Le trappole del diavolo (Serie): Achan

Le trappole del diavolo (Serie): Achan

Le trappole del diavolo: ACHAN
A Series Taken from Dr. Charles Stanley


(Joshua 6 & 7:1–12)

Why is the love of money the root of all kinds of evil?


1 Timoteo 6:10 states, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

Joshua 6:18-19, God warned the Children of Israel, “And you, by all means abstain from the accursed things, lest you become accursed when you take of the accused things, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it. But all the silver and gold, and vessels of bronze and iron, are consecrated to the Lord; they shall come into the treasury of the Lord.”

After Israel had won a huge victory in battle over Jericho where the Lord caused the walls to come crashing down, Joshua went to take the city of Ai. God commanded the children of Israel to refrain from taking anything that belonged to the people in Jericho. All the gold and silver would be brought into the storehouse for the Lord. If anyone were to disobey God’s command, they would be accursed. Unfortunately, there was an Israelite who did not heed the Lord’s warning as a result of his disobedience the battle was lost and 36 men died. Devastated, the children of Israel could not understand what went wrong. Joshua and the leaders of Israel cried out to the Lord, rent their clothes and put ashes on their heads. God responded by telling Joshua, “Get UP! There is sin in the camp, and that’s why you lost the battle. Someone has taken the accursed things from Jericho.” Joshua was given the responsibility to seek out the person responsible for sinning against God and for betraying the people of Israel.

Israel’s situation paints a vivid picture of how destructive sin can be. Many people are often affected by just one act of sin. Joshua discovered that it was Achan who had touched the accursed items by bringing them back into his tent and burying them. Because he allowed the sin of greed to control his actions, Achan’s whole family was punished for his actions. What a powerful example of the deadly effects of sin on an entire family and group of people. Sadly, Achan’s family suffered the consequences of his greed, which is the case for many families today. When a person in a family falls into grievous sin, all the members of the family are harmed by the effects of it. Because of God’s awareness of the destructiveness of sin, He protects us by giving us laws to guide us, not to punish us.

Why didn’t Achan trust God to provide for his family?

Why don’t we trust God to provide for all of our needs?

Why do people steal and take things that don’t belong to them?

Is it out of fear that I will not have enough, doubting that God will provide for me?

We may say to ourselves, I cannot trust God to provide. Così, I must take matters into my own hands and steal and cheat and lie to get what I need. No one will find out.

Let’s apply 1 Timoteo 6:10 to our society today.

Why does the love (obsession) of money open us up to all kinds of evil?

What is our motivation for the money?

Is it to provide for our families and to help others, or is it for personal gain?

Some people want to acquire large sums of money so that they can have greater power, control, and influence. We see this very same situation occurring today in several professions where the accumulation of wealth leads to pride, arrogance, power, influence and lawlessness. They become deceived and consumed with the notion that they are somehow better than you and me. I pray they repent and turn from their sins and receive the gift of salvation, which was purchased for them with the precious blood of Christ. If such people die without having repented of their sins, then they will stand before Christ and will be judged, according to what they have done, romani 2:6. They will be cast into hell where the fire is not quenched and there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. Separated from God for eternity, they will be tormented with the memories of all the evil they have committed in their lifetime. God will be much harsher with them than we could ever imagine. Let’s pray for those who believe they are superior to others and have no fear of God, that they come to faith in Christ.

Will you pray with me that the God of heaven and His Mighty Warrior Angels will dismantle this evil world system, which is opposite of God? They strive to divide, steal, kill, cheat and lie to get what they want all because they have chosen to follow Satan, the prince of this world.

Stay in community and be accountable to one another so you do not fall into temptation and a snare.


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I miei malsani meccanismi di coping

I miei malsani meccanismi di coping

Coping mechanisms are defined as techniques we use to help us manage the stress and pain in our lives. Common coping mechanisms are avoidance and isolation, denial, busyness, rationalization E control. From my childhood, I learned avoidance and isolation to keep me safe from unhealthy people or situations. Running and hiding became my usual reaction to problems as a small child. Into adulthood, I continued to use those tactics until I began my recovery journey and learned new healthy coping mechanisms. Lodare Dio! Instead of avoidance, God gave me a voice, and I learned to communicate my likes and dislikes. I never developed a voice growing up. However, once I put up boundaries, using my voice was necessary to communicate those boundaries to others. As time went by, I felt more comfortable sharing my heart with others without fear of rejection. God also told me to stop running and hiding and to leave the outcome to Him.

I had huge blind spots as a post-abortion woman when it came to my parenting. Regarding my children, I became extremely sensitive and overprotective. I parented out of fear. I didn’t want them to feel the pain that I had experienced. I thought if I could control them, perhaps I could prevent them from experiencing what I did. Adesso, I know that was wrong thinking. I was in denial until I realized two things: I cannot control another person, and doing anything out of fear never has a good outcome. Così, I have learned to apologize to my children for my overprotective parenting leaving the all-powerful God to change the heart of others. When I feel powerless, I remember to relinquish control to God to create a change in others or situations. I was living in denial due to my fear of rejection from my parents and spouse. Di conseguenza, I obeyed ridiculous rules in order to be accepted and loved by others. Truthfully, that never worked. When I finally received the love of Jesus into my heart, I had the courage to stand on my own without fear of rejection because I knew God would never leave me nor forsake me.

Impegno was a tool the enemy used for many years so that I would not have time to recognize my dysfunctional life and work on myself. In the year 2010, God told me to stop serving. I couldn’t believe He wanted me to do that. What will other people think? Asking this question led me right to the answer—you need to work on yourself because you are one sick puppy. I responded in obedience and took time to work on my own healing from 2010-2012. During this time, God took me to a desert place with Him so He could dispel all the lies I had believed. By focusing on His truth, I could be healed and finally set free. Although God had called me to this ministry back in 2006, He was finally able to equip me once I slowed down and put my focus solely on Him.

I had rationalized my abortion because I believed that since I was doing so much heavy drugs and drinking while smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day, my baby would be severely deformed. I felt that my parents would reject me and would be extremely disappointed in me. But looking back on these 40 anni, I wish I had the courage to tell them I made a mistake and ask them for help. I cannot change my past. All I can do is learn from it and share my experience, strength and hope with others. Hopefully, those I reach with my testimony can make healthy choices knowing all the information beforehand.

Control was another tool I learned to use at a very young age. I honestly believed I could control how others feel and what they think in order to determine the outcome of a situation. That was all a lie. I had no control over any of those things. I tried to control how people reacted and behaved toward me. I tried to control what others saw in me by hiding behind a mask. I also tried to control how much I weighed by taking speed and diet pills and by purging after I ate too much. God showed me that by relinquishing control to Him, I can be set free from these obsessions and this bondage.

I am so grateful that today I have been set free from all my unhealthy coping mechanisms. I have learned new skills to help me cope with the pain and trauma from my past. I had to completely surrender everything and everybody to God. I no longer held onto my children so tight. I no longer cared about what others thought of me. I didn’t obey ridiculous rules out of fear of being rejected. I now had a voice, and God has taught me how to use it to express my feelings in a healthy, godly way. I am no longer in bondage to my old thinking and my old behavior patterns. In Romans 12:2, the Bible says “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Daily time spent with God in His Word and listening to the Holy Spirit have helped me to move out of the chaos, dysfunction and misery into a peaceful, orderly and fulfilling life.

What unhealthy things have you used to help you cope with the trauma from your past?

What are some healthy ways you cope with things now?

Reach out and get the help and encouragement you need. We are here ready and waiting to serve you and help you to become the woman God created you to be.







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Pensiero puzzolente: Ansia

Pensiero puzzolente: Ansia

Pensiero puzzolente: Ansia

Filippesi 4:6-7 e Matteo 6:25-26, 31 E 33

Filippesi 4:6
Non essere ansioso per niente, ma in ogni cosa con la preghiera e la supplica (chiedendo umilmente) con rendimento di grazie fate conoscere a Dio le vostre richieste; e la pace di Dio che supera ogni comprensione, custodirà i vostri cuori e le vostre menti per mezzo di Cristo Gesù.

Matteo 6:25-26, 31, E 33
“Perciò ti dico, non preoccuparti per la tua vita, cosa mangerete o cosa berrete; né del tuo corpo, cosa indosserai. La tua vita non vale più del cibo e il corpo più del vestito? Guarda gli uccelli del cielo, poiché non seminano né mietono né raccolgono nei granai; eppure il tuo Padre celeste li nutre. Non vali più di loro? “Pertanto non preoccuparti, detto, «Cosa mangeremo?' o 'Cosa berremo?' o 'Cosa indosseremo?Perché dopo tutte queste cose cercano i gentili. Perché il tuo Padre celeste sa che hai bisogno di tutte queste cose. Ma cercate prima il regno di Dio e la sua giustizia e tutte queste cose vi saranno sopraggiunte».

Stinking Thinking si riferisce ai pensieri negativi che ci tormentano soprattutto quando siamo HALT: Affamato, Arrabbiato, Solo o stanco; pensieri come una visione distorta di Dio e di sé, pensare negativo, giustificazione, paura, e ansia. Affronteremo ciascuno di questi argomenti in modo da poter discernere tra le bugie in cui abbiamo creduto nel corso degli anni e sostituirle con la verità di Dio. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di equipaggiarti in modo che tu possa avere la vittoria in queste aree.

Divento ansioso quando proietto negativamente nel futuro senza Dio in esso. Quando lo faccio, mi sento debole, senza speranza, e scoraggiato. La mia testa e gli occhi sono abbassati e ho voglia di arrendermi. Ma quando riconosco sto guardando dentro, poi ricordo a me stesso che il mio aiuto viene dal Signore e alzo lo sguardo al cielo. Dio ci ha promesso nella Sua Parola, che Egli soddisferà tutti i nostri bisogni. Non valete più di molti passeri?? Ma sfortunatamente, Non lo conoscevo né mi fidavo di lui, e come risultato, Ho preso delle pessime decisioni perché non mi fidavo di Lui per il mio futuro.

Pensavo di poter ridurre al minimo la mia ansia cercando di controllare tutti e tutto. Ma mi sono reso conto che era impossibile da fare ed è stato molto frustrante ed emotivamente drenante. Ero solito saltare dentro per riparare e salvare le persone perché diventavo ansioso per tutti i what if. Stavo peccando contro Dio non affidandogli il mio matrimonio, i miei figli, i miei affari, e ministero. Ricordo nel mio diario, Dio me lo dice, "Togliti di mezzo mi stai impedendo di lavorare." IN TUTTO MAIUSCOLO, PURE. Dio non era contento di me. Dio mi ha mostrato che la mia mancanza di fiducia in Lui era un peccato e mettere gli altri davanti a Lui era un idolo. Mi sono pentito e mi sono allontanato dal mio peccato e mi sono rivolto a Dio e ora non sono ansioso per nulla, perché so che Dio provvederà a tutti i miei bisogni e anche a quelli della mia famiglia. Finalmente sono libero.

Permettimi di chiederti, cosa stai cercando di controllare?

Ti senti ansioso?




Concentrarsi sull'unica cosa che non ho

Concentrarsi sull'unica cosa che non ho

Focusing on the One thing I don’t have, vigilia.

Genesi 2:15-3:9, and Isaiah 61:1-3

How does the enemy torment a believer? It’s very simple actually, by getting us to focus on the one thing we don’t have: it can be financial security, a relationship, good health, a job, a family, a nice home, etc. Così, let me ask you, what one thing are you focusing on right now that you don’t have?

Let’s look at Eve for example, she lived in a beautiful garden in perfect harmony with her husband and all of creation and they walked with and spoke with God daily. She had everything she could ever want, except one thing; God told them not to touch or eat of the tree in the midst of the garden because when they eat of it their eyes will be open and they will know good and evil. Così, what does the serpent, the devil do? He comes to Eve after observing her looking at the tree. This is not in the Bible, but we know that the devil cannot read our minds. But he and his demons observe us and how we react to things. Così, he is observing Eve over a period of time and notices her looking at the tree; he slithers by and starts talking with Eve. The first thing he does is to put doubt in Eve’s mind that God doesn’t love her or else he would have given her everything, that “God is holding out on you, because he knows if you eat of it you will be like God knowing good and evil.” No, the truth is, that by disobeying God, sin entered the world and there will now be conflict between the woman and her husband, all of creation will be forever changed, and their relationship with God will be broken. They will now experience pain, grief, sorrow, vergogna, and guilt and Adam and Eve will be forced out of their beautiful garden to never return again. They will be cursed as a result of their sins. That sounds pretty harsh but that’s how evil sin is, we like to justify sin so it doesn’t sound so bad, but the truth is sin is destructive and it separates us form God and others.

Many of us chose abortion, drunkenness, drugs, promiscuity and lying, as a way to cope with all of the pain and destructive choices in our lives. We were spiraling out of control, until one day we met the Savior, who had mercy on us and saved us from the path of destruction we were on. He exchanged our ashes for something beautiful, He took our mourning and grief; he gave us joy and exchanged our rags for a beautiful pure white garment. He gave us a new life, a new destiny, a new song, and a new purpose. I don’t want my old life back because that person is dead and gone. I have been made new and I no longer desire the things I use to do.


Let me ask you what are you struggling with today?


What thing is the enemy causing you to focus on?


Have you ever asked Jesus to forgive your sins and to become your Lord and Savior?


How can we pray for you?


