Minha identidade em cristo (Parte 1 & 2)

Minha identidade em cristo (Parte 1 & 2)

blog da Luci

Minha identidade em cristo (Parte 1)


2 Corinthians 5:17 “Portanto, se alguém está em Cristo, ele (ela) é uma nova criação. O velho já passou; contemplar, o novo chegou.”

Romanos 8:1 “Portanto, agora nenhuma condenação há para aqueles que estão em Cristo Jesus.”

John 15:15 “Já não os chamo de servos, pois o servo não sabe o que seu senhor está fazendo; mas eu chamei vocês de amigos, pois tudo o que ouvi de meu Pai eu vos revelei”.

Quando eu era uma garotinha, Lembro-me de ter uma sensação geral de felicidade e liberdade por ser criança. Mas à medida que fui crescendo e comecei a desenvolver a consciência da minha identidade dentro da minha unidade familiar e fui vítima de abuso verbal e físico, minha perspectiva sobre quem eu era começou a mudar.

Na minha mente, eu era feio, estúpido, e geral, uma garota patética que ninguém amava ou queria estar. Lembro-me de meu pai dizendo repetidamente, “Por que você não pode ser como seu irmão ou por que você não pode ser como sua irmã?”Ele estava se referindo aos irmãos mais velhos que seguiram em frente e se tornaram bem-sucedidos, em seus olhos. Por causa de sua frustração e raiva desenfreada, ele atacou e nos fez sentir indesejados enquanto nos rebaixava, abusando de nós verbalmente. Minha mãe era uma pessoa quieta, mulher submissa com múltiplos (total de 15) crianças para cuidar. Ela não estava envolvida em nossas vidas, exceto para cuidar de nossas necessidades físicas. E os irmãos que ainda estavam em casa, me tratou com grande desprezo e me batia regularmente. Na idade 11, Eu estava sendo molestado por dois dos meus irmãos mais velhos e aos 12, Perdi minha virgindade com um homem viciado em drogas que era 14 anos mais velho, que morava no bairro. Ele literalmente se aproveitou da minha necessidade desesperada de amor e carinho e me convenceu a cooperar com suas intenções egoístas.. Eu não contei a ninguém, pois pensei que eles iriam me culpar; Eu acreditei em meu jovem coração que a culpa era minha.

Eu me senti um fracasso, que quando eu era um jovem adolescente, Comecei a me medicar com vinho e cerveja, e em um ponto, Eu me senti tão sem esperança, Eu tentei tirar minha própria vida! Obviamente, Eu não tive sucesso, mas na hora, Eu acreditava que era um fracasso mesmo assim! Eu não apenas me sentia indigno de ser amado, mas também me sentia sujo e tinha um grande sentimento de vergonha que me cobria como uma nuvem espessa..

À medida que cresci na minha adolescência, Continuei a abusar do álcool, adicionando bebidas destiladas e foi apresentado a todos os tipos de drogas ilegais, que experimentei diariamente. Vivi uma vida destrutiva de abuso de substâncias e promiscuidade. E com a idade 24, Cometi o que pensei ser uma ofensa imperdoável ao fazer um aborto, essencialmente encerrando a vida do que viria a ser meu único filho biológico. Este evento me mergulhou ainda mais profundamente em uma sensação de auto-aversão e vazio que eu ainda não havia experimentado. Na época em que eu estava 25, meu senso de autoestima estava no abismo; Eu não tinha esperança nem propósito para o meu futuro.

Então aconteceu! O Senhor Jesus, que me perseguiu durante anos através do testemunho de outros seguidores de Cristo, abri meus olhos para Sua incrível aceitação, amor e misericórdia por mim. E posso me lembrar da sensação de esperança e amor que fluiu através de mim como um rio caudaloso! Foi incrível! Minha autoperspectiva mudou naquele dia. Ousei acreditar que poderia ser algo mais do que havia me estabelecido. E embarquei em uma missão para toda a vida para conhecer o Deus que estaria disposto a morrer por mim, um patético, pecaminoso, garota feia e estúpida. Demorou anos de leitura da Bíblia, apoio de outros crentes em Jesus e algum aconselhamento bíblico, para eu aceitar minha nova identidade enquanto abracei 2 Corinthians 5:17, o que nos diz, “Portanto, se alguém está em Cristo, ele (ela) é uma nova criação. O velho já passou; contemplar, o novo chegou.”

Hoje, depois de caminhar com o Senhor por mais 37 anos, tendo Seu incrível Espírito Santo vivendo em mim, Aceito a verdade de que sou a filha preciosa de Deus, amado e querido além dos meus sonhos mais loucos! Ele me deu dignidade, autoestima e uma esperança futura. Já não me condeno porque segundo Romanos 8:1, “Portanto, agora nenhuma condenação há para aqueles que estão em Cristo Jesus.” Não aceito mais a tentativa dos outros de me manipular ou me rebaixar. Compreendi que posso ter limites e permanecer no controle, pelo poder e orientação do Espírito Santo.



Ver Minha identidade em cristo (Parte 2) abaixo.


blog da Luci

Minha identidade em cristo (Parte 2)



Qual é a sua identidade? Como é diferente de quando você conheceu e recebeu Jesus como seu Senhor?

Enquanto Jesus andava pela terra, ensinando e pregando sobre o Reino de Deus, Ele validou as mulheres e mostrou-lhes grande misericórdia e respeito. Ele foi contra a cultura em que viviam. Em contraste, a cultura deles os tratava como cidadãos de 3ª classe, com poucos direitos ou respeito. Ele aceitou, curado, amou e os ensinou. E Ele está disponível para fazer o mesmo por você e por mim hoje!

De acordo com Romanos 8:17, aqueles que se arrependeram de seus pecados e receberam Jesus como seu Senhor e Salvador, tornar-se Seus herdeiros (que é aquele que recebe a propriedade de uma propriedade e tudo o que há nela), mas neste caso, estamos recebendo o Reino de Deus em toda a sua incrível beleza e perfeição. Somos filhas preciosas e amadas do Rei e seremos por toda a eternidade!

Eu quero que você se imagine vestido com uma roupa luxuosa, manto branco esvoaçante, que é o símbolo da pureza e perfeição, e vamos ler o que diz em Isaías 61:1-3, que foi escrito 740-700 AC (antes de Jesus andar nesta terra).

“O espírito do Senhor Deus está sobre mim, porque o Senhor me ungiu para levar boas novas aos pobres; Ele me enviou para curar os corações quebrantados, proclamar liberdade aos cativos, e a abertura da prisão para aqueles que estão presos; proclamar o ano da graça do Senhor, e o dia da vingança do nosso Deus; para confortar todos os que choram; conceder aos que choram em Sião – dar-lhes um lindo cocar em vez de cinzas, o óleo da alegria em vez do luto, a vestimenta de louvor em vez de um espírito fraco; para que sejam chamados carvalhos de justiça, a plantação do Senhor, para que Ele seja glorificado.” ESV

Deus leva nossos trapos imundos, que é um símbolo de nossas vidas quebradas, e Ele os substitui por limpos, vestes brancas ou justiça, conforto, cura, alegria, paz e força!

Isaías 61:10 “Minha alma se alegrará muito no Senhor, minha alma exultará em meu Deus; pois Ele me vestiu com vestes de salvação, Ele me envolveu com um manto de justiça, como o noivo se adorna com uma guirlanda e como a noiva se adorna com as suas jóias.”



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Surrendering the Secret Bible Study

Teleconference Call


God Connects Hearts and Threads Lives

I had a wonderful opportunity to co-lead a Surrendering the Secret Bible study via conference call with Toni and Jane.

I have done these studies for years but not in this format. It was such an amazing experience, and we saw God quickly connect our hearts with the women in the group even though we didn’t meet face to face.

Each woman’s story helped another, and trust was built. The women were so transparent, and we saw God’s hand throughout as He threaded our lives together.

Personally, I was so encouraged by seeing God’s immense love for each of us and how He desires for us to be healed from the pain and shame of our past abortions.

He walked with each of us so tenderly through this healing journey bringing His truth and light. Somehow new life was born within as God gave each of us unique purpose where there was once deep pain, shame and guilt.

I am so thankful to be a part of this ministry where I see God’s grace, forgiveness and freedom experienced!

My hope and prayer are for many women to take a courageous step and begin this transforming healing journey.

Julie Cruz

The Conference Call was a God Send

Over this summer I was able to participate in “Surrendering the Secret” (STS) phone conference Bible study.

No passado, I had been on Toni’s Sunday’s conference calls, so this wasn’t new to me. The Sunday conference calls are topical in nature and were a great support for me and my walk with the Lord. I learned so much on these conference call sessions and was excited to join in on the STS study.

Our STS study was on Thursday evenings and lasted 1½ hours. We had some amazing girls in our group, and over the course of the weeks I grew to love them and pray for them. I was in awe of what the Lord was doing in their lives.

It’s amazing to see the healing in others and connect with women that were wounded the same way I was, from a past abortion.

The phone conference Bible study was so convenient because it allowed me to be at home and not have to travel. Many of the women were about 1 hour away.

This study reminded me of how the Lord can bring healing to hurting women that desperately need freedom from the chains of shame and brokenness. I had taken the class several times and this was the first time I did it via a conference call on the phone.

God was in our midst and He was able to walk us through those areas that needed light and truth. I’m so thankful for Toni’s heart and desire to bring this study over the phone so anyone can join and distance is not a factor.

Praise God for He is Good and Mighty to Heal.

God Bless, Sharon

God Is Preparing Us to Be a Voice

I have been a part of the My Ashes to Beauty abortion recovery for a few years now. Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in the Surrendering the Secret Bible Study. When I embarked on this journey, I felt confident that I was in a good place with my abortion recovery and was looking forward to a little more healing.

This study was via conference call, once a week at a specific time, which made it very convenient and accessible for me to participate due to my busy schedule.

As I began this study, I realized I was just beginning my healing journey. I was taken to the deepest part of my soul which for 19 years I had locked my secret away so tightly. I walked through my ever-erupting emotions in a safe place for the first time ever in my life and was able to honestly share my story, shame, guilt, medo, disgust and pure hatred of myself because of what I had done to my child. As we all shared our stories and our heartbreak, I could see the healing taking place.

When we speak of unspeakable things, we are released from the bondage and hold it has on us, and we can begin to heal.

My healing journey was beginning, I was grieving, crying, having trouble sleeping and anxious, but as I continued the study I was smiling, laughing and had peace in my heart for the first time.

I was able to come to terms with what I had actually done, found forgiveness and have peace that my child is with my Lord in heaven, and one day I will be reunited with him.

We all have different reasons and circumstances as to why we made the choice to abort our child or children, but there is healing available to each and every one of us.

I believe that as each of us is healed, God is preparing us to be a voice for our children and all the children that have been aborted.

I am excited for the opportunity to be used by God to help other women in post abortive, prevention and anywhere He leads me.

Rhonda Bouchlas

I Received Significant Healing

Back in April, I was desperately searching for some help with my abortion healing and recovery.

I had fallen into a deep depression that I couldn’t get myself out of. I had covered up my abortion for 2 years and told no one about it.

Luckily, I found Toni, who graciously welcomed me into her Sunday conference call, as well as the Surrendering the Secret Bible study during the week.

The Surrendering the Secret study was more intimate with only a few women. The study was about 2 months long, and all of us held each other accountable to be on the call every week.

The Bible study conference calls were something I looked forward to every week. I knew that every week I was able to talk with people who cared and understood what I was going through.

We went through the readings and questions, diving deep into the core of our trauma. This wasn’t an easy process; it was emotional to get through.

Every week I gained more clarity. I can honestly say that by the end of the study, I received significant healing.

This bible study was a blessing that God gave to me, and I will never forget it.


Passionate About Changing Lives with Teleconference Venues

My abortion experiences occurred when I was a teenager and young woman, around the time that Roe v. Wade was passed and Planned Parenthood grew into the abortion business it has become. I hadn’t thought about these tragic events much anymore. I had been a victim of rape at the age of thirteen and continued with a rebellious, unchallenged lifestyle without God in my life or much supervision, throughout my teen and young womanhood years. This led to my secretive, deadly choices, without counseling or telling my parents or friends.

During the spring of 2019, I began a “Surrendering the Secret” (Pat Layton, 2008) Bible study group, as part of an abortion recovery requirement for consideration to become a counselor at a local First Care Women’s Clinic crisis center.

At first, I attended weekly sessions with a group of women at a church about an hour away from my home. When I started a new job, the work hours conflicted with this group. I contacted the director of the study group, and she connected me to Toni Weisz and her weekly teleconference group.

This was the best possible scenario. I am so grateful God made this possible. It was convenient to drive home and join the call and participate in comfort and privacy. I could even have my dinner as we began our class, since our phones were on mute as we proceeded.

Toni and the co-facilitator, Sharon, were comforting, gave wonderful guidance and made the whole experience easy and fulfilling. There were two other women in my group, who were wonderful to spend time with as well. We each listened to each other, timing was perfect and we followed along in our books and the format Toni designed with Scripture and discussion.

As we reached the end of the eight week series, we gathered for a memorial service during the seventh week, prepared by Toni and Sharon at a private home. This was touching and comforting. We enjoyed a light lunch meal and fellowship. It was joyful to meet everyone in person for the first time and chattered (as females do) about experiences, ideas and future plans for our personal healing and ministry to help others.

I highly recommend the teleconference format and look forward to participating again and leading groups myself. It is not only a great option for women (and men) who don’t live near each other and have hectic lives filled with family and work. It is private option for people who are uncomfortable meeting in public places for this personal subject.

These study groups are not readily available at churches and other venues, which is something we all feel passionate about changing so that more lives can be touched by this healing ministry and the loving forgiveness of Jesus. I am grateful to Toni, Sharon, First Care Women’s Clinics, Surrendering the Secret author Pat Layton and the other women I spent time in study with.

Nanette Gordon, Boca Raton, Florida August 24, 2019

Abortion Recovery

Sunday Teleconference Call


I Now Have a Healthier Perspective on Who I Am in Christ

Dentro 2017, Toni asked me to join in the conference calls to encourage the women who were struggling with the life choices they had made and were sometimes continuing to make.

These include abortion, substance abuse, unhealthy relationships and many other life choices that keep us from growing in our walk with Jesus.

Each week the facilitator discusses a topic which includes godly principles along with scripture to get us thinking on how we can relate to that particular life choice or past hurt that we need to heal from and how God can bring this healing into our lives.

We then have opportunity to share as she opens the call to all participants who feel comfortable and would like to share what is on their hearts and minds.

My experience from participating on this call has been so incredible! I have not only been used of God to encourage and build other women up, but I have grown in my walk with the Lord as we pursue the discussions.

God is using this ministry to bring healing I didn’t realize I needed and a deeper understanding to my life experiences.

It is giving me a healthier perspective on who I am in Christ.
