My Wall-My Prison (Part One)

My Wall-My Prison (Part One)

My Wall-My Prison (Part One)

Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:7, John 8:44, and Luke 15:10

When I look back on my past and try to put all the pieces together, I remember being a very young child, hiding from my father’s anger. He was unpredictable, and I was frightened by him. At the time, my mother was also struggling. No 23 anos, she had rheumatoid arthritis and a husband who was a rageaholic. She would become extremely frustrated and take it out on us kids. It was an extremely difficult time for our family. It was at this point that I began building a wall to protect myself from getting hurt by others. I became very quiet and isolated. It was a way for me to stay out of trouble and the only way I knew how to control my unpredictable environment. Little did I know, this wall would become impenetrable, and I would become a prisoner of it.

Alone and isolated: This was exactly where the enemy wanted me to be so he could torment me and hold me captive, destroying my life. The devil hates anything that God has created, especially humans. He hates humans because we are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and have living souls that connect with God on a deep level (Genesis 2:7). The devil wants humans to bow down and worship him instead of God. How does he accomplish this? He does this by isolating us and lying to us, like he did with me. I built a huge wall around myself, a wall that I did not know would ultimately become my prison cell. He was a murderer from the beginning, as well as a deceiver, liar, and the father of lies (John 8:44). It’s no wonder that he was behind the first sin when Adam and Eve fell in the garden, and also the first murder between their children, Cain and Abel. He is alive and well today in the abortion industry, convincing women that abortion is their only choice.

When I lived behind my wall, I could not receive the love I desperately needed because I was cut off from the rest of the world. When we isolate ourselves, the enemy attacks us the most. We have no one to turn to for love, fellowship, or help. We are alone, tormented by our thoughts and the lies of the enemy. I have learned from experience that when I feel like isolating myself and putting my wall up, I need to do the opposite. So I reach out to someone and ask for help. That’s how I protect myself from the fiery darts of the enemy. I pray this was helpful for you.

All hope is not lost. God performed a miracle on my behalf, and He can on yours too. He pursued and wooed this broken, sozinho, and tormented woman. He made me feel safe enough to slowly peek out of the window of my prison cell to hear about the beauty of the Lord and see Him working in my husband’s life. I so desperately wanted to feel loved and connected with another person in a deep and meaningful way. I have heard it said that God created us with a God-shaped hole in each of our hearts. We try to fill this hole with the things of this world, yet only He can fill it.

What I really needed was a Savior: someone who would love me, pursue me, sacrifice His life for me, and tell me I was worth the cost. I was waiting for my prince to come and rescue me, and He did. His name is Jesus, my Savior, my friend, and my Lord. He rescued me from the clutches of the enemy, and I am forever in His debt. I will serve Him all the days of my life, and I will be with Him forever in glory when I pass from this life to the next.


  1. Have you put up a wall to protect yourself?
  2. Are you still hiding behind that wall?
  3. Are you ready to give God a try and lower your wall, so that He can heal you and love you?
  4. Have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins?Do you believe that He is the sinless, Son of God who died on the cross for your sins, rose from the dead on the third day, and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father in Heaven? If you have not, then today is the day of salvation. The angels rejoice over one sinner that repents (Lucas 15:10).

Please let us know how we can help you on your healing journey.

Você é amado,


Read My Wall—My Prison (Part Two) AQUI
When Is It Safe to Let My Wall Down?


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O Senhor irá equipá-lo para a sua chamada

O Senhor irá equipá-lo para a sua chamada

1st Samuel 17:28, 1st Corinthians 15:58, and Philippians 1:3-6

In 1st Samuel 17, prior to fighting Goliath, David has an encounter with his older brother Eliab. Eliab accuses David of being in sin and being prideful. In 1st Samuel 17:28 nós lemos, “Why did you come down here? And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your pride and the insolence of your heart, for you have come down to see the battle.”

Many around David, even his own family, tried to discourage him from fighting the giant because of their fears and their lack of trust and confidence in the Lord. The enemy was also at work in this situation, trying to prevent David from obeying the calling God had placed on his life.

Opposition to your calling will sometimes come from your own family and closest friends. It happened to me when I started on my abortion healing journey, back in January 2006. It was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, and I was sitting in my Sunday School class. The Holy Spirit said to me, “I want you to help other women feel forgiven for their past abortions.” People closest to me said, “You shouldn’t do it because you are not suited for it; you should be working with children instead,” or “It’s too hard for you, and you will not be able to handle all the sorrow and pain associated with abortion.”

então, I did nothing for a few weeks. Shortly thereafter, my Pastor preached on obedience. When I heard this sermon, there was no denying the pull God had on my heart. I had to do this. I went back to that person who had doubted my calling and abilities and said, “You don’t understand, God is calling me to do this and I must obey Him.”

How can we apply this to our lives? Primeiro, we must be prepared for many around us, even our own family members, to disagree with our calling. They may cause you to doubt whether you have truly heard from God or not. Many will try to prevent you from fulfilling your God-given calling on your life. They will say, “Are you sure that’s what God is leading you to do?” The enemy will throw everything at you to trip you up, so you do not fulfill your God-given destiny. Your destiny or calling is not something you choose. God is the one who calls you, and He is the one who will equip you for it. In 1st Corinthians 15:58, it says, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not vain in the Lord.”

You are courageous women of God and I want you to be encouraged. God will equip you for the battle you will face in your ministry. God will prepare you for every good work. Keep your eyes on Jesus and He will lead you, protect you, provide for you, and guide you, all the days of your life.

I would like to pray this prayer over you:

Philippians 1:3-6

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;”

Follow the Lord’s leading, querido; He can be trusted. He will always lead you to walk on the path of truth, life, and peace.

Reach out today if you need prayer or a word of encouragement. — Toni

Leia mais sobre os blogs de Toni AQUI.

Idolatria e Codependência

Idolatria e Codependência

Idolatria e Codependência
Ferramentas de recuperação/recuperação de aborto
Êxodo 20:3-5uma

Êxodo 20:3-5a “Não terás outros deuses diante de mim. “Não farás para ti imagem esculpida, semelhança alguma do que há em cima nos céus, ou que está na terra abaixo, ou que está na água sob a terra; não te curvarás a eles nem servirás (adoração) eles. para mim, o Senhor teu Deus, sou um Deus ciumento…”

Idolatria é o ato de colocar algo ou alguém antes de Deus em nossos corações ou mentes. Os ídolos são obsessões que nos consomem. Um ídolo pode ser um trabalho, dinheiro, um esporte ou hobby, um relacionamento, ou um problema físico; qualquer coisa que colocamos diante de Deus.

No passado, coloquei meu marido, minhas crianças, tênis, e outras pessoas diante de Deus. Na verdade, Fiquei tão consumido com o que os outros pensavam de mim, Eu me tornei quem eles queriam que eu fosse como resultado, Eu não sabia quem eu realmente era. Meu medo de rejeição e abandono emparelhado com minha necessidade de amor e aceitação, me fez um prazer para as pessoas. Eu não tinha limites, então aceitei comportamentos inaceitáveis ​​dos outros. Eu nunca poderia dizer não porque não queria decepcioná-los. Eu permiti que as pessoas me manipulassem, me controle, e me trata muito mal. No fundo eu senti que merecia, especialmente depois do meu aborto. Eu me odiava e achava que não tinha valor para ninguém... nem mesmo para Deus. então, Eu permiti que outros abusassem de mim.

Para me proteger, Eu estava obcecado em controlar tudo e todos. Eu não confiava em ninguém e acreditava que todos iriam me machucar... até o próprio Deus. Não ter controle era um pensamento assustador para mim, então eu estava com medo de colocá-lo em primeiro lugar. Dentro 2010, Entrei para um programa de recuperação para filhos adultos de alcoólatras (ACOA). Enquanto lá, Percebi que tinha que entregar o controle a Deus e admitir que minha vida havia se tornado incontrolável. Foi quando comecei a aprender a confiar em Deus. Aprendi a liberar indivíduos e situações em Suas mãos capazes, me libertando de carregar esses fardos e me sentindo pessoalmente responsável por muitas coisas. Aprendi que Deus quer ser o primeiro na minha vida. Lendo Sua Palavra, diário, e meditar nas Escrituras logo pela manhã tornou-se um hábito diário para mim. Eu ansiava pelo meu tempo especial com Ele e somente com Ele, todo dia

De acordo com a Mental Health America, a definição de codependência é uma condição emocional e comportamental que afeta a capacidade de um indivíduo ter uma vida saudável, relacionamento mutuamente satisfatório. Também é conhecido como “vício em relacionamento” porque as pessoas com codependência geralmente formam ou mantêm relacionamentos unilaterais, emocionalmente destrutivo e/ou abusivo ( Em recuperação, Aprendi sobre a condição de codependência e como eu estava tão envolvido com a vida de outras pessoas que não conseguia me desligar delas. A vida deles afetou demais a minha. Eu tive que dar um passo para trás e permitir que eles tomassem suas próprias decisões, aprender com seus erros, e sofrer as consequências de suas próprias ações. Eu não precisava mais pular para consertar, resgatar, ou salvar outros. Aprendi que não sou Deus, nem posso controlar outra pessoa. Cresci acreditando que tinha o poder de deixar as pessoas felizes ou tristes com minhas palavras e ações; isso foi uma mentira do diabo. Eu nunca tive tanto controle. Assim que percebi isso, Eu me entreguei a Deus e dei a Ele todas as pessoas e situações da minha vida que eu tentava controlar.. Finalmente, pela primeira vez, Eu era responsável apenas por mim.

Doze anos depois, Agora vejo como Deus dirigiu meu caminho. Ele me levou a obter a ajuda que eu precisava para que eu pudesse ser liberto para viver a vida abundante que Jesus veio me dar. Ele pegou minhas cinzas e meus pecados e os usou para o meu bem e para a glória dele. Sou muito grato por Sua fidelidade e amor ao longo dos anos. Eu não estaria onde estou hoje se não fosse por Jesus me conduzindo e guiando.

Perguntas & Considerações finais:

ÍDOLOS, n. eu. tijolo ídolo. Gr. ídolo, e adorar ou servir.

  1. A adoração de ídolos, imagens, ou qualquer coisa feita por mãos, ou o que não é Deus. A idolatria é de dois tipos; a adoração de imagens, estátuas, As fotos, etc. feito por mãos; e a adoração dos corpos celestes, o sol, Lua e estrelas, ou de demônios, anjos, homens e animais.
  2. Apego excessivo ou veneração (grande respeito ou reverência) para qualquer coisa, ou o que beira a adoração.

(Definições de Dicionário Americano Webster da Língua Inglesa, 1828.)

  1. Você tem ídolos em sua vida??
  2. Você teve problemas de codependência em seu passado? Como você os superou?
  3. Você confia em Deus e está colocando-O em primeiro lugar?? Se não, Do que você tem medo?

Oro para que este tópico tenha lhe dado consciência sobre algumas áreas em sua vida que Deus quer que você mude.. Deus o abençoe enquanto você busca Sua sabedoria e orientação.

Você é amado,

— Toni

Leia mais sobre os blogs de Toni AQUI.



Philippians 2:2-4, Gálatas 5:22-23

God wants me to spend less time thinking of myself, and more time thinking of Him and others.

Self-pity is being consumed with thoughts about oneself, usually regarding some unfair situation or treatment by others. Self-pity is feeling sorry for yourself and asking yourself questions like, “Why Me? Why is God not doing something about this situation that I am in?”

I feel self-pity when I perceive an injustice, when I am feeling rejected or left out, when I compare myself to other women, or when I am hurt and disappointed by another’s actions. Self-pity is a dark, slippery, deep hole. In this pit I feel alone, abandoned by others, and tormented.

When I focus on self and not God, I have a distorted view of truth. I feel hopelessness because I am doing things in my own strength. I cannot see how my circumstances can change because I am powerless to change them. When I focus on self and not God, the enemy sees that I am vulnerable and attacks me with his fiery darts. My head and eyes are cast down, I am heavy with no energy, and I feel all alone. When I am looking down, I cannot see God and be thankful for all the things He does for me on a daily basis. This is the enemy’s plan. He wants me to isolate myself from God and others. He wants me to focus on that one thing I don’t have, and he continues to lie to me until I start believing him. Then, he has me exactly where he wants me. His purpose in this world is to steal, kill, and destroy me, my testimony, my joy, and my trust in God.

I also know I am in self-pity mode when I compare myself to other women, being critical and judgmental towards them. This happens when I am feeling insecure about myself and I am not walking in the Spirit (Gálatas 5:22-23). When I catch myself thinking like this and speaking harsh things, I immediately recognize I am in sin, confess this to God, and ask for forgiveness. Instead of judging others, I need to look for the similarities between us and seek out the good in them. Who am I to judge another person? Only Jesus is Judge. I am commanded by God to love others.

How can we get out of the pit of despair and negative thoughts?

  • The Word of God replaces those negative thoughts and lies with His truth. It is His truth that makes us free. (John 8:32)


  • By focusing on others. We read in Philippians 2:2-4: “Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let His mind be in you (The mind that was in Christ).”

In His love & service,


Leia mais sobre os blogs de Toni AQUI.

Bread from Heaven-toni-weisz-abortion-recovery-and-abuse-support-group

Bread from Heaven-toni-weisz-abortion-recovery-and-abuse-support-group

I would rather go back to what is familiar even if it is bondage…

Êxodo 16: 3-4uma
And the children of Israel said to them, “Oh that we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat and when we ate bread to the full! For you have brought us out into the wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.” Then the Lord said to Moses, “Behold I will rain bread from heaven for you….”

When the children of Israel’s trials were too hard for them to bear, they wanted to go back to what was familiar: slavery in Egypt.

How many of us can relate to wanting to go back to the dysfunctional relationships or sins of our past because there is comfort in knowing what to expect?

Change is hard because it’s unfamiliar; there is no safety or comfort in it. But God doesn’t want us to stay in our dysfunction. He wants us healed. He wants us to trust Him completely with every area of our lives.

God provided the children of Israel with bread that literally dropped out of the sky, He called it, “Bread from Heaven.” If God did that for them, don’t you think He can help you too? I think the answer is Yes!!!

Let me ask you, what are you still trying to control and refuse to release into God’s Hands?

God wants you to trust Him to lead, guide, and provide for you. He has a beautiful plan for your life. Honestamente, at this point, what do you have to lose? If anything, you have much to gain.

Step out dear one, and let God take control; you will not regret this decision.

If you need prayer or encouragement, reach out and we will be happy to pray with you.

Deus te abençoê!

Toni and the Team at

Leia mais sobre os blogs de Toni AQUI.