Post Abortion and Abuse Bible Study Testimonies

My Testimony by Judith

As I reflect on 2023, I recognize that God has placed amazing people in my life. As I write this testimony, the Holy Spirit is reminding me that I have not been grateful as I should. I sometimes dwell too much on what I have lost in the past and not on what God has done and is doing now. He has provided for me in many ways and in different areas of my life.

One very important thing God has used to help me with my spiritual walk is the My Ashes to Beauty support group that is led by Toni Weisz. God has ministered to me through this group for the following reasons:

  1. Relatability:
    With this group, I have received support and understanding during my difficult times. It feels good to know that I am not alone. There are always one or more ladies in the group that have gone through or are presently experiencing the same circumstances or worse. There is no judgement, only acceptance and love, in this group.
  2. Self-Examination:
    The questions that Toni sends us before we connect on the Sunday Conference Calls have been quite convicting and challenging for me. They have provoked me to really examine myself and my motives. They are good questions that I don’t normally ask myself.
  3. Sharing & Confession:
    The Bible tells us that we need to confess our sins to one another so that we may be healed. And I believe that this group creates an atmosphere where we are free to confess or share anything that is heavy on our hearts. This group is committed to confidentiality, and I truly appreciate that.
  4. Accountability/Leadership:
    In all my Christian life, I don’t think I have ever experienced the high level of follow up and accountability that this group has shown. It’s not just the accountability but also, and most importantly, the love and care. It has been a privilege being under the leadership of those under this ministry and the Surrendering the Secret Bible Study, the Post-Abortion Bible Study, E the Overcomers Abuse Bible Study. I’m so thankful for them: Toni, Luci, Colleen, Sonia, Marlys, Pam, Jessica, and Heather. They are all amazing, and I love them so much.
  5. Prayer:
    This group is made up of incredible prayer warriors. It has been such a blessing to me to see the expression of love and concern for one another through prayer. I know that I am continually covered by the prayers of this ministry.

I thank God for His amazing mercy and grace over my life. He was so instrumental in bringing me to this incredible ministry that has impacted my life in an extraordinary way. I still have more to go, but I Praise God what he has done so far.

God’s Faithfulness

When I joined My Ashes to Beauty last year, it was due to a small yet persistent voice (Lo spirito Santo) telling me it was time to share my story of strength and hope. I had heard this voice before, but God wasn’t done healing some major issues in my life yet. After I joined and did the Surrendering the Secret Bible Study (I had done an abortion recovery program with First Care 16 years prior), I was overwhelmed once more with God’s agape love for me and complete forgiveness of my sin by the blood of Jesus Christ for my two abortions.

This year I completed the Overcomers Abuse Study, for I had suffered emotional, physical and sexual abuse in my past. This taught me, once again, that God was always there and that Jesus and His Father loved me through all of these difficult times. I am excited to share the true message that God wants every hurting woman to know. Through Christ, we can not only have real healing but also complete forgiveness for our sins. We CAN live in Joy, Peace and True Happiness in a relationship with the Holy Trinity — God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.

1 John 4:16
So we have come to know and to believe the love God has for us. God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in Him.

Grateful and humble believer,
Heather Rodger