Você permitirá que Jesus te cure?

Você permitirá que Jesus te cure?

UMAônibus Rrecuperação Ssuporte Ggrupo (ARSG)

Você permitirá que Jesus te cure?

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Salmo 147:3 NVI

Only Jesus knows what it feels like to be verbally and physically abused, mocked and spit on, and publicly humiliated as He hung on the cross naked and beaten and rejected by His closest friends. I believe only Jesus can heal us physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally from all the forms of abuse and trauma we have experienced in our lives. Em Isaías 53:5, the Bible says, “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, e by His stripes we are healed.

Thank you for joining our first support group meeting on abuse. We will be covering all kinds of abuse from emotional, físico, sexual, and spiritual. We want to give each of you an opportunity to share your stories and your hearts in a safe and loving environment so that the healing journey you started will continue. One thing I have learned through the abortion recovery ministry is that we need a community of women who have experienced the same things we have, in order for us to open up and be vulnerable. God is providing you with a group of sisters who love Jesus and each other, and who are courageous and committed to this healing journey. They are willing to do the work necessary to reach the next level in their healing as they grow closer to God in the process. They no longer want to settle for barely existing. Não, they want more. They want the abundant life that Jesus died to give them.

In my home of origin, I never developed a voice because of the chaos and unpredictable home environment I grew up in. From an early age, I believed I had the power to make someone happy or angry by my behavior. That was a lie from the pit of hell, but I would not discover that truth until I got into ACA recovery work in 2010-2015. I have no such control, but this lie lead me down a path of people-pleasing that opened me up to all kinds of harsh treatment and abuse by others who would use and manipulate me. I enabled this behavior because of my need for love and acceptance. I did not understand codependency, emotional and verbal abuse, and how it was having an effect on me and the choices I would make in my life. I thought this was normal; it was my normal but, God knows it wasn’t His plan for the family.

I started rebelling at the age of 12, drinking Scotch Whiskey from my parent’s liquor cabinet, getting high at 13 and having sex at 16 and then, my abortion at 21. I struggled with depression as a teenager, and when I got drunk, I acted out and kicked out a window in my college dorm. I punched walls and was so filled with rage and hatred towards myself. After my abortion, these unhealthy coping mechanisms just increased in intensity. My abortion was the nail in my coffin. That act plunged me headlong into the dark pit of despair and suicidal thoughts. I just wanted to end this torment of a life; I did not see a way out.

Then one glorious day, I met Jesus and He forgave all my sins, and He began healing my broken body, soul and mind. It’s been twenty-seven years, and He is still healing and loving me. And it has been a beautiful journey.

What was your home of origin like?

How did that affect your decision making?

Did you make healthy decisions or ones based out of fear?

Have you received help in this area to stop this unhealthy cycle in your life?

The UMAônibus Rrecuperação Ssuporte Ggrupo (ARSG) meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month, no 4:15 PM EST. More information regarding the Sunday calls is found on this page, Trauma de abuso sexual.

Entre em contato, email us at arwsg4u2@gmail.com, we can help you heal from your past trauma with our loving and caring support group, the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, prayer, and accountability.

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Leia mais sobre os blogs de Toni AQUI.
Sexta-feira Santa - a vida dele pela nossa

Sexta-feira Santa - a vida dele pela nossa

Greater Love hath no man than this that a man lay down His life for his friends. John 15:13

Lucas 23:44-46 Now it was the sixth hour (noon) and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour (3 PM). Then the sun was darkened, and the veil of the Temple was torn in two. And when Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.” Having said this, He breathed His last breath.

Mark 15:34 And at the ninth hour (3PM) Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? Which is being interpreted, My God, meu Deus, why hast thou forsaken me?

I want us to reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for each one of us. We will never know the immense pain He experienced not only physically but spiritually. On the hours that Jesus hung on the cross from 12 noon to 3 PM the whole earth was darkened, and so was the sun. God had forsaken His only Son when He bore all the sins of the world on His body. Jesus cries out, “My God, meu Deus, why hast thou forsaken me?” The word forsake in the Merriam-Webster dictionary means to renounce or turn away from entirely. Holy God darkened the earth for 3 hours because He could not look upon Jesus when He bore our sins upon Himself. The Bible says that Jesus became sin for us, who knew no sin. I read a commentary that said God caused the darkness so humans could not look upon Jesus and see the turmoil and agony that He went through on our behalf. It was a sacred sacrifice that only the Father could see. This was His perfect Lamb of God who was sacrificed for the sins of the whole world.

At the same time the veil in the Temple, between the Holy of Holies, was torn from top to bottom. The very hand of God tore the veil, giving us access to God through Jesus His Son. Jesus was the new and living way for us to go to God, we no longer had to go through a Priest to make atonement for our sins. Jesus paid for our sins so we could have free access to the Father by Him. This gives us, you and me, access to God anytime day or night, that we need Him. That is so comforting to know.

Now think of all the sins you have ever committed, they are too numerous to count, yet all of them have been covered by Jesus’ shed blood on the cross, if you have received the gift of salvation through Jesus’ death on the cross for your sins. If you are born again, the Bible says you are a new creation in Christ, old things are passed away behold all things become new. (2nd Corinthians 5:17)

It is good Lord, to be reminded of the miraculous work you did in me when I became born-again. Thank you for forgiving all my sins, my rebellious actions, my drunkenness, drug usage, fornication, my abortion, my lying, stealing, my pride and my idol worship. All these I lay at your feet Jesus. I no longer have to carry these sins on my back. You have exchanged my sins for your righteousness. I am so grateful to you Lord, the day you had mercy on this broken woman and opened my eyes to see that what I was doing was not working and I needed you in my life. I surrendered my will and my life to you and confessed my sins and asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. It was the most beautiful day of my life, Fevereiro 6, 1994. A day I will always cherish.


What is the Holy Spirit bringing to your mind right now?

Primeiro, Are you born-again? Have you put your faith and trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Have you asked Him to forgive all your sins?

Even after we are saved, we need to confess our sins daily to God. Is there anything the Lord is putting on your heart that you need to confess publicly?

What are you most grateful to God For?

I pray the Lord will bless you as you seek His wisdom and discernment in your life.


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Leia mais sobre os blogs de Toni AQUI.
As armadilhas do diabo (Series): David

As armadilhas do diabo (Series): David

As armadilhas do diabo: DAVI
Uma série tirada do Dr.. Carlos Stanley

(2 Samuel 11:1-17-12:1-10)

Essa semana, veremos os pecados do rei Davi, um líder militar de sucesso e um homem segundo o coração de Deus. Desviados pela luxúria, ele persegue ativamente a esposa de outro homem e se abre a todos os tipos de mal. Davi tenta esconder seu pecado de adultério com Bate-Seba, esposa de Urias. Ela fica grávida do filho de David, o que leva David a assassinar Urias. Deus envia Natã, o Profeta, para mostrar a Davi o erro de seus caminhos, e David é condenado. Embora, ele não escapa do castigo e das consequências de seu pecado. A vida de seu filho é tirada por Deus, e a espada nunca sai da casa de Davi (2 Samuel 12:10uma).

Através das Escrituras, observamos a rápida progressão do pecado na vida de Davi para que possamos aprender a proteger nossos próprios corações do diabo e de seus ardis. Ninguém está isento do pecado. Devemos fazer tudo o que pudermos para permanecermos imaculados do mundo, confessando os pecados diariamente, estando na Palavra e orando durante todo o dia.

O primeiro erro de Davi foi quando ele decidiu ficar no palácio na primavera, quando os reis costumam ir para a batalha. Um dia, entediado de deitar na cama, David decide caminhar até seu telhado, de onde observa uma linda mulher tomando banho. Quando não estamos fazendo o que Deus nos chamou para fazer e ficamos preguiçosos ou entediados, somos presas do diabo e seus demônios. Esteja sóbrio e vigilante porque seu adversário é o diabo, como um leão que ruge, anda em busca de quem possa devorar (1 Peter 5:8). Quem você acha que estaria morando perto do palácio de Davi? Provavelmente, seus guerreiros mais confiáveis. Ele pergunta sobre Bate-Seba e descobre que ela é filha de Eliam e esposa de Urias., ambos são membros das forças especiais de David, conhecidas como David’s Mighty Men. Ele os conhecia bem, pois eles serviram ao rei por muitos anos e sacrificaram suas vidas para mantê-lo seguro. Mas isso não impede David de persegui-la.

Vamos aplicar a situação de David às nossas vidas. Como eu me lembro, Eu tinha marcado minha consulta para fazer meu aborto, e eu sabia como me preparar para o próximo procedimento. Contudo, a caminho da clínica, Eu estava com tanta ressaca que parei para comer alguma coisa. Eu também estava dirigindo, o que mostra o quanto eu não sabia sobre os efeitos do aborto no corpo de uma mulher. Quando finalmente cheguei à clínica e descobriram que eu tinha acabado de comer, eles cancelaram o procedimento. Aqui estava Deus me dando uma saída. Mas eu peguei? NÃO! Remarquei meu aborto para dezembro 10, 1980, e no momento em que escrevo este artigo, semana que vem será 40 anos desde meu aborto. Eu deveria ter parado para reconsiderar o que estava fazendo, como David deveria ter feito, ainda assim, nenhum de nós fez. Como resultado, muitas pessoas sofreram um destino horrível por causa dos nossos pecados.

Deus lhe deu uma maneira de escapar do pecado, mas você não deu ouvidos ao Seu aviso?

Lemos que Davi envolve outras pessoas em seu plano pecaminoso quando pergunta a seus servos sobre a bela mulher e lhes diz para trazê-la de volta para seus aposentos.. Neste ponto, sua luxúria secreta foi tornada pública e conhecida por seus servos. Eles sabem que ele ama o Senhor, e ele está prestes a cometer adultério. Quando alguém está na liderança, ele ou ela é um alvo para o inimigo destruir, especialmente uma pessoa de fé em Jesus. Devemos nos proteger e ser diligentes porque o inimigo adoraria destruir nosso testemunho e nosso ministério. Guarde seu coração com toda diligência, pois dele brotam as questões da vida (Provérbios 4:23).

Como você se protege do inimigo?

À medida que avançamos na história, Davi elabora um plano para trazer Urias da batalha para casa, para que ele durma com sua esposa e pareça estar concebendo um filho, escondendo assim a gravidez de todos., exceto de seus servos e Joabe, seu comandante militar. Urias se recusa a ir para casa, para sua esposa, porque a Arca da Aliança e seus companheiros guerreiros ainda estão no campo de batalha.. Como resultado, ele não dorme com sua esposa, mas deita-se na porta do rei com todos os outros servos. Eles provavelmente estavam sussurrando, Não é esse Urias, marido de Bate-Seba??

Sempre que tentamos encobrir nosso pecado com outro pecado, nunca acaba bem para ninguém. Durante o tempo do meu aborto, Eu tive que esconder o fato de que meu namorado, o pai do meu bebê abortado, e eu estávamos morando juntos. Meus pais viriam à cidade para assistir à minha formatura na faculdade, então eu precisava encontrar uma solução rápida. No 3 anos que morei em Ohio, meus pais nunca visitaram, então pude viver como o diabo sem medo de ser descoberto. Mas o dia do acerto de contas estava chegando. Quando minha irmã cancelou seu casamento no verão de 1982, seis meses antes da minha formatura, Eu decidi me casar para encobrir meu pecado. Dessa forma, quando meus pais vieram em dezembro, meu estilo de vida seria aceitável. Olhando para trás, foram necessários muitos anos de aconselhamento cristão e trabalho de recuperação para finalmente me tornar a mulher que Deus me criou para ser. Ao longo dos anos, meu marido e eu tivemos um casamento muito difícil e estivemos à beira do divórcio duas vezes. Deus interveio graciosamente, e agora nosso casamento está mais forte do que nunca.

Quando você tentou encobrir seu pecado com mais pecado?

Uma citação famosa, “O pecado irá te levar mais longe do que você quer ir, mantê-lo por mais tempo do que você deseja e custar mais do que você deseja pagar.

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Leia mais postagens do blog de Toni aqui!

As armadilhas do diabo (Series): Achan

As armadilhas do diabo (Series): Achan

As armadilhas do diabo: ACHAN
Uma série tirada do Dr.. Carlos Stanley


(Joshua 6 & 7:1–12)

Why is the love of money the root of all kinds of evil?


1 Timothy 6:10 states, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

Joshua 6:18-19, God warned the Children of Israel, “And you, by all means abstain from the accursed things, lest you become accursed when you take of the accused things, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it. But all the silver and gold, and vessels of bronze and iron, are consecrated to the Lord; they shall come into the treasury of the Lord.”

After Israel had won a huge victory in battle over Jericho where the Lord caused the walls to come crashing down, Joshua went to take the city of Ai. God commanded the children of Israel to refrain from taking anything that belonged to the people in Jericho. All the gold and silver would be brought into the storehouse for the Lord. If anyone were to disobey God’s command, they would be accursed. Unfortunately, there was an Israelite who did not heed the Lord’s warning as a result of his disobedience the battle was lost and 36 men died. Devastated, the children of Israel could not understand what went wrong. Joshua and the leaders of Israel cried out to the Lord, rent their clothes and put ashes on their heads. God responded by telling Joshua, “Get UP! There is sin in the camp, and that’s why you lost the battle. Someone has taken the accursed things from Jericho.” Joshua was given the responsibility to seek out the person responsible for sinning against God and for betraying the people of Israel.

Israel’s situation paints a vivid picture of how destructive sin can be. Many people are often affected by just one act of sin. Joshua discovered that it was Achan who had touched the accursed items by bringing them back into his tent and burying them. Because he allowed the sin of greed to control his actions, Achan’s whole family was punished for his actions. What a powerful example of the deadly effects of sin on an entire family and group of people. Sadly, Achan’s family suffered the consequences of his greed, which is the case for many families today. When a person in a family falls into grievous sin, all the members of the family are harmed by the effects of it. Because of God’s awareness of the destructiveness of sin, He protects us by giving us laws to guide us, not to punish us.

Why didn’t Achan trust God to provide for his family?

Why don’t we trust God to provide for all of our needs?

Why do people steal and take things that don’t belong to them?

Is it out of fear that I will not have enough, doubting that God will provide for me?

We may say to ourselves, I cannot trust God to provide. então, I must take matters into my own hands and steal and cheat and lie to get what I need. No one will find out.

Let’s apply 1 Timothy 6:10 to our society today.

Why does the love (obsession) of money open us up to all kinds of evil?

What is our motivation for the money?

Is it to provide for our families and to help others, or is it for personal gain?

Some people want to acquire large sums of money so that they can have greater power, control, and influence. We see this very same situation occurring today in several professions where the accumulation of wealth leads to pride, arrogance, power, influence and lawlessness. They become deceived and consumed with the notion that they are somehow better than you and me. I pray they repent and turn from their sins and receive the gift of salvation, which was purchased for them with the precious blood of Christ. If such people die without having repented of their sins, then they will stand before Christ and will be judged, according to what they have done, Romanos 2:6. They will be cast into hell where the fire is not quenched and there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. Separated from God for eternity, they will be tormented with the memories of all the evil they have committed in their lifetime. God will be much harsher with them than we could ever imagine. Let’s pray for those who believe they are superior to others and have no fear of God, that they come to faith in Christ.

Will you pray with me that the God of heaven and His Mighty Warrior Angels will dismantle this evil world system, which is opposite of God? They strive to divide, steal, kill, cheat and lie to get what they want all because they have chosen to follow Satan, the prince of this world.

Stay in community and be accountable to one another so you do not fall into temptation and a snare.


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Leia mais postagens do blog de Toni aqui!

Da vergonha à vitória (Parte 4): O abuso intensificado na minha idade adulta

Rhonda’s Story

Life carried on, I graduated high school and went to college. After I graduated, I met a man that I thought I was so in love with. He made me feel special, wanted, loved and beautiful. He seemed to be everything I had been looking for in a man. We got engaged after a short courtship and a year later we got married. Very shortly after that his demeanor changed. He started acting jealous, trying to control what I wore and getting in between my relationships with friends and family.

I don’t remember the first time he beat me; I just remember it didn’t stop after that. Every day he would get upset about something and beat me. He was a tall man and would grab me by my throat hold me off the ground until I passed out while punching me in the head. In the beginning, I would run into the bathroom and lock the door and hide in the shower. But he kicked the door open, and beat me in the shower. He then removed the bathroom door so I couldn’t hide in there again.

I remember running out of the of the house one freezing winter night in just my clothes and socks. It was so cold outside but I didn’t care! I ran and ran until I found a building to hide behind. I sat behind an Arby’s restaurant shaking and crying, thinking about what to do, who to call. Since I had cut off all ties with friends and family, there was no one. As I sat there shaking and crying, I realized I had no place to go so I got up and walked back to the house. He beat me and raped me that night, telling me it was my fault and that I made him do it.

The beatings and rapes continued until one night I stood chopping carrots in the kitchen getting dinner ready and he walked in. He was in a bad mood. I knew what was coming as his voice started escalating. I remember thinking what kind of life is this? I wanted to get married, be loved, have kids and a beautiful home. But here I was. I remember thinking, I would rather spend the rest of my life in jail for murder than live like this. It was like I had left my body and I was watching in slow motion; I took the knife I had in my hand raised my arm and spun around. I screamed at him ready to stab him and something stopped me, I came back to reality thinking I had just stabbed him, but something stopped me. I saw fear in his eyes for the first time. He never touched me again and it wasn’t long after that I left for good.

Parte 5 Click Here.