O aborto destrói a alma de uma mulher, mas Deus oferece redenção

O aborto destrói a alma de uma mulher, mas Deus oferece redenção

O aborto destrói a alma de uma mulher, mas Deus oferece redenção


by Toni Weisz/Recovery Tools

Toni Weisz experienced a troubled childhood. She started drinking at age 12 and became sexually active at 16. She once thought she was pregnant, but it turned out to be a false alarm. But Weisz’s promiscuous lifestyle would soon catch up with her, causing her to abort her first child at the age of 21.

Weisz told Live Action News, “My ungodly behavior got me kicked out of college in New Jersey, so I eventually transferred to a university in Ohio, started dating a man and got pregnant. I had been living a double life — a quiet, compliant girl at home, but covertly, was a sexually immoral young woman who abused alcohol and started dropping acid at 17.” READ THE REST OF THIS STORY HERE: https://www.liveaction.org/news/toni-first-hand-abortion-destroys-soul-redemption/

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Um Olho Espiritual

Um Olho Espiritual

A Spiritual Eye View

by Luci Boudreaux/Spiritual Insights

Scriptures: 2 Kings 6:15-17 e john 3:3


2 Kings 6:15-17
When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.

“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, senhor, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

The king of Syria was at war with Israel, and Elisha the prophet was being given divine insight from God about the battle plans. então, he informed the king of Israel when and where his enemy would strike, which made the Assyrian king angry. então, he went after Elisha with his army. But the Lord protected him and his servant by giving them spiritual eyes to see and delivering them!

John 3:3
Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, Eu te digo, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Jesus is saying here that those who haven’t submitted to the Lord Jesus are blind to the things that God is doing here on this earth.

Last week, I had to address a root canal that became infected. My heart sank as the dentist said, You need to go back to the endodontist and deal with this. I dreaded it, remembering how hard it was the first time. It was long and difficult and led to extended complications from the antibiotics. I had an appointment for the next day, and they said that I may need surgery. Before rising that morning, I sought the Lord through devotion and prayer. There were no distractions or demands on me. It was just me and the Spirit of God in the quiet of the new day.

I got up and prepared for the long drive and potentially invasive surgery. Usually when I’m in the car, I listen to podcasts or praise music, but this day was different. I spent quiet time with the Lord and listened for His heart toward me as I drove down the peaceful mountain roads. It prepared me for His plans.

I started out feeling frustrated about having to divert my plans for the week. But then I asked Him to change my perspective on what I was to face. And He answered my prayer in a wonderful way.

Prior to leaving the house, I grabbed a letter I had just drafted for my brother who desperately needs Jesus. And in it, I shared my testimony, my heart for him to be saved and shared the gospel with him. I was going to look it over for editing while waiting on the doctor, but they called me in right away. As the assistant prepared me for the procedure, we began to talk about faith and matters of the heart. She wasn’t attending church at the time and said that reading the Bible was confusing. então, I encouraged her to ask the Lord to open her eyes to His truth before she started to read, e I pointed her to the Book of John. This Book of John provides a clear message of the gospel and the incredible love Jesus has for us!

While getting the dental work done, I prayed for her, the doctor, his family, and other loved ones that came to mind. The time was going too fast as I focused on eternal things. And as I prayed, the Holy Spirit prompted me to give this young lady the letter I wrote to my brother. At first, I thought it was odd, since it wasn’t written to her. But then I realized that this letter had my personal testimony and the salvation message laid out from the Scriptures. It was the perfect way to get the gospel to this precious woman. I was so excited and had no doubt that the Lord was guiding me. She was moved that I shared something so personal. And I pray it moves her to seek Jesus.

When I woke up this particular morning, I was focused on myself, the inconveniences of having my busy schedule altered, and the suffering I would endure. But when I refocused to see my day through the eyes of the Lord, I saw that the Spirit was doing an eternal working in my life and those around me!

Primeiro, you must be born again in order to see what God is doing beyond your mortal existence. Have you reached out to Jesus and surrendered your life to Him? He loves you and is waiting for you to seek Him e repent of your sins. He will show you how to walk with Him.

Then, eut’s a daily asking, senhor, help me see what You are doing in my life. Help me see the big picture that goes beyond myself, into Your eternal plan.

Clear spiritual sight is vital for believers, and it involves learning to see as the Lord sees. This requires a shift in our perspective.


1. Are you asking God to open your eyes to eternal things?

2. Are you resisting what God wants to show you?

3. What has He revealed to you as you open up to Him?

4. Como podemos orar por você?

I hope this topic has been helpful to you. Entre em contato euf you need to talk or want to pray: overcomer982@icloud.com

His Servant,



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Deixando as coisas para trás

Deixando as coisas para trás

Deixando as coisas para trás

by Luci Boudreaux/Abuse Recovery

Scriptures: Philippians 3:12-17 e 2 Corinthians 5:17

Philippians 3:12-17 “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Only let us hold true to what we have attained. Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us.”

2 Cor 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. O velho já passou; contemplar, o novo chegou.”


From the time I was a young girl until the age of 25 when I surrendered my life to Jesus, I had established so many ungodly behavior patterns and unhealthy thinking (which led to unhealthy coping mechanisms) that I was having difficulty becoming the woman of God I knew He wanted me to be. I knew I was delivered from eternal damnation. But what about living an abundant life now?

I was unsure of myself, always secondguessing myself, very insecure and filled with painful memories, which made me angry and frustrated. It affected my relationship with the Lord and others. I knew what the Bible taught me; that Jesus loves me and cast away my sins as far as the east is to the west.

Just as 2 Corinthians 5:17 declares, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. O velho já passou; contemplar, o novo chegou.”

I wanted to believe God’s promises were for me, but I knew who I had been, the things I had done. My faith and hope were weak, umand the enemy was working hard to steal my hope for a better life. I was fearful to step out and trust God in all areas of my life that needed to be dealt with before I could move forward.

But one thing was constant and strong in my heart. And that is, I wanted to be healed and whole. I worked at it by spending time in God’s Word, in community with other believers, playing uplifting music, and listening to godly teachers who lived like they believed.

But I continued to struggle. I couldn’t understand why I was still stuck in this place and continuing to return to my old ways of thinking and doing.

Does this resonate with any of you?

You go to church, read God’s Word, listen to worship music, but it doesn’t seem to be moving you forward in your faith or healing. Perhaps you are holding onto that one thing that is weighing you down. Is it possible that pride is preventing you from dealing with it or asking for help?

Neste ponto, I sought out ministries and two specific women counselors that understood my broken past and what it felt like to have no self-worth. I’m thankful that they had the courage to ask some hard questions that caused me to face my distorted thinking. These women saw beyond my pain to what God had for me. They taught me to understand my position in Christ and that I was a new creation; I no longer needed to revisit my past for the sake of condemning myself.

I learned how to recognize that the painful events of my past do not define me, nor do they have the power to control how I live my life today. I learned that healthy boundaries are important and that I have the power to use these experiences to forgive, which allows me to heal and help others in their journey. então, my past no longer has a hold on me; I now use it to glorify God!

I am a very different woman today. I embrace the truth that I am a daughter of the Most High e that I don’t need to fear anything in this world or in the spiritual realm! I am a warrior, an ambassador, who God promises to equip for every situation in my life so that I may walk in victory and display His character.

As Paul said in Philippians Chapter 3, we haven’t “arrived,” but we are focused on moving forward, towards the goal of becoming more like Jesus. In view of this, I see every situation that comes into my life as an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to teach me how to live out my faith. He allows situations (positive e negative), so, I submit to them, knowing it’s for His glory and my ultimate holiness.

God is doing a spiritually renewing work in each of us. And my desire is that we all draw closer to His heart. One of the spiritually powerful things in my life is spending time with like-minded believers who I can encourage and be encouraged by. It’s important for us to pay close attention and seek out those who walk in the way of Christ. Follow their example; you will become like those you spend the majority of your time with.

I encourage you all to use the issues we discuss in our conference calls to propel you into a better place. Don’t settle for less than God’s best for you! We can experience the abundant life here and now! But eut takes a lot of courage to change!

Questions to Consider:

  1. Are you allowing your past to hinder you from moving forward in your healing journey?
  1. What is preventing you from embracing what God is calling you to?
  1. How may we pray for you?

We are here to help you in your journey. Entre em contato se precisar conversar. You can email me at: overcomer982@icloud.com.

Your friend,



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Pare de se esforçar

Pare de se esforçar

Pare de se esforçar

Janeiro 2024
Por Toni Weisz/Disciplinas Espirituais

Versículos das Escrituras:
Salmo 27:14, Isaías 40:31a e Salmo 103:13-14

Salmo 27:14
Espere no Senhor: tenha boa coragem, e Ele fortalecerá o teu coração; espere, eu digo, no Senhor.

Isaías 40:31uma
Mas aqueles que esperam no Senhor renovarão suas forças.

Salmo 103:13-14
Como um pai tem pena de seus filhos, então o Senhor se compadece daqueles que O temem. Pois Ele conhece nossa estrutura; Ele lembra que somos pó.

No meu diário desta semana, Eu estava lutando com sentimentos de rejeição, o que me fez ficar emocionalmente esgotado e fisicamente fraco. Depois de alguns dias, Finalmente sentei-me com o Senhor e abri meu coração para Ele. Tenho uma grande reunião de família chegando, e isso sempre, por algum motivo, ainda me deixa ansioso. Essas velhas feridas podem ser facilmente reabertas, e aquelas fitas antigas começam a tocar repetidamente em minha mente.

Tenho testemunhado a todos eles ao longo dos anos, até minhas sobrinhas e sobrinhos. Ninguém respondeu ao evangelho. Eu sei que isso não é minha responsabilidade; são deuses. Eu sei que o inimigo está tentando entrar em meus pensamentos porque ele quer que eu fique ansioso e ineficaz para Deus. Não, isso não está acontecendo. Estou ciente de sua trama, e estou me equipando com a armadura de Deus e Sua palavra para proteger minha mente e meu coração de suas mentiras.

Também, Estou triste com a doença do meu filho e com o fato de que ele e sua esposa estarão ausentes de nossa reunião familiar. Às vezes preciso de um tempo para sentir o que estou sentindo, em vez de apenas ignorar ou reprimir. Não há problema em ficar triste, frustrado e desapontado. então, Eu me permiti ir lá também, e depois, Eu me senti revigorado.

O inimigo está tentando fazer com que eu busque aprovação na área do meu tênis. Em vez de aproveitar a dádiva de poder brincar, Estou me esforçando demais para vencer partidas e obter a aprovação dos outros. Estou me esforçando demais, e estou fisicamente cansado. Em vez de, Eu preciso descansar no Senhor. Ele é quem vai renovar minhas forças (Isaías 40:31uma). Ele é quem vai me dar favor junto aos outros. Ele é quem abre o coração para ouvir a palavra de Deus e recebê-la. Eu sou apenas um vaso que Ele usa para Seus propósitos. Eu preciso voltar ao básico, aproveite o presente do tênis, e pare de tentar tanto ser perfeito.

Também tenho quatro eventos neste mês onde compartilharei meu testemunho e informações sobre nosso ministério., e o inimigo não está feliz com isso. Cada semana, recebemos uma ou duas novas mulheres que vêm para o nosso ministério. Preciso ficar perto do Senhor e manter meus olhos Nele. Ele é quem abriu essas portas, e eu preciso confiar nele. Ele é quem me dará favor e as palavras para dizer. Eu confio Nele completamente.

Deus quer que abramos nossos corações para Ele. Ele vê todos nós, e Ele conhece nossas lutas, nossas mágoas, e nossa fragilidade. Ele lembra que somos pó. Ele é quem nos criou em primeiro lugar. No Salmo 103:13-14, nós lemos, “Como um pai se compadece de seus filhos, então o Senhor se compadece daqueles que O temem. Pois Ele conhece nossa estrutura; Ele lembra que somos pó.”

Percebi que preciso entregar minha vontade e meu coração a Deus e confiar Nele todos os resultados. Eu não posso controlar essas coisas, mas posso controlar como respondo às coisas. Posso ter vitória em todas essas áreas se deixar Deus me usar da maneira que Ele quer e parar de me esforçar tanto..

Perguntas para levar a sério:

  1. Em que área você ainda está se esforçando?
  2. Por que você está se esforçando tanto?
  3. Você foi capaz de entregar tudo a Deus? Se não, por que?
  4. Como podemos orar por você?

Rezo para que este tópico tenha sido útil para você. Se precisar conversar, pode me enviar um e-mail para: toni@myashestobeauty.com.

Você é amado,




Leia mais sobre os blogs de Toni AQUI.