Spiritual Insights

Blog di Luci

Aspettative non soddisfatte

Aspettative non soddisfatte

  Unmet Expectationsby Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual Insights Scripture References: Ebrei 4:16“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of...

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La volontà "perfetta" di Dio

La volontà "perfetta" di Dio

God’s “Perfect” Will by Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual InsightsJune 4, 2023Scritture: John 14:23 and Colossians 1:9b–12 John 14:23 (NKJV)“Jesus answered him, ‘If anyone loves me, he will keep my word; and my Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our...

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La mia identità in Cristo (Parte 1 & 2)

La mia identità in Cristo (Parte 1 & 2)

Luci's blog My Identity in Christ (Parte 1)   2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he (she) is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” Romans 8:1 “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ...

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Lo Spirito Santo: la mia guida & amico

Lo Spirito Santo: la mia guida & amico

Luci's blog We receive this peace through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Se abbiamo dato la nostra vita a Gesù e lo stiamo seguendo, abbiamo lo stesso spirito di Gesù Cristo che vive in noi! Lui è sempre presente, intercedere e guidarci nella verità e nella pace, in...

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Paura contro fede

Paura contro fede

Luci's blog John 16:33, John 14:27, and 2nd Timothy 1:7 When I was a little girl, I feared so much in my life, especially in my home where I should have felt safe. I can remember fear always being with me. At a very young age, while laying in my crib my older brother...

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Doni di Dio & Fare regali con uno scopo

Doni di Dio & Fare regali con uno scopo

Luci's blog It’s that time of year that we are thinking about giving and receiving gifts. And today I want to share my heart on the topic as well as share some spiritual insight. When I was a child, we had very little by way of gifts as my parents couldn’t afford...

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