Por que não eu confio em você, senhor?

Por que não eu confio em você, senhor?

Essa semana, it will be 39 years since I had my abortion back in 1980 as a 21-year-old college student. I was far from home and far from God. Why didn’t I trust You Lord and have my baby? Why couldn’t I go to my parents and say I made a mistake? I was paralyzed with fear, anxiety, and torment.

Why didn’t Eve trust God? He was not trying to control them or hold back anything good from them. He was protecting them. Why does God not want us to have sex before marriage? Is He trying to control us or rather, protect us? Sin is destructive, it hurts our relationships with God and others, and it cost our children their lives.

I didn’t trust you Lord because I was not following Your laws and I was not seeking Your wisdom in my life. I was in the clutches of the enemy who was directing my steps and tormenting me to do evil and ungodly things. I was blinded by my own woundedness and my unhealthy coping mechanisms due to my depression, solidão, isolation, and torment. My spirit was grieved, and suicide became a real consideration, especially after that horrific day: the day I took my baby’s life. But You Lord are gracious and kind, and You pursued me until I came to the end of myself and relinquished control of my life to You. That glorious day was February 6, 1994. I finally realized my life was a mess. I was so lonely and hungered for true healing and fulfillment in my life. I no longer wanted to just get by; I wanted to truly live. In John 10:10 we read Jesus’ Words, The thief does not come except to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Going forward from here, how do I trust God and give Him access to all of me? Primeiro, I must believe in my heart that He truly loves me and has my best interests at heart. I must recognize that His love does not compare with any other love in this world. It is pure, sagrado, unselfish, gentle, and eternal. I must repent and turn from my sins and recognize that Jesus died on the cross for MY SINS!!! In Romans 10:9-10, 13, That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

I am so grateful for all the pain and brokenness I have experienced in my life, because it is the very thing that brought me to God.

In His love and service,

— Toni

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O que é pecado?

O que é pecado?

Sin is living in rebellion against God’s laws. Sin was passed down to us from our first parents, Adam and Eve. Since the fall, the whole earth and every inhabitant has been affected by sin. In essence, sin is a choice to go our own way apart from God’s perfect plans. Sin is self-seeking, prideful, and destructive:

“O pecado vai te levar mais longe do que você quer ir, te manter mais tempo do que você quer ficar, and cost you more than you want to pay. –” R Zaccharias

Genesis 3: 1-5 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the senhor God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ” Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul who sins shall die.

We see from the garden that Satan has been deceiving us into believing that sin is acceptable, that everybody does it, and that there are no consequences for it. As a result of Adam and Eve’s sin the whole world was plunged into sin, death, and destruction. Before that time there was no sin or death. Everything and everyone lived in perfect harmony. Sin destroyed the garden, the relationship between Adam and Eve, their relationship with God, and even the relationship between animals (after the fall, animals no longer just ate grass and herbs).  In short, the whole world suffered the consequences of their sin. Once they sinned, Adam and Eve experienced separation from God for the first time. They felt shame, guilt, fear and loss.

When I found out I was pregnant at 21, I ran and hid, just like Adam and Eve did. I didn’t want my parents to find out. I thought I could take care of it quickly, on my own, no big deal. That was a lie from the pit of hell. It was a huge deal, and this supposed quick fix plunged me head long into a deeper depression than before. Suicidal thoughts, feelings of unworthiness, self-loathing and despair overshadowed me. I felt I was all alone in a dark place, where no one knew how badly I was struggling with my decision.

Why are we so affected by abortionBecause we are going against our very nature, God created women to nurture, love, and take care of their children. Instead, we did the opposite and murdered our children. I know that sounds harsh, but it is the truth. The enemy is lying to young woman today, saying that abortion is healthcare and that it is a form of contraception, that is a lie, it is terminating a life. For a woman, nothing good comes out of abortion, nothing.

I am so grateful to God for having mercy upon me. This broken woman who once was barely surviving, is now a woman thriving and filled with the Holy Spirit of God (my constant companion, guide, and friend).  I am hopeful, joyful, and loved completely by God. I am His precious daughter. I pray that you too can experience peace with God and a relationship with Jesus Christ, His Son. God bless you, dear one.


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Idolatria e Codependência

Idolatria e Codependência

Idolatria e Codependência
Ferramentas de recuperação/recuperação de aborto
Êxodo 20:3-5uma

Êxodo 20:3-5a “Não terás outros deuses diante de mim. “Não farás para ti imagem esculpida, semelhança alguma do que há em cima nos céus, ou que está na terra abaixo, ou que está na água sob a terra; não te curvarás a eles nem servirás (adoração) eles. para mim, o Senhor teu Deus, sou um Deus ciumento…”

Idolatria é o ato de colocar algo ou alguém antes de Deus em nossos corações ou mentes. Os ídolos são obsessões que nos consomem. Um ídolo pode ser um trabalho, dinheiro, um esporte ou hobby, um relacionamento, ou um problema físico; qualquer coisa que colocamos diante de Deus.

No passado, coloquei meu marido, minhas crianças, tênis, e outras pessoas diante de Deus. Na verdade, Fiquei tão consumido com o que os outros pensavam de mim, Eu me tornei quem eles queriam que eu fosse como resultado, Eu não sabia quem eu realmente era. Meu medo de rejeição e abandono emparelhado com minha necessidade de amor e aceitação, me fez um prazer para as pessoas. Eu não tinha limites, então aceitei comportamentos inaceitáveis ​​dos outros. Eu nunca poderia dizer não porque não queria decepcioná-los. Eu permiti que as pessoas me manipulassem, me controle, e me trata muito mal. No fundo eu senti que merecia, especialmente depois do meu aborto. Eu me odiava e achava que não tinha valor para ninguém... nem mesmo para Deus. então, Eu permiti que outros abusassem de mim.

Para me proteger, Eu estava obcecado em controlar tudo e todos. Eu não confiava em ninguém e acreditava que todos iriam me machucar... até o próprio Deus. Não ter controle era um pensamento assustador para mim, então eu estava com medo de colocá-lo em primeiro lugar. Dentro 2010, Entrei para um programa de recuperação para filhos adultos de alcoólatras (ACOA). Enquanto lá, Percebi que tinha que entregar o controle a Deus e admitir que minha vida havia se tornado incontrolável. Foi quando comecei a aprender a confiar em Deus. Aprendi a liberar indivíduos e situações em Suas mãos capazes, me libertando de carregar esses fardos e me sentindo pessoalmente responsável por muitas coisas. Aprendi que Deus quer ser o primeiro na minha vida. Lendo Sua Palavra, diário, e meditar nas Escrituras logo pela manhã tornou-se um hábito diário para mim. Eu ansiava pelo meu tempo especial com Ele e somente com Ele, todo dia

De acordo com a Mental Health America, a definição de codependência é uma condição emocional e comportamental que afeta a capacidade de um indivíduo ter uma vida saudável, relacionamento mutuamente satisfatório. Também é conhecido como “vício em relacionamento” porque as pessoas com codependência geralmente formam ou mantêm relacionamentos unilaterais, emocionalmente destrutivo e/ou abusivo (https://www.mhanational.org/co-dependency). Em recuperação, Aprendi sobre a condição de codependência e como eu estava tão envolvido com a vida de outras pessoas que não conseguia me desligar delas. A vida deles afetou demais a minha. Eu tive que dar um passo para trás e permitir que eles tomassem suas próprias decisões, aprender com seus erros, e sofrer as consequências de suas próprias ações. Eu não precisava mais pular para consertar, resgatar, ou salvar outros. Aprendi que não sou Deus, nem posso controlar outra pessoa. Cresci acreditando que tinha o poder de deixar as pessoas felizes ou tristes com minhas palavras e ações; isso foi uma mentira do diabo. Eu nunca tive tanto controle. Assim que percebi isso, Eu me entreguei a Deus e dei a Ele todas as pessoas e situações da minha vida que eu tentava controlar.. Finalmente, pela primeira vez, Eu era responsável apenas por mim.

Doze anos depois, Agora vejo como Deus dirigiu meu caminho. Ele me levou a obter a ajuda que eu precisava para que eu pudesse ser liberto para viver a vida abundante que Jesus veio me dar. Ele pegou minhas cinzas e meus pecados e os usou para o meu bem e para a glória dele. Sou muito grato por Sua fidelidade e amor ao longo dos anos. Eu não estaria onde estou hoje se não fosse por Jesus me conduzindo e guiando.

Perguntas & Considerações finais:

ÍDOLOS, n. eu. tijolo ídolo. Gr. ídolo, e adorar ou servir.

  1. A adoração de ídolos, imagens, ou qualquer coisa feita por mãos, ou o que não é Deus. A idolatria é de dois tipos; a adoração de imagens, estátuas, As fotos, etc. feito por mãos; e a adoração dos corpos celestes, o sol, Lua e estrelas, ou de demônios, anjos, homens e animais.
  2. Apego excessivo ou veneração (grande respeito ou reverência) para qualquer coisa, ou o que beira a adoração.

(Definições de Dicionário Americano Webster da Língua Inglesa, 1828.)

  1. Você tem ídolos em sua vida??
  2. Você teve problemas de codependência em seu passado? Como você os superou?
  3. Você confia em Deus e está colocando-O em primeiro lugar?? Se não, Do que você tem medo?

Oro para que este tópico tenha lhe dado consciência sobre algumas áreas em sua vida que Deus quer que você mude.. Deus o abençoe enquanto você busca Sua sabedoria e orientação.

Você é amado,

— Toni

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Philippians 2:2-4, Gálatas 5:22-23

God wants me to spend less time thinking of myself, and more time thinking of Him and others.

Self-pity is being consumed with thoughts about oneself, usually regarding some unfair situation or treatment by others. Self-pity is feeling sorry for yourself and asking yourself questions like, “Why Me? Why is God not doing something about this situation that I am in?”

I feel self-pity when I perceive an injustice, when I am feeling rejected or left out, when I compare myself to other women, or when I am hurt and disappointed by another’s actions. Self-pity is a dark, slippery, deep hole. In this pit I feel alone, abandoned by others, and tormented.

When I focus on self and not God, I have a distorted view of truth. I feel hopelessness because I am doing things in my own strength. I cannot see how my circumstances can change because I am powerless to change them. When I focus on self and not God, the enemy sees that I am vulnerable and attacks me with his fiery darts. My head and eyes are cast down, I am heavy with no energy, and I feel all alone. When I am looking down, I cannot see God and be thankful for all the things He does for me on a daily basis. This is the enemy’s plan. He wants me to isolate myself from God and others. He wants me to focus on that one thing I don’t have, and he continues to lie to me until I start believing him. Then, he has me exactly where he wants me. His purpose in this world is to steal, kill, and destroy me, my testimony, my joy, and my trust in God.

I also know I am in self-pity mode when I compare myself to other women, being critical and judgmental towards them. This happens when I am feeling insecure about myself and I am not walking in the Spirit (Gálatas 5:22-23). When I catch myself thinking like this and speaking harsh things, I immediately recognize I am in sin, confess this to God, and ask for forgiveness. Instead of judging others, I need to look for the similarities between us and seek out the good in them. Who am I to judge another person? Only Jesus is Judge. I am commanded by God to love others.

How can we get out of the pit of despair and negative thoughts?

  • The Word of God replaces those negative thoughts and lies with His truth. It is His truth that makes us free. (John 8:32)


  • By focusing on others. We read in Philippians 2:2-4: “Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let His mind be in you (The mind that was in Christ).”

In His love & service,


Leia mais sobre os blogs de Toni AQUI.

Seu são seguros Aqui

You are safe here...

If you had an abortion in your past, you have found a safe place.

Here, you are safe to share your heart and your tears over your abortion decision, whether it was by choice or if someone forced you.

If you are overwhelmed with feelings of loss, shame, guilt, solidão, depressão, desespero, and it’s hard for you to function, we can walk with you and help you get the love and support you need, so you can heal.

You are in the right place for hope and healing through the Word of God, Jesus Christ, and a safe and loving environment for you to share without fear of judgment or condemnation.

I have been doing post-abortion recovery since 2006 through various Bible Studies and venues.

Dentro 2013, I started post-abortion conference calls on Sunday afternoons, and I have a team of healed godly women ready to minister to you.

I have several options available to help you release your shame and guilt associated with your past abortion.

In exchange for those heavy burdens is a relationship with Jesus, having His peace, and experiencing true freedom. Here are the options:

  1. A conference call every Sunday afternoon at 4:00 PM EST. Each week we discuss a different topic. Most of the women on the call have experienced the loss of a child to abortion, and others struggle with unhealthy relationships, addictions, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Conference Call: 605-562-8400, PIN 4746600#

You’ll find more info on the Sunday Teleconference call at myashestobeauty.com/events

2. There are post-abortion Bible Studies available in many locations and venues. Face-to-face Bible Study meetings are available at a specific location and time, as well as a conference call Bible Study.

3. There are topics available on this site to help encourage you.

4. You can reach out if you need to talk with someone via telephone, text message, and/or email, whichever you prefer.

5. You can find other resources from different organizations that help with unplanned pregnancies and post-abortion recovery on our Recursos page.

Most importantly, we are very proud of you for stepping out and seeking help and healing.

We are so honored to walk with you on this healing journey.

God Bless You.

— Toni