading the Bible was confusing. Alors, I encouraged her to ask the Lord to open her eyes to His truth before she started to read, et I pointed her to the Book of John. This Book of John provides a clear message of the gospel and the incredible love Jesus has for us!

While getting the dental work done, I prayed for her, the doctor, his family, and other loved ones that came to mind. The time was going too fast as I focused on eternal things. And as I prayed, the Holy Spirit prompted me to give this young lady the letter I wrote to my brother. D'abord, I thought it was odd, since it wasn’t written to her. But then I realized that this letter had my personal testimony and the salvation message laid out from the Scriptures. It was the perfect way to get the gospel to this precious woman. I was so excited and had no doubt that the Lord was guiding me. She was moved that I shared something so personal. And I pray it moves her to seek Jesus.

When I woke up this particular morning, I was focused on myself, the inconveniences of having my busy schedule altered, and the suffering I would endure. But when I refocused to see my day through the eyes of the Lord, I saw that the Spirit was doing an eternal working in my life and those around me!

First, you must be born again in order to see what God is doing beyond your mortal existence. Have you reached out to Jesus and surrendered your life to Him? He loves you and is waiting for you to seek Him et repent of your sins. He will show you how to walk with Him.

Puis, it’s a daily asking, "Seigneur, help me see what You are doing in my life. Help me see the big picture that goes beyond myself, into Your eternal plan.

Clear spiritual sight is vital for believers, and it involves learning to see as the Lord sees. This requires a shift in our perspective.

Des questions:

1. Are you asking God to open your eyes to eternal things?

2. Are you resisting what God wants to show you?

3. What has He revealed to you as you open up to Him?

4. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

I hope this topic has been helpful to you. S'il vous plaît tendre la main if you need to talk or want to pray: overcomer982@icloud.com

His Servant,



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Paix dans ma tempête

Paix dans ma tempête

Paix dans ma tempête

By Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual Insights

Scripture verses: Isaïe 43:2, 2 Corinthiens 12:9, and Philippians 1:6

Isaïe 43:2
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

2 Corinthiens 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Philippiens 1:6
“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

In the last five years, life as I knew it has taken a very different turn. David and I moved to the Blue Ridge Mountains in 2017, to start the homestead we lovingly planned for so long. It includes multiple gardens, fruit and nut trees and raising animals. The first two years were wonderful as we established our homestead and became acquainted with our new community.

God led us to a great little country church, and we began ministering wherever He led us and were excited about being able to bless others with the bounty from our gardens! Then things began to happen that started chipping away at my view of God’s perfect future for David and me.

Since 2019, there have been a series of events that brought me from excitement to despair. After experiencing multiple health issues that included severe back pain, foot surgery, a severe case of covid, and chronic UTI’s, which led to more than two years of debilitating IBS and losing a beloved dog of 15 years after years of managing her decline. And while dealing with all these issues, I was having trouble fitting into our very different culture. I started believing and focusing on the lie that life is not good, God is ambivalent, things won’t change, and it will keep getting harder. And during this period, we were experiencing the difficult restrictions and changes Covid-19 brought for all of us, which increased my anxiety more.

At the start of this new season in our lives, I had certain expectations that clearly haven’t been met. I thought it would be so fun! I expected my health to maintain a certain level so I could do all the things I love at home and doing ministry for the Lord. But the opposite has happened. I’ve been praying and thinking on this for months and have come to realize that the Lord had a different plan for us. You might think that should have been obvious to me, but like many of us, I’m stubborn, and it’s not easy to give up on my idea of the life I desired to live. God’s ways are not my ways; that’s becoming clearer to me.

I currently have three beloved rescue dogs. And for the past several months, I’ve been dealing with some very stressful health issues for two of them. And the third one has ongoing IBS and arthritic issues. Last October, my youngest, Chloe, developed lesions on her tummy, which grew rapidly. I found myself in the ER vet where she was given treatment and meds but no diagnosis. I followed up with my local vet who performed major surgery to remove most of her mammary glands, followed by a series of tests. But the lesions continued to grow on her body. His diagnosis was an autoimmune deficiency, so he put her on steroids to manage the lesions, and this led to diabetes. Before we knew what she had, her symptoms were severe. They had us up multiple times through the night and cleaning up after her constantly throughout the day, which went on for weeks. After the diagnosis, I was dealing with daily injections and multiple blood tests.

I was physically and emotionally drained. I didn’t think I could do any of this, and if one more thing was added, I would just shut down! I found myself falling into a heap and crying at times. I was so overwhelmed that I failed to stop and ask Jesus to bring comfort. Then one of my other dogs started limping. After two months, he had surgery for a torn CCL. He is now crated and requires both of us to get him out as he cannot bear weight and needs a sling under his belly. His initial recovery will take over three months.

I’ve had to step away from a young girl’s ministry I had committed to, and it made me so sad. And I’ve had to step away from my social events, which I love. I prayed to God often, to bring healing for me and my husband who is dealing with health issues that will require surgery soon. And I really want my animals to be healthy and happy! I pleaded with the Lord, but nothing has changed. En fait, it seems to be getting harder.

There are seasons when we can feel overwhelmed and unable to focus on living out our God-blessed, joyful and healthy life because all we can see are the huge issues before us. I have been so focused on my overwhelming problems that I missed seeing my mighty God and loving Father, who is in complete control.

The question I have to ask myself is, do I want to have an easy life with very little or no spiritual growth or do I embrace all that God brings and give Him praise for developing my faith and strength? Because that is what our storms can bring! I want to focus on God’s control over the problem, not the problem itself because it brings peace to my heart. In order to receive all that God has, I have to exercise my trust and belief that He truly is in control. One way I practice this is to remember His faithfulness to me over the past forty-one years.

God knows. He is in direct control of every detail of our circumstances, knows what we need and calls us to Himself. And in that time, we are to enter His presence. When I find myself becoming agitated and impatient, I stop and tell the Lord how much I need Him, how much I need to redirect my perspective. I have to let go of those things I can’t control. And it has helped me so much! It occurs to me that God has lovingly allowed these trials so that I may grow in His strength, for His service and His glory! And when the next storm comes, I’ll be better prepared.

I want you to know that my connection with you all has helped me to see how much God is working in all of our lives. God called us to encourage and lift one another up, which builds our faith. And that is what I experience when we spend time together sharing our stories of how God is working in your lives. It’s such a gift!

Des questions à prendre à cœur:

1. Do you feel helpless in the storms in your life?

2. How are you responding to them?

3. What are these trials teaching you (humility, patience, endurance, deeper trust in Jesus, etc.)?

4. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?

God bless you and thank you for allowing me to share.

I pray this topic has been helpful for you. Please reach out if you need to talk or want to pray: overcomer982@icloud.com.

His Servant,


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Mon père aimant

Mon père aimant

Mon père aimant

By Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual Insights


Scripture Verses: Éphésiens 1:3-4 et 1 John 3:1a

Éphésiens 1:3-4 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him in love."

1 John 3:1a “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.”


Many of you precious ones have been abused by your fathers or male figures in your life. Alors, it may difficult for you to see God as your loving Father. Or you may think God is not being gracious or kind when He allows trials or suffering. But He knows just what we need that will cause us to turn to Him and experience the richness of an intimate relationship. Sometimes, these trials are just what make us stronger and become more aware of His presence.

As a very young girl, I saw my father as the hard-working provider and accepted that he was too busy to spend time with me. I wanted to be with him, but there were very few opportunities, and when there were, he wasn’t emotionally available. Alors que je devenais adolescent, things became very contentious between us. He often accused me of being promiscuous even though I hadn’t been, yet.

As I look back, I see that he was intimidated by my becoming a woman. He didn’t want me talking to boys or exploring the concept of maturing. He labeled me as a tramp, which hurt me deeply. He expressed lots of anger and frustration. I had no idea how to cope with his misguided anger. Alors, I retreated from him as much as possible.

I began to seek out love and affection from other boys and men, which led me into a destructive life of promiscuity and substance abuse. This behavior came out of a deep sense of rejection and abandonment from my father.

The two examples that I had of what God is like were my father and the catholic church. They both fell short as they were hyperfocused on obedience and judgment. I hated the concept of God as a Father. But by His tender mercy, I came to know Jesus and accepted Him as Lord and Savior at the age of 25.

It took me a couple of years of prayer, reading the Bible, and seeing examples of godly men in the church to understand that God, my loving Father, is nothing like the earthly father I knew. And my relationship with Him became such a refuge of grace, le pardon, and a constant loving presence! I came to know my Heavenly Father in a very personal way. I learned that I could go to Him in complete trust; I am safe with Him.

The relationship I have with my Heavenly Father is full of acceptance, joie, long-suffering, and intimacy! And I learned this by opening up to Jesus and learning about Him through the Scriptures.

When we see Jesus, we see the Father. I love the way Hebrews 1:3a says it: “He (Jésus) is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature."

How blessed we are that God reveals Himself to us!

Des questions to Consider

  • What was your relationship with your earthly father?
  • Has it hindered you in any way from opening up to your Heavenly Father?
  • How were you able to overcome that obstacle and embrace your Heavenly Father’s love? Was it through Scripture, a godly man, or a combination of several things?

The Lord is merciful and patient, waiting for us to come to Him with all our cares and questions. I pray you will find hope and peace in His presence as you seek Him. You can reach me at: overcomer982@icloud.com.


Your friend,



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Attentes non satisfaites

Attentes non satisfaites


Attentes non satisfaites
by Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual Insights

Références bibliques:

Hebrews 4:16
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Psaume 27:1314
“I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage wait for the Lord!"


After I surrendered my life to Jesus at age 25, I was so excited to go with God and live for Him. After years of mental and physical abuse by others and by my own poor life choices, which included abortion, I was anxious to start fresh. And I dared to dream for a normal life with God at the center.

I attended church, studied the Scriptures and hung out with other likeminded believers. I had great expectations about how God would fulfill my dreams to be a wife and a mom. And seeing all the young families at church intensified my longing to have my own family.

Years passed as my hopes and dreams went unfulfilled, in spite of my prayers. I got tired of waiting on God, so I took control and started dating a man who said the things I wanted to hear, but he turned out to be the opposite of the godly man I wanted to be with. You can read the whole story about “The Angel of Light” on MyAshesToBeauty.com under Luci’s Blogs, UNEbuse Rrécupération.

After three years of abuse and separation from God, I ended the relationship and surrendered my singleness to the Lord. And not long after this, I met the man that I’ve been so thankful to be married to for 21 années! In this difficult experience, God taught me that waiting on His timing and trusting His wisdom brings the best results.

Fastforward to today, and again, God has me in a place of learning to trust and believe His promises. I have been physically suffering for years with GI tract and stomach pain. You might say, I carry stress in my gut! In the last few months, it has become debilitating. I’ve been aggressively reading and applying what the experts tell me to do, but nothing has brought relief. I also searched for a healthcare professional that could help to heal me. But as I prayed for guidance and searched for months, the doors continued to close.

My hope was fading as I questioned God, "Why? Why all this suffering? Why all this waiting?” In my weakened state, I believed the lie that God would not bring healing et that He wasn’t hearing my cries for help.

In this process, God showed me that I needed an adjustment in my perspective because I had lost sight of what He was and is always doing in the life of His children. He was helping me see that I was allowing the cares of this world to affect me, that I was anxious about many things, and it was manifesting in my body breaking down. In addition, he was preparing the perfect time for me to meet the right doctor. UNEnd as an added bonus, which I know was part of His plan, I not only met her but was also able to minister to her very precious mother who happened to be visiting.

God is not in the business of meeting our desires and needs in what WE believe to be the perfect time. He wants everything to be for our ultimate good (heart, mind et spirit) and for His glory. Just like Job, we can’t understand the mind of God, nor can we see the incredible plans He has for us. We have to trust that He loves us beyond our wildest dreams.

God has had His hand on my life circumstances this whole time! But He was waiting for me to give Him control and to trust His promises for me, as Scripture guides us. And one passage to emphasize is Psalm 25:9: “He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble His way.”



What are you hoping and waiting for in your life?

Do you have a testimony of how God has answered your prayer in a way that surprised and blessed you beyond your expectations?

Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?


I pray this topic has been helpful for you. You can reach me at: overcomer982@icloud.com.






La volonté « parfaite » de Dieu

La volonté « parfaite » de Dieu

La volonté « parfaite » de Dieu

by Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual Insights
Juin 4, 2023
Scriptures: John 14:23 and Colossians 1:9b–12


John 14:23 (NKJV)
“Jesus answered him, ‘If anyone loves me, he will keep my word; and my Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.’”

Col 1:9b–12 (NIV)
“We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.”


Before I met Jesus at 25, I had lived a hard life. I carried a lot of baggage because of others who had harmed me, both physically and emotionally. And because of my damaged self-image, I made a lot of poor choices. I abused alcohol and drugs and became promiscuous after being raped at age 12. As a single woman at 24, I got pregnant. Then I added injury to the pain and confusion by aborting my precious child.

As Jesus entered my life, He began to open my eyes and show me a love that I had never experienced. There was acceptance and a desire to know and be known, without fear of rejection. I knew I was safe, and this is when I began to open up to receive God’s will for my life.

Early on in my faith, I thought that God was in the business of answering “reasonable” prayers just because I prayed them. After all, I was His beloved daughter, and I knew He wanted to bless me. I strongly desired a godly husband and children, a smooth path to a vibrant ministry where I could share my faith and help other women who had been wounded, and to have no conflict with other members in the church.

I didn’t marry until I was 43, have no living biological children, didn’t establish a “vibrant” ministry (not how I imagined) and have had conflict with other members of the body of Christ. God hasn’t answered my prayers the way I desired. He did so much more! He answered them according to His perfect wisdom. Alors, I was able to grow closer to Him, and He has been glorified in my life.

As I grow in my faith, I am coming to understand that God’s perfect will is not always Him answering prayers according to my desires and my limited perspective. I am learning that His perfect will comes about when, in humility, I surrender. It’s key to a fulfilling relationship with Him. I had to come to the place where I wanted to fully surrender to God and be in an intimate relationship with Him, more than having any of my prayers answered, whatever that looks like.


Des questions:


  1. Have you surrendered your will to God? Sinon, why? What are you afraid of?
  1. Are you in God’s will right now? If so, what does that look like?
  1. How do you respond to detours and unanswered prayers?
  1. Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous?
Mon identité en Christ (Partie 1 & 2)

Mon identité en Christ (Partie 1 & 2)

Le blog de Lucie

Mon identité en Christ (Partie 1)


2 Corinthiens 5:17 « C'est pourquoi, si quelqu'un est en Christ, il (elle) est une nouvelle création. Le vieux est décédé; voir, le nouveau est arrivé.

Romains 8:1 « Il n’y a donc maintenant aucune condamnation pour ceux qui sont en Jésus-Christ. »

John 15:15 «Je ne vous appelle plus serviteurs, car le serviteur ne sait pas ce que fait son maître; mais je vous ai appelé amis, car tout ce que j'ai entendu de mon Père, je vous l'ai fait connaître.

Quand j'étais une petite fille, Je me souviens avoir ressenti un sentiment général de bonheur et de liberté en tant qu'enfant.. Mais en grandissant, j'ai commencé à prendre conscience de mon identité au sein de ma cellule familiale et j'ai été victime de violences verbales et physiques., ma vision de qui j'étais a commencé à changer.

Dans mon esprit, j'étais moche, stupide, et dans l'ensemble, une fille pathétique que personne n'aimait ou avec qui personne ne voulait être. Je me souviens que mon père répétait sans cesse, "Pourquoi ne peux-tu pas être comme ton frère ou pourquoi ne peux-tu pas être comme ta sœur?" Il faisait référence aux frères et sœurs aînés qui avaient continué et avaient réussi, dans ses yeux. De sa frustration et de sa colère incontrôlée, il s'est déchaîné et nous a fait sentir indésirables alors qu'il nous rabaissait en nous abusant verbalement. Ma mère était calme, femme soumise avec plusieurs (total de 15) des enfants à garder. Elle n'était pas impliquée dans nos vies sauf pour répondre à nos besoins physiques. Et les frères qui étaient encore à la maison, m'a traité avec beaucoup de mépris et m'a régulièrement battu. À l'âge 11, J'étais agressé par deux de mes frères aînés et à l'âge de 12, J'ai perdu ma virginité avec un toxicomane qui 14 ans de plus, qui vivait dans le quartier. Il a littéralement profité de mon besoin désespéré d'amour et d'affection et m'a convaincu de coopérer avec ses intentions égoïstes.. Je ne l'ai dit à personne car je pensais qu'ils me blâmeraient; Je croyais dans mon jeune cœur que c'était de ma faute.

Je me sentais comme un tel échec, qu'à l'époque où j'étais un jeune adolescent, J'ai commencé à me soigner avec du vin et de la bière, et à un moment donné, Je me sentais tellement désespéré, J'ai tenté de me suicider! Évidemment, je n'ai pas réussi, mais à l'époque, Je croyais que j'étais un échec même à ça! Non seulement je me sentais indigne d'être aimée, mais je me sentais aussi sale et j'avais un grand sentiment de honte qui me couvrait comme un épais nuage..

Alors que je devenais adolescent, J'ai continué à abuser de l'alcool, ajouté de l'alcool fort et a été initié à toutes sortes de drogues illégales, que j'ai expérimenté quotidiennement. J'ai vécu une vie destructrice de toxicomanie et de promiscuité. Et à l'âge 24, J'ai commis ce que je pensais être un délit impardonnable en me faisant avorter, mettant essentiellement fin à la vie de ce qui allait s'avérer être mon seul enfant biologique. Cet événement m'a plongé plus profondément dans un sentiment de dégoût de soi et de vide que je n'avais pas encore ressenti.. Au moment où j'étais 25, mon estime de moi était dans le gouffre; Je n'avais aucun espoir ni aucun but pour mon avenir.

Puis c'est arrivé! Le Seigneur Jésus, qui me poursuivait depuis des années à travers le témoignage d'autres disciples du Christ, m'a ouvert les yeux sur son incroyable acceptation, amour et miséricorde pour moi. Et je me souviens du sentiment d'espoir et d'amour qui coulait en moi comme une rivière tumultueuse! C'était incroyable! Ma perspective de moi a changé ce jour-là. J'ai osé croire que je pouvais être quelque chose de plus que ce dans quoi je m'étais installé. Et je me suis lancé dans une mission de toute une vie pour connaître le Dieu qui serait prêt à mourir pour moi, un pathétique, coupable, fille laide et stupide. Il a fallu des années de lecture de la Bible, le soutien d'autres croyants en Jésus et quelques conseils bibliques, pour moi d'accepter ma nouvelle identité alors que j'embrassais 2 Corinthiens 5:17, ce qui nous dit, « C'est pourquoi, si quelqu'un est en Christ, il (elle) est une nouvelle création. Le vieux est décédé; voir, le nouveau est arrivé.

Aujourd'hui, après avoir marché avec le Seigneur pendant plus d'un mois 37 années, avoir son incroyable Saint-Esprit vivant en moi, J'accepte la vérité selon laquelle je suis la précieuse fille de Dieu, aimé et chéri au-delà de mes rêves les plus fous! Il m'a donné la dignité, l'estime de soi et un espoir pour l'avenir. Je ne me condamne plus car selon Romains 8:1, « Il n’y a donc maintenant aucune condamnation pour ceux qui sont en Jésus-Christ. » Je n'accepte plus les tentatives des autres de me manipuler ou de me rabaisser. J'ai compris que je peux avoir des limites et garder le contrôle, par la puissance et la direction du Saint-Esprit.



Voir Mon identité en Christ (Partie 2) ci-dessous.


Le blog de Lucie

Mon identité en Christ (Partie 2)



Quelle est votre identité? En quoi est-ce différent de quand vous avez rencontré et reçu Jésus comme votre Seigneur?

Comme Jésus marchait sur la terre, enseigner et prêcher sur le Royaume de Dieu, Il a validé les femmes et leur a montré beaucoup de miséricorde et de respect. Il est allé à l'encontre de la culture dans laquelle ils vivaient. En revanche, leur culture les traitait comme des citoyens de 3ème classe, avec peu de droits ou de respect. Il a accepté, guéri, les a aimés et leur a appris. Et il est disponible pour faire la même chose pour vous et moi aujourd'hui!

Selon les Romains 8:17, ceux qui se sont repentis de leurs péchés et ont reçu Jésus comme leur Seigneur et Sauveur, devenir ses héritiers (qui est celui qui reçoit la propriété d'un domaine et de tout ce qu'il contient), mais dans ce cas, nous recevons le Royaume de Dieu dans toute son incroyable beauté et sa perfection. Nous sommes des filles précieuses et aimées du Roi et le serons pour toute l'éternité.!

Je veux que tu t'imagines vêtu d'un somptueux, robe blanche fluide, qui est le symbole de la pureté et de la perfection, et lisons ce qui est dit dans Isaïe 61:1-3, qui a été écrit 740-700 avant JC (avant que Jésus ne marche sur cette terre).

"L'esprit du Seigneur Dieu est sur moi, parce que le Seigneur m'a oint pour apporter la bonne nouvelle aux pauvres; Il m'a envoyé pour panser les cœurs brisés, proclamer la liberté aux captifs, et l'ouverture de la prison à ceux qui sont liés; proclamer l’année de la faveur du Seigneur, et le jour de la vengeance de notre Dieu; pour réconforter tous ceux qui pleurent; accorder à ceux qui pleurent à Sion – pour leur donner une belle coiffe au lieu de cendres, l'huile de joie au lieu du deuil, le vêtement de louange au lieu d'un esprit faible; afin qu'on les appelle chênes de justice, la plantation du Seigneur, afin qu’il soit glorifié. ESV

Dieu prend nos sales haillons, qui est un symbole de nos vies brisées, et Il les remplace par du pur, robes blanches ou justice, confort, guérison, joie, paix et force!

Isaïe 61:10 « Mon âme se réjouira grandement dans le Seigneur, mon âme exultera en mon Dieu; car il m'a revêtu de vêtements de salut, Il m'a enveloppé d'une robe de justice, comme un marié se pare d'une guirlande et comme une mariée se pare de ses bijoux.

